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Today’s agenda includes:

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1 Today’s agenda includes:
Breakfast 7:30 Breakout Sessions 8:30 Break 10:45 Implementation & Planning for Scale 11:05 Working Lunch: System/Campus Team Planning 11:30 Closing remarks 1:00

2 Implementation and planning for Student Success
Jonathan S. Gagliardi April 26, 2016

3 Higher education systems and institutions are facing mounting pressures to improve performance
The social and economic imperative of equitable access and outcomes Higher Education Demands for optimization and efficiency Stagnant or diminished funding Average wealth has increased over the past 50 years, but it has not grown equally for all groups. Between 1963 and 2013, families near the bottom of the wealth distribution (those at the 10th percentile) went from having no wealth on average to being about $2,000 in debt, those in the middle roughly doubled their wealth—mostly between 1963 and 1983, families near the top (at the 90th percentile) saw their wealth quadruple, and the wealth of those at the 99th percentile—in other words, those wealthier than 99 percent of all families—grew sixfold. Concerns over quality and affordability

4 Systems and campuses are reinventing themselves in response to those pressures
Recovery 2020 finds that: There will be 55 million job openings in the economy through 2020: 24 million openings from newly created jobs and 31 million openings due to baby boom retirements. By educational attainment: 35 percent of the job openings will require at least a bachelor’s degree, 30 percent of the job openings will require some college or an associate’s degree and 36 percent of the job openings will not require education beyond high school. STEM, Healthcare Professions, Healthcare Support, and Community Services will be the fastest growing occupations, but also will require high levels of post-secondary education. Most jobs will require some type of post-secondary education, and individuals that only possess a high school diploma will have fewer employment options. Employers will seek cognitive skills such as communication and analytics from job applicants rather than physical skills traditionally associated with manufacturing. The United States will fall short by 5 million workers with postsecondary education – at the current production rate – by 2020.

5 As a result of this, new and more collaborative roles are emerging
Systems are: Shedding their traditional roles as regulators, allocators and coordinators Defining aspirational goals Understanding the capacity to implement Using data to monitor and track progress Sharing ownership with campuses Creating frames that can be shaped by campuses based on local context Campuses are: Identifying a shared vision of success with an emphasis on equitable access and outcomes Mapping areas of convergence across campuses Uncovering key challenges and opportunities, as well as definitive strategies and actions Suspending disbelief and investing in evidence-based practices Working with system to identify needed resources and areas for strategic investment

6 In response to those pressures, many systems and campuses are defining aspirational goals around student success "Governor Haslam has challenged our state with a critical new mission: the Drive to 55 – the Drive to get 55 percent of Tennesseans equipped with a college degree or certificate by the year 2025" While New York State has no official attainment goal, SUNY has committed to moving from 93,000 completions a year to 150,000 by 2025 Utah's governor set a goal that 66% of all citizens between 25 and 60 would have a post-secondary degree (of some sort: certificate, associates, bachelors, etc) by 2020. Average wealth has increased over the past 50 years, but it has not grown equally for all groups. Between 1963 and 2013, families near the bottom of the wealth distribution (those at the 10th percentile) went from having no wealth on average to being about $2,000 in debt, those in the middle roughly doubled their wealth—mostly between 1963 and 1983, families near the top (at the 90th percentile) saw their wealth quadruple, and the wealth of those at the 99th percentile—in other words, those wealthier than 99 percent of all families—grew sixfold. The current plan in Texas is designed to lead to higher completion rates for college students and to provide them with marketable skills Increase percent of MT population with Associate Degree or higher from 40% to 60% by 2025.

7 However, “a goal without a plan is just a wish.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

8 To achieve their lofty ambitions, systems and campuses are doubling down on implementation and planning Recovery 2020 finds that: There will be 55 million job openings in the economy through 2020: 24 million openings from newly created jobs and 31 million openings due to baby boom retirements. By educational attainment: 35 percent of the job openings will require at least a bachelor’s degree, 30 percent of the job openings will require some college or an associate’s degree and 36 percent of the job openings will not require education beyond high school. STEM, Healthcare Professions, Healthcare Support, and Community Services will be the fastest growing occupations, but also will require high levels of post-secondary education. Most jobs will require some type of post-secondary education, and individuals that only possess a high school diploma will have fewer employment options. Employers will seek cognitive skills such as communication and analytics from job applicants rather than physical skills traditionally associated with manufacturing. The United States will fall short by 5 million workers with postsecondary education – at the current production rate – by 2020.

