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Coding - The Ultimate Survival Skill

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1 Coding - The Ultimate Survival Skill

2 Thanks to Mr. Schwab, Eddins’ Hour of Code guest speaker, for slides 3-10!

3 Web Developer Software Developer Software Engineer Software Architect
Coding Languages: HTML Java Python Javascript C# .NET PHP Ruby on Rails Swift To build it, you need a Website developer or Software developer A developer is a coder who makes sure the buttons work and redirect users to the appropriate page. She also makes sure that the website connects to other important areas like a system to take money out of a user’s bank account or a system to keep track of a user’s shopping cart. Software Engineers are a special type of developer who’s very good at solving problems in the software And a Software Architect is another special type of developer who is very good at designing the structure of the website or app (just like an architect is good at designing buildings) A career as a website developer means you would spend around 95% of your time at work writing code. The other 5% would be spent talking with other people to understand what they want the website or app to do

4 Website Designer User Experience Designer
Do you like Art? Art+Coding = Designer . Website Designers make the website or app look pretty And somebody has to think of the most logical and efficient way the app should work…that’s a User Experience Designer You might only spend 30% of your time coding if you are a Designer. The rest of your time would be spent making it look and flow nicely. Coding Languages: HTML CSS Javascript

5 Quality Assurance Analyst Business Analyst
Are you really good at communicating with people? Good Communicator + Coding = Quality Assurance Analysts and Business Analysts. These people spend 10% of their time coding, but they are important to coders because they spend the rest of their time checking the coder’s work to make sure the code actually does what it’s supposed to do. Coding Languages: SQL Java Perl Python

6 Business Intelligence Analyst Database Administrator
Coding Languages: SQL Auto Hotkey Power BI PowerShell Cypher GraphQL Are you really good at constructing legoes and models? Contructing + Coding = Business Intelligence Analyst A Business Intelligence Analyst spends 70% of their time coding to put numbers and other information from the website or app into a place where it can be used later to figure out how people are using the website or app. Numbers and other information are called Data. And these Data get stored in a structure called a Database. The rest of their time is spent making reports A special type of Business Intellegence person is called a Database administrator. This type of coder makes sure that all the Data is protected from bad guys—like bad hackers. And she also makes sure that all the different computer systems talk to each other without one breaking the other Then there are people who have careers that use coding to accomplish other things that help the business make more money…

7 Marketing Analyst Database Marketer
Are you good at selling things? Selling + Coding = Marketing analyst Marketing Analysts figure out how to buy the ads on Google, what types of pictures people are more likely to click on, and how to get people to sign up or buy their app. Marketing Analysts might spend 40% of their time analyzing a database to find new customers or to send special offers like coupons to customers. The other 60% of the time they help organize other people on their projects. Coding Languages: Google AdWords Google Analytics HTML SQL

8 Data Scientist Statistician Decision Scientist
Coding Languages: SQL SAS R Power BI Python Hadoop Hive/Pig Are you good at Math? Math + coding = Data Scientists Data Scientists use the databases in an attempt to predict what certain customers will do when they are given certain choices. Data Scientists spend 50% of their time writing code to get the data out of the database, put it in the right form, and then analyzing it using Statistics and Mathematics methods. The rest of their time is spent explaining what the numbers mean to others in the company. I used to be a Decision Scientist, and now I’m a boss of decision scientists

9 Coders work … in Big Companies: Do 1 type of role as Entrepreneurs:
Do most of the roles As you can see, there are lots of different roles that use coding skills to aid a successful career. If you work for a big company, you might spend a lot of your time doing only one of the types of jobs I mentioned. To make a successful, big team, each person must do their specialized role really well. If you work for a small company, you might have a job that does 2 or 3 of these different roles. If you do multiple jobs, you will have to know more coding languages. And if you are your own boss, you might have to do all (or most all) of the jobs. Or you can do the jobs you’re best at and ask other specialists for help for the things you don’t know how to do. in Small Companies: Do 2 or 3 roles

10 How much money can you make?
Here are some estimates (some people earn even more than this): Web Developer $ 50,000 to $ 90,000 per year Software Developer $ 55,000 to $100,000 per year Software Engineer $ 70,000 to $120,000 per year Software Architect $100,000 to $140,000 per year Website Designer $ 40,000 to $ 60,000 per year User Experience Designer $ 60,000 to $ 90,000 per year Quality Assurance Analyst $ 45,000 to $ 65,000 per year Business Analyst $ 70,000 to $ 95,000 per year Business Intelligence Analyst $ 55,000 to $ 80,000 per year Database Administrator $ 55,000 to $100,000 per year Marketing Analyst $ 45,000 to $ 75,000 per year Database Marketer $ 45,000 to $ 75,000 per year Data Scientist $ 75,000 to $130,000 per year Statistician $ 60,000 to $100,000 per year Decision Scientist $ 60,000 to $150,000 per year But, more realistically, how much do most people make? Here are some estimates... People can get paid more money when they have skills that others don’t. Value to the business = more money. And the bosses of these people can even make more! Right now there are more coding-related jobs available than there are people who can do the jobs! Source:

11 Time for a little discovery learning
Time for a little discovery learning! Links are active and so are the robots!

12 Happy Camping! Happy Campers!

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