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Simon Warburton Interim Strategy Director, TfGM.

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Presentation on theme: "Simon Warburton Interim Strategy Director, TfGM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simon Warburton Interim Strategy Director, TfGM

2 Our 2040 Vision

3 2040 Transport Strategy A Strategy for integration:
Customer-centric transport integration Place-based policy integration Responds to a range of issues and opportunities including: GM growth and GMSF Devolution and fiscal reform HS2 and TfN Changing travel markets and innovation Strong public support for Strategy through summer 2016 consultation

4 Integration at the heart of our 2040 Strategy

5 Transport is a very significant element of the devolution package.
It includes four elements, which will help TfGM to deliver the excellent connectivity and the efficient, integrated transport network needed if Greater Manchester is to continue to experience economic growth and to spread those benefits widely. The four elements are: Bus franchising Key Route Network of the busiest Greater Manchester A and B roads Local management and control of rail stations A longer-term, multi-year funding settlement for transport I’d like to focus on bus reform and rail station devolution.

6 Our specific transport proposals are set out in relation to our five ‘spatial themes’, representing the different types of travel in and around Greater Manchester. They cover proposals for residents, businesses (including movement of goods), and visitors to Greater Manchester. They cover everything from access to global markets via Manchester Airport/Airport City and Port Salford, to ensuring local neighbourhoods and safe and pleasant to walk around


8 2040 Spatial Theme GMSF Strategic Growth Locations A globally connected City Airport Gateway Port Salford (Western Gateway) City to City Links All Getting into and around the regional centre City Centre The Quays Travel across the wider city region Town Centres Northern Gateway Eastern Gateway Western Gateway East Lancs/M6/M61 corridors Other Allocations Connected neighbourhoods Other district allocations

9 2040 Transport Strategy 2040 Pipeline 2040 5-Year Delivery Plans
Supporting sub-strategies Customer Insight & Market Segmentation Link and place typologies Travel Demand Analysis Rapid Transit Strategy 2040 City Centre Transport Strategy/Piccadilly HS2 Growth Strategy Highways Strategy 2025 Access to Public Transport Strategies Fares & Ticketing Rail Plan 2025 Airport Surface Access & HS2 Growth Strategy Active Travel Strategy Bus Strategy 2025 GMSF Gateway/Corridor Transport Strategies Freight & Logistics Strategy Agenda for Intelligent Mobility Town centre & other local area strategies Low Emission Strategy & AQAP 2040 Pipeline Year Delivery Plans

10 @OfficialTfGM Transport for Greater Manchester

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