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Lesson 12: Activity and Inactivity

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 12: Activity and Inactivity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 12: Activity and Inactivity

2 Dormant Temporarily inactive
The volcano was dormant for nearly 200 years before it finally erupted.

3 Dormant

4 Active Inactive

5 Frenetic Wildly active; frantic; frenzied
The mailman moved at a frenetic pace when he realized the fragile package was about to fall.

6 Frenetic

7 Inactive Active

8 Industrious Hardworking
The industrious young musician spent hours practicing his guitar each night.

9 Industrious

10 Inactive Active

11 Loiter To stand around doing nothing; to linger
There is a group of teenagers who loiter at the Wawa near my house.

12 Loiter

13 Active Inactive

14 Lull A temporary stopping or lessening of activity or noise; to calm
There was a lull at the concert when the group changed instruments.

15 Lull

16 Active Inactive

17 Restless Not able to relax or rest
Kevin was restless the night before his family left for Florida; he could not wait for the trip.

18 Restless

19 Inactive Active

20 Sluggish Slow; lacking energy
The students appeared sluggish upon their return from the winter break.

21 Sluggish

22 Active Inactive

23 Spry Active, energetic, lively
The cat was still spry even though he was very old.

24 Spry

25 Inactive Active

26 Strenuous Requiring great effort
Lifting weights can be a strenuous task for weak individuals.

27 Strenuous

28 Inactive Active

29 Vigor Strength or physical energy; Intense activity
The tennis player played the game with vigor.

30 Vigor

31 Inactive Active

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