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Enlightenment Anticipation Guide

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1 Enlightenment Anticipation Guide
Next to each statement, write: SA if you Strongly Agree A if you Agree D if you Disagree SD if you Strongly Disagree

2 The Enlightenment

3 Enlightenment A European intellectual movement
Ideas about God, reason, nature and man were developed Led to revolutions around the world and shaped the U.S.


5 Before The Enlightenment…
Most ideas were based on religion Most countries had monarchies & believed in Divine Right

6 During the Enlightenment
Philosophers challenge these ideas New ideas about government are developed Scientists come up with a new model of the universe As a result, the world changes

7 The Enlightenment Philosophers

8 Three Philosophers… Which philosopher are you?

9 Thomas Hobbes English Political thinker of 1600s
Influenced by English Civil War Man’s life: “nasty, brutish and short”

10 John Locke English political thinker of the 1600s
Sent into exile - suspected of plotting to assassinate King Charles II Declaration of Independence is based on his ideas

11 Jean Jacques Rousseau French philosopher of 1700s
Believed in direct democracy Influenced the French Revolution

12 Read about the philosophers
Answer the questions The questions will help you determine: Which philosopher are you?

13 Discussion: Philosophers
What are the main ideas of each philosopher? How are these ideas revolutionary in this time period?

14 Free Write Which philosopher do you most closely agree with Why?
Use the anticipation guide statements to support your answer.

15 Exit Card Rank the philosophers according to how much you agree with them (Example: 1. Hobbes, 2. Rousseau, 3. Locke)

16 Later this week You will be in a group with other Hobbesians, Lockeians, or Rousseauians You will create an ideal country based on the ideals of your philosopher

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