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Computational Economy

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Presentation on theme: "Computational Economy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computational Economy
Christos Papadimitriou Hal R.Varian SIMS, Economics,Business

2 Efficient resource allocation
Administrative framework for management Robust Adaptive Scalable E.g., Load balancing requires information requires incentives

3 Computational markets
Ad hoc iteration adjust price till supply = demand Economic mechanism design well-developed theory some experimental evidence

4 Example: Auction design
English auction Sealed bid auction Vickrey auction highest bidder pays second highest price payoff to bidder 1 = (v1 - b2)Prob(b1 > b2) Example of revelation principle Implication for design of mechanism

5 Difficulties with "artificial markets"
Means of payment? funny money real money What is really scarce? storage? cycles? expertise? applications?

6 Starting point Each department owns their equipment
Voluntary participation “What’s in it for me?”

7 Economic anthropology
The informal economy works fine with proximity and reciprocity what will work with distributed computing? Evolution of markets (e.g., E. Europe) bilateral trade multilateral trade standardized contracts markets for resources and services

8 What is needed to facilitate evolution of trade?
Information Property rights Incentives Communications/transportation Market makers Medium of exchange Contractual forms Arbitration

9 Proposal Provide infrastructure to facilitate trade
partly technology, partly socioeconomic Help it evolve into a market standard commodities frequent exchange Novel aspects humility evolutionary aspect

10 Implications for algorithm design
Current practice pick objective, optimize chosen objective may not match real world objectives and constraints change

11 Possible scenario for SimMillenium
Market sets objectives Spectrum of algorithms dynamically tune to environment hybrid algorithms Change practices of algorithm design

12 Why here, why now? Need decentralized, robust, scalable management
Local expertise, experience Mariposa: CS INDEX: EE Organization theory: CS/Business Game theory, contracts: Economics, OR, SIMS Provides framework for services market

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