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Corporate Communication Introduction & Strategy

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1 Corporate Communication Introduction & Strategy
Phillip G. Clampitt, Ph.D. 9/17/2018

2 1. Introduction Corporate communications is the strategic management of issues and relationships between an organization and its various constituent audiences. Key issues Strategy Issues Relationships with audiences 9/17/2018

3 Introduction cont. What CC/PR is Not Press kits News conferences
Press releases Web sites Schmoozing 9/17/2018

4 Audience Relationships (AA)
Introduction cont. Issue Mgt. Org. Identity Strategy Audience Relationships (AA) Risk Comm. Crisis Comm. 9/17/2018

5 2. What is strategy? Macro-level orientation
Implicit or explicit choices resulting in tradeoffs Who vrs. What When vrs. How Why vrs. What Goal Setting Anticipating other’s reactions Serves as a basis for action 9/17/2018

6 3. What makes strategy effective?
Links to organizational goals Legitimizes some issues/de-legitimizes others Shapes memory Makes sense out of the confusing and ambiguous Provides point of identity Evolves 9/17/2018

7 4. What are the strategic options?
Spray & Pray Sell & Tell Underscore & Explore Identify & Reply Withhold & Uphold 9/17/2018

8 Types of strategy cont. Effectiveness --- +++ Great Little
Underscore & Explore +++ Sell & Tell Identify & Reply Effectiveness Spray & Pray Withhold & Uphold --- Great Little Amount of Information 9/17/2018

9 5. Developing the strategy
Discover Study (Organ., People, Issues) Discern critical issues Establish Goals Create Strategy Assess 9/17/2018

10 Organizational Environment
Developing cont. Stage 1: Discover Stage 2: Create Stage 3: Assess Study - Organ. - People - Comm. Systems Discern Critical Issues Develop Strategy Assess Implement Establish Goals Organizational Environment 9/17/2018

11 6. Audiences/stakeholders
Activist publics Intraindustry players Interindustry players Potential activist publics Customers Employees Legislators Regulators Judiciary Investors Neighbors Media 9/17/2018

7. Issues analysis Issues identification Issues scanning Issues monitoring-tracking Issues analysis Issues prioritization FACTS - VALUES - CONCLUSIONS 9/17/2018

13 8. Issue Monitoring/Analysis Form
Name of issue Monitor’s name Internal liaisons External liaisons Relationship to other issues Lions, special-interest groups Stage of development Implications for org. Stress points/threats Opportunities Public policy plan Comm. plan Measurable outcomes Supporting documentation 9/17/2018

14 9. Gap Analysis Organization Performance Activities Policies
Procedures Stakeholder’s Expectations Gap Facts Values Policy 9/17/2018

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