9 Successful implementation and planning starts with asking the right questions often and earnestly . . . 1 2 What are we trying to do? 3 Are we using data to monitor and track progress? How are we planning to do it? 4 If not, what are we going to do about it?

10 . . . and focusing on the right elements
Collecting the data Evaluation and assessment Identifying leading and lagging indicators Build strategies to support the aspirational goal Develop measurable targets and trajectories Create plans to achieve goals Routine meetings and data analysis Intense focus on solving problems Create positive momentum Plan for sustainability and continuous improvement Setting aspirational goals Understanding the status quo Build critical capacities Establish a network of champions 2 3 4 1 Culture Change 5 A. Build system capacities B. Communicate and engage effectively C. Develop strong relationships The Foundation Decision Analytics Developing Plans Implementation & Engagement Defining Success Identifying and confirming aspirational goals and a set of priority strategies to clearly focus the work (ensure that this includes headline metrics) Designating system and campus leaders and teams to drive the implementation efforts of SUNY and its campuses Developing a clear plan on how to reach identified goal(s) that designates unique and complementary system and campus roles Establishing and conducting routines with at the system and campus levels, with a focus on including Provosts and designated team members Including both quantitative and qualitative data Hosting a system wide, regional, sector and campus specific workshops

11 A solid foundation begins with strong and committed leaders who have vision, think strategically, are accountable, and use data. they work tirelessly to promote a universal sense of ownership and a culture of collective impact.

12 Setting Collective Priorities
These leaders work with staff to identify the levers they can pull to create an enabling environment Connecting Stakeholders Aligning Interests Leveraging Resources Promoting Best Practices Ensuring Accountability

13 Decision analytics involves sifting through and using data more effectively in order to
Identifying and scaling up what works Encourage scaling down what doesn’t Map areas of convergence to foster collaboration Promote improved and equitable student outcomes DECISION ANALYTICS

14 Systems and campuses that have successfully used data to improve student outcomes and close equity gaps have Used data to identify trends in access and success in underserved groups Made actors aware of the trends while promoting shared ownership Helped campuses focus on the root cause of these trends Communicated and engaged senior leadership using targeted data points to help guide strategic planning Embed data into organizational routines DECISION ANALYTICS

15 Developing plans is a crucial component of achieving system and campus goals
Strategies Actionable Data Champions and Actors Implementation Plans + + =

16 A foundation for successful planning starts with the following questions:
Is there a clear definition of success? Is there accountability for the success of your collective efforts across the organization? What is the supply chain and who is involved? What are the major risks and how will they be mitigated? Who are the key actors and what are the key actions? What is the anticipated impact? What data will you need, and how will you use it? What is the resource strategy? DCO-AAA

17 A major element of turning plans into action entails adequately staffing what matters most with a small and dynamic team that has Complementary skills and capacities Backing of senior leadership Freedom to function outside the chain of command Positive impact on the system or campus

18 Teams that focus on implementation play key roles in ensuring a sole focus on student success
Key Actions Planning Putting measurable strategies and plans in place Monitoring and reporting Creating the right metrics and routines to monitor progress Continuous improvement Embed feedback loops into routines that are designed to identify solutions to key challenges Capacity-building Review strengths and weaknesses relative to what is needed to achieve goals, and build people Communication and engagement Share successes and create a sense of ownership across the system and campuses

19 A successful engagement provides support in a variety of ways, including:
Annual Workshops Regular Routines Virtual Support Visits

20 A culture that embodies ambition, focus, clarity, urgency, and that works to continue progress is essential to the success of any effort

21 ?

22 Today’s agenda includes:
Breakfast 8:00 Breakout Sessions 9:00 Break 10:45 Implementation & Planning for Scale 11:05 Working Lunch: System/Campus Team Planning 11:30 Closing remarks 1:00

23 Today’s agenda includes:
Breakfast 8:00 Breakout Sessions 9:00 Break 10:45 Implementation & Planning for Scale 11:05 Working Lunch: System/Campus Team Planning 11:30 Closing remarks 1:00

24 If you have questions, please contact
Thank You! If you have questions, please contact Rebecca Martin Rebecca Martin

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