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Virtual Tours and Apps.

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Presentation on theme: "Virtual Tours and Apps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virtual Tours and Apps

2 Question: What is a virtual tour? If you had to create a virtual tour of the school what would you include?

3 In this lesson students are learning about:
the requirements for the Virtual Tour Application the skills they will develop in this Skill Builder block

4 At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
identify the audience’s needs and requirements understand what is required in the final outcome interpret the storyboard and structure chart

5 What if I get lost at school?
What sports facilities does the school have? Where is the school canteen? I love sports. What sports teams can I join? What’s the music room like? Do they do guitar lessons?

6 What is a virtual tour?

7 This will also help parents to get a feel for the school environment.
Scenario The Tour! Using your experience you are going to help the new Year 7 students settle into their new school environment. You will be a creating a prototype App that gives a virtual tour of the school. The app should be able to be accessed on the school website and intranet site. This will also help parents to get a feel for the school environment.

8 Here is an example School tour Example of (part) of what you should end up with… Click here!

9 The audience! As with any practical task you need to have a clear view of exactly what you will be creating before you go ahead. It is vitally important that you understand your audiences needs. Fill in this worksheet to get your ideas down. Click here

10 Design tools Any Application needs to go through a formal planning process before it can even begin to be created. This is so that designers can get an idea of what their clients want them to design…. AND so that clients can have an active input into how their app will look and feel. They don’t want to waste their money!

11 Story boards and structure diagrams
Two tools that are used (and you will need to know how to use) are Story boards and structure diagrams

12 Structure diagrams Structure diagrams allow the designer to have an overview of the app. It shows the broad overview of what screens will be included, it gives some indication of the content and most importantly it shows HOW the screens will ‘fit’ together and link

13 Virtual Tour Structure Chart
The Welcome Screen Welcomes Year 7 students and gives a brief explanation to the tour Welcome Screen School Map Music Department Canteen Sports Department An image of a map of the school Students can click on the map to go to the departments NB This is only a sub-section of a virtual tour

14 Task Using Prototype_structurediagram.doc create a structure diagram for your virtual tour The diagram must include….

15 The diagram must include….
the title of each section how the different sections of your mobile application prototype will link together. a home section featuring a basic map of the school a section featuring a short video a section featuring a downloadable prospectus a section featuring an audio advert or interview. Each section must be accessible from any other section.

16 And finally Homework: Complete your structure diagram ready for next lesson

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