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Comparing Forms of Government

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1 Comparing Forms of Government
Chapter 2

2 Political Economy Link between economic and political systems
Belief that economic systems will create laws / institutions that protect the economic systems

3 Political Economy Political Democracy Aristocracy Monarchy Economic
anarchy Aristocracy Oligarchy dictatorship Monarchy tyranny Economic Market economy Traditional economy Command economy

4 Origins and Evolution of Government
City - State: Sumerians (Iraq 3000BC) Direct Democracy: Athens (Greece 5th Century BC) Representative Democracy (Rome 500 BC) Middle Ages: Feudalism to Nation-State Feudalism Absolute Monarchs v. Early Parliaments

5 Age of Revolutions Monarchs as despots 1215 Magna Carta
King John (trial by jury, due process, life, liberty, property) 1628 Petition of Rights Charles I (unlawful detention; limited martial law) 1688 Bill of Rights: Glorious Revolution or Bloodless Revolution (1688 England): constitutional monarchy; William and Mary (parliamentary elections, fair trial, freedom from excess bail, cruel and unusual punishment)

6 Age of Revolution American Revolution: constitutional democracy
Den of terrorists French Revolution (1789): constitutional democracy to authoritarian regime; totalitarianism Russian Revolution (1917): ‘communism’ Theory v. Reality

7 Modern Totalitarianism
Communism Joseph Stalin ( ) USSR Communism party supreme power State control economy Suppression of opposition Hostility to religion, human rights

8 Modern Totalitarianism
Fascism Benito Mussolini ( ) Italy Dictator supreme power Every one serve the state (Hegel) Extreme nationalism Censorship and terror

9 Modern Totalitarianism
Nazism Adolf Hitler ( ) Germany Nazi party holds supreme power Racial superiority Territorial expansion Elimination of ‘inferior minorities’ Reject democracy / civil liberties

10 Forms of Government: Today
Monarchy Rule by one Hereditary Ruler King Salman, Saudi Arabia (crowned January 23, 2015)

11 Forms of Government: Today
Dictatorship Rule by one Military coup d’etat or coup Military overthrough of Pres. Robert Mugabe (37 years reign; replaced by Emmerson Mnangagwa) zimbabwe

12 Forms of Government: Today
Theocracy Rule of a few religious leaders Single state supported religion Vatican City (nation); Pope Iran; Islamic Republic Ayatollah Khomeini

13 Forms of Government: Today
Single-Party State Constitution allows for one party Or people ‘move’ to dominate party - sycophancy Leading member of party control party and government elite

14 Forms of government Direct democracy Athens, Ancient Greece
Ohlone Indians, California Switzerland Referendum on laws Initiative recall

15 Forms of Government: Today
Parliamentary Democracy Prime Minister Ministers with portfolios Parliament ministers Votes of no confidence People elect parliament; parliament elects prime minister Great Britain; Canada

16 Forms of Government: Today
Presidential Democracy People elect president (directly or indirectly) People elect legislature Responsive to people Legitimacy Checks and balances Difficult to remove president gridlock

17 Distribution of Power Unitary system Centralized
Power in national government Japan Great Britain

18 Distribution of Power Federal System Federalism
National and regional (state or province) share power Flexible Experiment with policy Address local needs

19 Distribution of Power Confederal system Confederation
States have more power than central government (national government) Articles of confederation - first American Government South during the Civil War Supranational Organizations: European Union (EU)

20 Economic Systems Basic Questions all Economic Systems must answer
What goods and services should be produced? How should these goods and services be produced? For Whom? How should the people share the goods and services?

21 Four Factors of Production
How should the factors of production be used? Land Labor Capital Entrepreneurship

22 Economic Systems: Traditional
Decisions are made by custom (ancestors) - three basic questions Inuit of Alaska

23 Economic Systems: Market Economies
Market economy; capitalism, free enterprise Interaction of supply and demand Invisible hand: individual decisions of producers and consumers

24 Economic systems: Command Economies
Government decides three basic questions Socialism /Communism Central planners Problems: shortages

25 Economic Systems: Mixed Economies
Blends reliance on market forces with government involvement in the market place Regulation Inspection USA: market to mixed economy PRC: Command to mixed economy

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