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Business data modeling Car Rental example Alar Krist Alar

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Presentation on theme: "Business data modeling Car Rental example Alar Krist Alar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Business data modeling Car Rental example Alar Krist Alar
Business data modeling Car Rental example Alar Krist

2 Simplified description of business

3 Simplified description of a car rental business
The essence of the car rental business: customers rent cars We have many offices in many countries We have many cars we group cars by car types (small, medium, big) We assign rental price to each car type Customer can make bookings for car types (not for concrete cars) Customer visits an office and rents a free car or customer makes a rental agreement for a car Customer returns the car to an office Clerk creates an invoice to customer Customer pays the invoice by card or by cash

4 A main real life pattern how concepts are related
Party Event Thing Events relates parties and things

5 Main types of business entities – parties, events, things
The essence of the car rental business: customers rent cars A main method – mark main business concepts by different colors We have many offices in many countries We have many cars we group cars by car types (small, medium, big) We assign rental price to each car type Customer can make bookings for car types Customer visits an office and rents a free car or customer makes a rental agreement for a car Customer returns the car to an office Clerk creates an invoice to customer Customer pays the invoice by card or by cash Question: do we need store and manage information on all marked concepts?

6 Main candidates of business entities – parties, events, things
Office Country Car Car type Customer Booking Rental agreement Return Invoice Questions: is a rental agreement an event or a logical thing? is an invoice a logical thing or an event?

7 Main information needs – we need register and manage next data
Car: VIN, registry number, producer, model, color Customer: Name, personal registration number, mobile phone numbers, addresses, Passport number or ID card number, driver license number Booking: Car type, planned rental office, rental start date and time, planned return office, return date and time Rental agreement: Car, starting mileage, rental office, rental start date and time, planned return office, return date and time Return: Return office, return date and time, return mileage Invoice: Invoice date, invoice number, invoice amount (number of rented days * daily price of the rented car type), VAT

8 Examples of business data definitions

9 Definitions of main business concepts
Office Country Car Car type Customer Booking Rental agreement Return Invoice A quick exercise – define the main concepts!

10 Business concepts for BIM: how concepts are related

11 Descriptions of structural business rules – how concepts are related
Car and Car type R1: One car type groups many cars; each car has exactly one car type Customer and Booking R2: One customer makes many bookings; one booking is made exactly by one customer Customer and Rental agreement R3: One customer concludes (zero or) many rental agreements; one rental agreement is concluded by exactly one customer. Rental agreement and Office R4: Each rental agreement has exactly one actual rental office; one office may be an actual rental office for many rental agreements; R5: Each rental agreement has exactly one planned return office; one office may be a planned return office for many rental agreements; A quick exercise – define missing structural business rules!

12 BIM fragments and business rules: how concepts are related

13 Examples of business data Models

14 Real life patterns how entities are related
Party Event Thing We apply the pattern for Car rental Booking Car type Customer Rental Car Return

15 Draft Business Information model
Booking Car type Customer Booked car type Rental office and time Return office and time Name Code Rental price Customer Rental Car Costomer Rented car Rental office and time Return office and time Start mileage Name Personal ID number Phone numbers Mail addresses Driver license ID card or passport VIN Registry number Producer Model Color Status Return Customer Returned car Return office and time End mileage

16 Draft Business Information model
Car type Country Booking Name Code Currency VAT % Office Rental Car Name Country City Address Phone numbers Mail addresses Opening times Return

17 Entity level BIM – business decision: on what concepts we need information

18 Attribute level BIM– business decision: what detail information is needed

19 BIM context – business knowledge: how concepts are related

20 BIM context – business knowledge: how concepts are related

21 Examples of IT data models

22 Loogiline andmemudel variant 1 – IT arhitekti otsus

23 Loogiline andmemudel variant 2 - IT arhitekti otsus

24 Autorendi firma andmemudeli fragment – audit veerud

25 Autorendi firma andmemudeli fragment – Log tabel

26 Examples of IT data models – what exactly is behind IT data models

27 Loogiline andmemudel variant 2 – tabelite naide
Klient_ID Lep nr Vs Aeg Auto_ID 1 123 07okt 33 2 124 10okt 44 125 25okt 55 126 30okt 127 07nov 128 12nov Auto_ID Mark 33 VW 44 Audi 55 Ford Klient_ID Nimi 1 Alar 2 Mari

28 Organisatiooni Loogiline andmemudel – tabelite naide
Type ID Start date Org unit ID Related Org unit ID Type ID Name Org unit ID name Master org unit ID

29 Examples of IT data store architecture – what data is stored in what data base

30 Äriandmed erinevates andmebaasides 1
Rent Auto Org CRM Rent->Arve

31 Autorendi firma peamised andmekogumid ja andmevood 1
ESB Arve Arve Org – Org. struktuur, Kontor, Töötaja CRM – Kient, kontakt, Probleem Rent - Broneering, Rendileping, Tagastus Auto - Auto, rike, Remont RP – Arve, Konto, Kanne, Ost, müük Laekumine Bron, Rent, Tagastus Klient Kontor, Töötaja Ost, müük, kanne, Klient Auto Auto Töötaja Kontor HR rakendus CRM rakendus Rendi rakendus Auto rakendus RP rakendus

32 Äriandmed erinevates andmebaasides 2
Rent Rent<-Auto Org->Rent Rent<-CRM Rent->Arve

33 Autorendi firma peamised andmekogumid ja andmevood 2
ESB ESB ESB ESB Arve Arve Kontor Klient Auto Org – Org. struktuur, Kontor, Töötaja CRM – Kient, kontakt, Probleem Rent - Bron, Rent Tagastus, Kontor, Auto Auto - Auto, rike, Remont RP – Arve, Konto, Kanne, Ost, müük Laekumine Ost, müük, kanne, Bron, Rent, Tagastus Kontor, Töötaja Klient Auto HR rakendus CRM rakendus Rendi rakendus Auto rakendus RP rakendus

34 Autorendi firma peamised andmekogumid ja DW andmevood
Org CRM Rent Auto RP ETL - Extract, Transform, Load Org – Org. struktuur, Kontor, Töötaja CRM – Kient, kontakt, Probleem Rent - Broneering, Rendileping, Tagastus Auto - Auto, rike, Remont RP – Arve, Konto, Kanne, Ost, müük Laekumine

35 Autorendi firma DW andmemudel – 1 – loading columns

36 Autorendi firma DW andmemudel – 1 – history

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