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Complex prot mixture ID £35 £55 £70 £105 £175

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1 Complex prot mixture ID £35 £55 £70 £105 £175
These prices are to be used as a guide only. Prices may vary for specific samples/techniques depending upon work involved. Internal FEC External academic Non academic Internal EastChem Single prot ID 20 min LCMS or MALDI run Prot mixture ID 60-100min run Complex prot mixture ID 3 hr run £35 £55 £70 £105 £175 £50 £75 £100 £150 £250 Protein ID £70 £105 £140 £210 £350 iTRAQ or SWATH IDA run Including prefractionation SWATH quantitation run Includes washes to eliminate carryover and SWATH quantitation processing £70 £105 £140 £210 £350 Protein Quant £75 £115 £150 £225 £375 £30 £45 £60 £90 £150 Intact protein LCMS Infusion LCMS £15 £25 £30 £45 £75 Small molecule £30 £45 £60 £90 £150 £15 £25 £30 £45 £75 MALDI analysis Single spot

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