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Antiseptics kill pathogens outside of the body.

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Presentation on theme: "Antiseptics kill pathogens outside of the body."— Presentation transcript:

1 Living in a clean environment and building immunity help keep a person healthy.

2 Antiseptics kill pathogens outside of the body.
do not target specific pathogens cause pathogen to burst ex. soap, rubbing alcohol

3 Antibiotics kill pathogens inside the body
target one specific bacterium or fungus cause pathogen to burst not effective against viruses

4 Antibiotic resistance can cause medicines
to become ineffective. A bacterium carries genes for antibiotic resistance on a plasmid. A copy of the plasmid is transferred through conjugation. Resistance is quickly spread through many bacteria. Caused by: misuse or overuse of antibiotics Use in livestock feed Antibacterial soaps

5 Vaccines control pathogens and disease
given to prevent illness produce artificial immunity contain the antigen of a weakened pathogen *NO evidence that vaccines cause autism!

6 Community Immunity-Everyone is protected if a large % of people are vaccinated. (80-95%)
People may opt out Personal Beliefs Medical Reasons

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