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37C00450 Programming II Introduction to the Course - October 31th, 2017 Venkata Marella (Ven)

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Presentation on theme: "37C00450 Programming II Introduction to the Course - October 31th, 2017 Venkata Marella (Ven)"— Presentation transcript:

1 37C00450 Programming II Introduction to the Course - October 31th, 2017 Venkata Marella (Ven)

2 Content 1. Practicalities 2. Getting started 3. Troubleshooting 4. Getting help

3 1. Practicalities

4 Course overview This is an online self-paced course
– That means no lectures and no weekly deadlines – It doesn’t mean that you can pass without effort • By the end of the course, you will know: – HashMap data structure – Interface, Exceptions Handling – Inheritance – User Interfaces, Regular Expressions, etc.

5 Exercises 6 weeks’ worth of exercises – 50 individual tasks
– each broken up into smaller parts: 169 total • There is (1) deadline; you can work at your own pace • Each week’s exercises unlock only after completing 80% of the previous week’s exercises • Exercises must be completed before the first exam date (December 14, 2017) – even if you plan to take the second exam – else, you get only the points you have on that date

6 Exam Written exam – You will have 3 hours for the exam, closed book, hand-written exam • Exam consists of 2 sections: – theory: some definitions of core concepts – programming part: coding skills used in the exercises • There are only two chances to take the exam – Friday, December 15, :00–12:00) – Friday, February 02, )

7 Course workload

8 Grade composition You must obtain at least 50% of the points in each in order to pass the course.

9 Grade Scale No rounding, no exceptions;

10 Grade distribution (2016)

11 2. Getting Started

12 Step 1: Register in TMC Register a new user account by going to
Click the signup button. (Warning: Please, don’t register your account at Go to the above link) • Use your Student ID number as a username – if you use anything else, your exercises will not be counted

13 No… just no

14 Step 1: Register in TMC • Register a new user account by going to – • Use your Student ID number as a username – if you use anything else, your exercises will not be counted • You will need the following software in the course: – Java development kit (JDK) – NetBeans integrated development environment (IDE) – Test My Code plug-in (TMC) • The next slides will show you how to obtain them

15 Step 2: Install Java & NetBeans
1. Download the most recent version of JDK from html – unpack and follow the installation procedure ■ if you already have a version of JDK installed, you can skip this step ■ if you’re not sure, do this step anyway 2. Download NetBeans ■ scroll down the page until you see the links for your OS – JDK must already be installed (!)

16 Step 2: OR Install IntelliJ
Download IntelliJ ■ scroll down the page until you see the links for your OS – JDK must already be installed (!) TMC Plugin for IntelliJ To install the plugin, go to File -> Settings -> Plugins And click Browse repositories at the bottom. Then search for tmc, and you'll find TMC Plugin for IntelliJ. Click Install, wait a bit while it downloads and installs it, and restart the IDE by pressing the Restart IntelliJ IDEA button.

17 Step 3: Log in to the course
When you start tmcbeans/netbeans for the first time, you will see the window on the next slide – it can also be accessed via: Menubar ➤ TMC ➤ Settings… 1. Use the Username and Password chosen during TMC registration 2. Change Server address: 3. Click “Refresh list” 4. Select aalto-biz-2017-prog-2 from the list

18 Step 4: Log in to the course
/aalto-bz aalto-biz-2017-prog-2 Local Folder where you to save the code Preferred Language

19 Step 5: Setup the environment variables
If you are using java for the first-time on your laptop For Windows Right click “My Computer” and select “Properties” On the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables, and then select System Variables and then edit (or create a new variables) JAVA_HOME to point to where the JDK software is located( C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02 ) and make sure that “Bin” folder exists in the location. But, don’t include bin folder in the file path.

20 Step 6: Get started All course material can be found via this link 􂀑︎
– a week’s lectures are available at once • The link below has other instructions on how to register and get started provided by the University of Helsinki – WARNING: the examples and video there contain WRONG COURSE NAMES and OUTDATED INFORMATION; read at your own risk!

21 Step 7: Get started (quickly)
• Useful tips and tricks, FAQs can be found here – • Helpful information for Mac OS X users – • Keyboard shortcuts worth learning – – these will save you a lot of time while doing the exercises • Way to get rid of the OutOfMemory error on Mac OS X –

22 Step 8: Complete the exercises
Open tmcbeans • In the sidebar on the left… – expand the exercise package ■ Exercise ➤ Source Packages ➤ <default package> ➤ – double-click the .java file to open the exercise template In the main window… – fill in the exercise template with your answers – run the program to make sure it works – submit the exercise to the server to be checked (see next slide) • “Rinse and repeat” 182 more times…

23 Step 9: Submit the exercises
Exercise Templates Run Code Locally Run test cases Locally Submit to Server

24 General tips Keep the code as clean as you can
– use proper indentation – use descriptive names for variables, methods, classes, everything – keep all methods short, including main – write methods that only do one thing – remove all copy-paste code by refactoring (or don’t copy and paste code in the first place!) – replace “bad” and unclear code with clean, easy to read code

25 Some friendly advice (especially relevant for the exam)

26 3. Troubleshooting

27 Frequent errors Use correct capitalization
– if your code gives an error, check that commands are correctly capitalized • Remember the semicolon “;” – most common source of errors is a missing semicolon • Remember to close parentheses and brackets – second most common source of errors

28 In case of problems & questions
1. Check the FAQs here: – 2. Use the General discussion forum in MyCourses – 3. Use Google groups to discuss the issue with your peers: – 4. Use IRC chat to contact course administrators at the University of Helsinki: –

29 If all else fails, seek professional help… or come to the help sessions
Teacher: Venkata Marella – administrative matters, one-to-one communication, feedback ■ use the subject Programming 2 ■ always provide relevant screenshots ■ please write to me in English

30 Main takeaways • Please make sure to register in the TMC system with your student ID number. • Make sure you register to the correct course workspace • If you’re not from Aalto BIZ, please contact your study coordinator to make sure the course can be counted in your study program.

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