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The national picture Transforming Care for children and young people

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1 The national picture Transforming Care for children and young people
September 2016

2 The wider Change Agenda for Children & Young people with Learning Disability &/or Autism
Children and young people with learning disabilities and / or autism SEND reforms Transforming Care Futures in Mind Schools / Education agenda Young Offenders agenda Childrens social work reform Ofsted / CQC Inspection framework This work requires joined up thinking & integrated processes between agencies and organisations to achieve the best outcomes for young lives.

3 Aims of the children and young people work stream
To prevent unnecessary admission to hospital and avoid lengthy stays, ensuring treatment has clearly defined outcomes, planning for discharge from admission (Care and Treatment Review policy) To identify specific pathways that will enable children and young people to remain with or near to family and get the support they need To ensure that children and young people with LD and/or autism leave school with a good education, health and care plan that supports their transition to adulthood leading to better outcomes for them and their families. To encourage innovative ideas to be tested/evaluated of supporting children, young people and families through a grants process To ensure children, young people and their parent carers participate and co-produce their local Transforming Care plans.

4 The Team Eric Barker – work stream lead Sue North – social care and
education adviser David Gill – learning disability adviser Phil Brayshaw – service model lead Tracy Holmes – Project Management Support Team now fully recruited and in place.

5 Regional Strategic Case Managers
Sarah Jackson - North Siobhan Gorry – North Tonita Whittier – Midlands & East Maureen Banda – London Cindy Gordillo– South

6 Governance Advisory User Group has parent carer representation
Learning disability adviser attends Steering Group consists of Department for Education, Department of Health, parent carer representatives, Association of Directors of Children’s Services, Council for Disabled Children, Association of Director of Adult Services

7 Children and young people in hospital
July 2016 140 children and young people in hospital due to learning disability and /or autism and behaviour that challenges who may or may not have mental health condition

8 Care and treatment reviews
Constantly changing numbers. 116 hospital CTRs completed for under 18s before April % led to a discharge or community plan being put in place. April to July there has been 38 hospital CTRs.30% with a positive outcome. 16 community CTRs completed between April and July.56% resulted in a decision not to admit . There are some anomalies in reporting and recording which we continue to explore.

9 At risk of admission register
Not clear if all areas have ensure their at risk of admission registers include children and young people Requirement that all children and young people in 52 week residential schools should be included (with agreement) Need to consider how this can link to Disabled Children’s Registers Consider where this is within local offers

10 Children and young people in 52 week residential schools
Local authority survey undertaken to determine how many children and young people with learning disability and / or autism are currently in 52 week residential schools 151 responses 1122 placed in 52 week schools 74% placed at distance

11 Children and young people in 52 week residential schools

12 Service model and children and young peoples pathway
. Service model and children and young peoples pathway work is underway Aim is for completion by October 2016 This should support commissioners and local partners as they plan and commission services to meet the needs of children and young people with learning disabilities and / or autism

13 Grants programme 20 small grants administered Jan – March 2016
Range of projects undertaken to support children and families with learning disabilities and autism National event held and report being finalised.

14 Themes Supporting children, young people and their families to enable them to remain living at home or in their local community. To ensure that young people who are placed in either 52 week residential special schools or specialist learning disability or mental health hospitals including assessment and treatment units, CAMHS inpatient service and secure services, are able to maintain strong links to their families and / or local communities that supports transition planning.

15 63 applications by the end of December 2015
A selection panel was held in early January 2016 to review and assess the applications. Panel members included: Representatives from NHS England Parent carer representatives Learning disability adviser

16 Grant Awardees Avenues Trust Inclusion North Barnardos KIDS
Barnet, Enfield & Haringey Mental Health Trust Mencap (Royal Mencap Society) Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Trust Mental Health Foundation Challenging Behaviour Foundation Midland Mencap Children’s Sleep Charity Mixit Days Circle of Life National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) Council for Disabled Children People Matter Isle of Wight Housing & Support Alliance School Development Support Agency Home-start Slough The Toby Henderson Trust

17 Learning National event held on September 13th
Some video clips of projects shortly available Report being compiled with outcomes from all of the grant projects

18 Lenehan Review Dame Christine Lenehan has been commissioned by the Department of Health to undertake a review of the progress, challenges and issues in relation to transforming care for Children and Young People Review is being finalised Working title is “Nobody’s business”

19 Contact details

20 Thank you for listening Any Questions?

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