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Primary 3 Science Curriculum Sharing Friday, 19th January 2018

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1 Primary 3 Science Curriculum Sharing Friday, 19th January 2018

2 Scope of Sharing Science Curriculum Infusing Applied Learning
Components of P3 Science Lessons Science Assessment & Home Support

3 Primary Science Curriculum
Foundation for Science beyond Primary Level Driven by Inquiry Approach Acquisition of Science knowledge, skills, & positive attitudes towards lifelong learning Learning of Science is useful and meaningful; as it is relevant to everyday life (ALP)

4 Scientific Inquiry Active learning takes place by posing questions, problems or scenarios—rather than simply presenting the scientific content. In P3, the inquiry-based learning process is guided by the Science teacher.

5 Primary Science Syllabus : 5 Broad Themes
Diversity, Cycles, Interactions, Systems & Energy Block Level Themes Upper P6 Energy, Interactions P5 Cycles, Systems, Interactions Lower P4 Systems, Cycles, Energy P3 Diversity, Cycles, Interactions

6 The Overview of Topics Theme Lower Block (P3 & P4)
Upper Block (P5 & P6) Diversity Diversity of living and non-living things Diversity of materials Cycles Cycles of Plants and Animals (Life Cycles) Cycles in Matter and Water (Matter) Cycles in Plants and Animals (Reproduction) Cycles in Matter and Water (Water) Systems Plant System (Plant parts and functions) Human System (Digestive System) Plant System (Respiratory and Circulatory Systems) Human System (Respiratory and Circulatory Systems) Cell System Electrical System Interactions Interaction of Forces (Magnets) Interaction of Forces (Frictional, Gravitational Forces, Force in Springs) Interaction within the Environment Energy Energy Forms and Uses (Light and Heat) Photosynthesis Energy Conversion

7 Themes/Topics in P3 Diversity & Cycles Interactions Diversity
Living & Non-Living Things, Animals, Plants, Fungi & Bacteria (Term 1) Animal & Plant life cycle (Term 2) Interactions Fun with Variables (Term 3) Magnets (Term 3) Diversity Materials (Term 4)

8 Diversity of Living & Non-living Things
An Example Key Concepts in Diversity of Living & Non-living Things

9 Overview : How ideas are connected
Key Idea 1: There are living and non-living things. Linking question: How are living things different from non-living things? Key Idea 2: Living things need water, food and air. Linking questions help teachers to facilitate discussion and students to see connections between concepts / ask further questions Key Idea 3: Living-things grow, respond to changes and reproduce.

10 Key Process Skills Observing
Using our 5 senses to gather information from our surrounding Comparing Recognise what is similar/different between 2 things Classifying Putting things into groups based on common characteristics Communicating Reading Writing Speaking & Listening in order to collect/share information Just talk about these 4 skills

11 Scientific Processes Creative Problem Solving Decision Making

12 Process : Creative Problem Solving
This is a process of analyzing a problem or choosing a novel but relevant solution in order to remedy or alter a problem situation E.g. Thinking of ways to slow down bread from turning moldy

13 Process : Decision Making
This is the process of establishing and applying criteria to select from among seemingly equal alternatives. E.g. Giving students a number of objects and ask them to prove which object is a magnet

14 Process: Investigation
This involves formulating hypothesis, planning and carrying out fair experiments to test the hypothesis. E.g. Young Investigators’ Projects All the 3 processes allow students apply the various process skills

15 Positive Attitudes Curiosity - Desire to explore the surrounding and question what they find Creativity - Suggest innovative and relevant ways to solve problems Integrity - Handle and communicate data and information with integrity Objectivity - Seek data and information to validate observations and explanations objectively

16 science for life@hpps Infusing Applied Learning

17 What is ALP? Applied Learning Programme that includes activities and events that provides opportunities for the following. Makes learning of knowledge and skills purposeful and relevant Motivates students to learn Science Connects academic knowledge and skills to the real world

18 Infusion of ALP in P3 Science Curriculum
Zoo LJ – authentic learning experience Fun with Variables – Variables & Fair Test Every Child A Seed - Planting Outdoor Learning – Fern Garden / Terrarium

19 Key Components of Science Lessons

20 Components of Science Lessons
Theory : Teaching of Concept (Textbooks) Hands-on Sessions in the Science Laboratory / Classroom / Outdoors Student Handouts - Topical Notes on Key ideas Activity sheets for hands-on / Worksheets

21 Written Assignments CPDD WS – for Hands-on
School Worksheets – Supplementary Activities & OE WS, Revision WS Worksheets will be returned for parents’ signature. Vitamindz Booklets – Topical / Skills Practice Papers – To prepare for exam

22 Books & Worksheets Textbooks are to be used over 2 years – P3 & P4
Please DO NOT discard materials at end of P3 as they are needed for P4 to P6 work

23 Assessment

24 Classification Activity
Evaluating Learning Class Work - Activities and written work Semester 1 Semester 2 Classification Activity (Rubrics) SA1 (50m) Term Review (25m-NW) Fun with Variables SA2 (80m)

25 Format of P3 Science Paper SA1
Duration of the Exam - 1 hour 30 minutes Section A : 15 MCQs (30m) Section B : 4 Structured Questions (8m) Section C : 4 Open-ended (12m) Each question carries 2m - 4m

26 Format of P3 Science Paper SA2
Duration of the Exam - 1 hour 30 minutes Section A : 20 MCQs (40m) Section B : 8 Structured Questions (16m) Section C : 6 – 8 Open-ended (24m) Each question carries 2m - 4m

27 Format of P4-P6 Science Paper
Duration of the Exam - 1 hour 45 minutes Section A : 28 MCQs (56m) Section B : 12 – 13 OE Questions (44m) Each question carries 2m - 5m *5-m test items are for P5 and P6 only

28 Section A Not necessary

29 Section A Not necessary

30 Section B Not necessary

31 Section C Not necessary

32 Mark Scheme Broad and Flexible Includes expected correct answers
Student’s responses that are different from the mark scheme are carefully evaluated and included as acceptable answers if they are conceptually correct. Responses that show evidence of understanding of relevant concepts and mastery of skills will be awarded due credit. Marks are not awarded for stating ‘correct’ key words Exemplars will be given to students.

33 Implications Good Understanding of key concepts is important
Make Connections between concepts learnt Apply concepts in new situations Revision of concepts learnt Important to keep all Science materials for PSLE revision

34 Implications Practice & Application of Process Skills to authentic tasks active participant in activities e.g. Fun with Variables, YI Project, Outdoor Learning etc.

35 Guide to Answering Questions
Answer in context to question - Never memorize answers, without understanding Be specific e.g. “Plants are different in their leaves” without stating specifically how - e.g. shape, colour, or texture

36 Guide to Answering Questions
Identify objective of question - asking about aim / procedure / pattern Look for useful information in the question or diagram to identify the topic or key concept that is tested.

37 Expectations & Support@Home
Review & Think through key concepts learnt Link ideas across topics (For example Materials & Magnets) Learn concept words & link them to everyday life experiences

38 Expectations & Support@Home
Engage children with authentic tasks such as simple cooking, household chores, gardening, repairing a bike or other household objects. Actively engage your children by talking about books they are reading or television programs about Science they have watched.

39 For queries, please email

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