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Exchange of News Session Albanian Treasury System

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1 Exchange of News Session Albanian Treasury System
Status of AFMIS Status of AGFIS Albanian Treasury System

2 BACKGROUND On 2006 year - Final Acceptance (design & test) of the
Albanian Government Financial Information System On September, Fully Live Implementation of AGFIS with 36 treasury districts offices (TDOs) online Since 2012 year – Ministry of Finance and Economy as a pilot institution online with AGFIS Until 2017 year – 15 BIs online with AGFIS

3 Functions of Treasury system performed with AGFIS
1.Recorder (Transactions are recorded in General Ledger by a specific accounting flexfilds combination in accordance with Albanian Budget Structure and Chart of Accounts) 2. Ex-ante controller (Budget is planed in 3 digit level; the execution is accounted in digit level according to the nature of the financial transaction) 3. Authorizer Budget Executor Single cash Manager 1. Forecaster of cash flows (monthly basis) 2. Preparatory of payments (centralized electronically) Government’s Accountant 1. Data eliminator 2. Data consolidator 3. Electronic audit track Data Disseminator 1. Generator of operational/monitoring/accounting reports (cash and accrual) 2. Generator of consolidated financial reports and Government Statistics data Government entities: Central Government including Special Funds Local Government

4 Oracle APPS modules Budgeting General Ledger Purchasing Payables
Fixed Asset Management Receivables Cash Management Financial Statement Generator Spreadsheet tools (PSB Spreadhseet Integration, ADI Spreadsheet Integrator)

Treasury System Server in Tirana Treasury District Office Generate Electronic Payment Order File Access to the files directory on the TS server Transfer file from the server to the local PC Print Payment Order Register Sign Payment Order Register Upon receipt of electronic bank confirmation, MoF/CTD performs upload of bank confirmations to the Treasury System Electronic Payment Order File generated on the server Bank of Albania Submit electronic payment order File accompanied with signed Payment Order register Receive Electronic Payment Order File (Optionally) Check Total sum of electronic file with signed payment order register Execute Payment Orders Generate electronic confirmation of payment orders and submit to MoF/CTD together with Bank Statement SUMMARY FLOW: PAYMENT ORDER INTERFACE

6 PFM Government Strategy 2014-2020
Leads on: Continuing Extension and Expansion of AGFIS: the extension to: 100 BIs until 2020 year (this number will be revised in few months because of administrative reform/ BI’s number reduction: central and local institutions) the expansion of AGFIS functionalities: Configure AGFIS to allow tracking operational expenditures by project / output code, Implementation of IPSAS (accrual bases of accounting) and Extra-budgetary funds.

7 PFM Government Strategy 2014-2020
Leads on: Integration of AGFIS with: Tax Information System (already in place since 2015) Public Debt Management System for foreign & domestic payments (live in march 2018) Public Procurement System (in process) Custom Information System (in process) Human Resource Management Information System (in process) Medium Term Budget Planning (in process) Program Based Budget Monitoring (in process) Implementation of Document Management System Electronic Archive for budget execution process, monitoring and reporting for all spending units (sending supporting documents for financial transaction execution into AGFIS through Web Portal ) using and fostering a common internal financial control rules.

8 PFM Government Strategy 2014-2020
Leads on: Improve the Government Transparency on usage of public funds Implementation of BOOST Application (WB collaboration; dissemination on April 2018) To facilitate access of public to Government financial information To increase the transparency of public finances To increase the accountability of government officials on public funds management. A typical BOOST is a repository of public expenditure/revenue data at the most detailed level of disaggregation available in the country’s Treasury System

9 Thank you for you attention!
The end Thank you for you attention!

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