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Training Module1B Ostalo industrijsko vlasništvo Uvod
Zašto su žigovi i industrijski dizajn važni – Kako mogu ostvariti profit? Žigovi Madridski sporazum i Madridski protokol Intellectual property (IP) is an important business tool – it is a crucial element in the financial performance of a business In short you can summarize the advantages of IP as follows: Intellectual property (IP) protection gives you exclusive rights to your IP. If someone uses your IP without permission, that is they infringe your IP rights, you can take legal action to stop them. If you do not want to use your IP yourself, you can sell it, just like physical property. However, once you have sold your IP , you cannot use it unless you get permission, known as a licence, from the new owner. If you want to let other people use your IP, but you want to keep control of it, you can licence it to one or more people. ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Žigovi i industrijski dizajn
Učinkovita zaštita žiga i industrijskog dizajna igra veliku ulogu u stvaranju branda i poslovnim marketinškim strategijama Za potrošača žigovi i industrijski dizajn predstavljaju više od samog proizvoda. Žig predstavlja na primjer: Prepoznatljivost poduzeća Jamstvo kvalitete Dobar ugled poduzeća Marketinšku funkcija Zaštitu IV treba promatrati kao ulaganje ili osiguranje, a ne samo kao trošak. Registrirani žig je vaše vlasništvo. To znači da ga možete prodati, ili dozvoliti drugima da ga temeljem licencije koriste. Registrirani dizajn omogućuje vam da ga prodate (pravo IV), odnosno da ga licencirate nekomu drugome uz zadržavanje prava IV. ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Optimalizacija vašeg poslovanja
Uspostava jakih žigova i marketinga je način dobivanja visoke vrijednosti proizvoda Primjeri optimaliziranja poslovne konkurentnosti na globalnoj razini: Zaštita znanja Komercijalizacija prava intelektualnog vlasništva The options for IP-protection are many – and they should be assessed according to business plans, risks, markets of interest etc. The winners in the knowledge society will be found among innovative businesses which secure the intellectual property rights to their ideas and turn the IPR into business assets in the global markets. As an innovative business you have to move away from the traditional way of protecting knowledge (that is patents on products and processes or registration of new trade marks). Instead you must think more proactively and strategically when you utilize IP – your trade/trading with knowledge must be an integrated part of all aspects of your business. Commercialization of IP – could be licensing or franchising For case studies – and ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Stvaranje profita na intelektualnom vlasništvu
Primjeri načina ostvarivanja financijskih dobitaka na pravima intelektualnog vlasništva i osiguravanja povrata ulaganja: Licencni ugovori Aukcije (prodaja) Akvizicija poduzeća You will always have to consider if your trade mark or design contains values worth protecting. You will not only get protection but will also be able to make money on IP! This could be done via: Licence agreements, A licensing agreement is a partnership between an intellectual property rights owner (licensor) and another who is authorized to use such rights (licensee) in exchange for an agreed payment (fee or royalty). A variety of such licensing agreements are available, which may be broadly categorized as follows: Technology License Agreement, Trademark Licensing and Franchising Agreement, Copyright License Agreement In practice, all or some of these agreements often form part of one single contract since in transfers of this nature many rights are involved and not simply one type of intellectual property right. You may also come across licensing agreements in other circumstances, such as, during a merger or acquisition, or in the course of negotiating a joint venture.( Auctions, Intellectual Property has always been viewed as a very precious commodity for both individual companies as well as national economies. During recent years the ownership of IP rights has become an increasingly crucial factor in global business. Parallel to this there is an increasing tendency to establish an adequate market for IP rights. Live auctions are, among others, an appropriate vehicle to foster the rise of a market for IP Rights. Compared to other such vehicles, live auctions have the advantage that decisions have to be made quickly, due to limited time. Hence live auctions lower the transaction costs for IP Rights.( Acquisition of companies. By “buying” your competitors you also gain control of the market you are dealing with. ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Zaključak Sve u svemu: Bitno je za poslovanje poduzeća da ima jasno definiranu strategiju koja u potpunosti uključuje intelektualno vlasništvo i sva prava intelektualnog vlasništva u poduzeću By registering a trademark you are telling the world that this symbol, graphic design, word, etc. is associated with your product or store. When someone sees your sign, they will know it is a name they can trust because of your registering a trademark. Don’t let someone else use your design and profit from it. By using your design, they can make money that should have gone to you. By registering a trademark, you can sue them for a considerable amount more in damages. If someone sees your graphic design and associates it with your business, don’t allow someone else to be able to use it. You wouldn’t want people being confused by the same design when the other store is selling products of less quality. Protect yourself by registering a trademark. ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
ŽIGOVI ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
ZAŠTO ŽIG? Osigurava isključiva prava Sprečava druge od kopiranja
Dokaz vlasništva Dobit u poslovanju na različite načine Komparativna prednost žigova Make a short explanation of ® and trade marks. (TM) represents a trademark that has not yet been registered, but once registered, the trademark is forever after indicated as (R). Rules differ from country to country. In general some of the advantages of a trade mark is: Trade mark provides exclusive right to a brand Trade marks support market position – “Branding” Higher return on investment possible Can be licensed or sold Asset for negotiations Positive image for your product – quality function Usually cheaper and quicker than technical IP Source: Boehmert & Boehmert ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Žig i brand “Žig je skup percepcija u svijesti potrošača." ip4inno
Osijek, prosinac 2011
Što je žig? Žig: Razlikovni znak koji identificira i razlikuje proizvode i usluge jednog poduzetnika od drugog Žigovi pomažu potrošačima prepoznavanje i odabir između različitih proizvoda i usluga na temelju njihove reputacije i kvalitete Žig je riječ ili znak koji može biti prikazan grafički, pomoću kojega je moguće razlikovati podrijetlo pojedinih proizvoda i usluga Coca-Cola registriran od 1887 A brand is a link between company and consumers. It may well be the company’s main business asset. Leading branding consultants claim: ”The product is nothing – the brand is everything!” Consumers choose lifestyle and name before quality. Examples of word marks: Adidas, Starbucks, Whirlpool, Nestlé, Volkswagen, Sony, Harley Davidson, Philips, Just Do It, Orange, Siemens, Lays, Red Bull, Java, Vodafone, JVC, Gatorade, Coca Cola, Shell, Ford, Apple, Levis, Rolex, Microsoft, PepsiCo, RayBan, Zippo, Bic, MGM, Petronor, Herbalife, EMI, Sellotape, Pfeizer Example 1: Coca Cola – both the name and the shape of the bottle are trade marks Example 2: Nike’s Swoosh – earlier NIKE together with the ”Swoosh”, now identification by the ”Swoosh” alone (trade marks develop over time) More examples in later slides! A trade mark gives you an exclusive right to use the mark for your goods or services and the right to deny others the use of your mark or a mark similar to yours. A trade mark lasts 10 years, but can be renewed as many times as you want Besides: being distinctive and not similar to other marks, it must be graphically reproductive Nike registriran od 1971 ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Različite vrste žigova (1 od 3)
Riječ Adidas Logo Riječ/logo Traditional types of trade marks: Word and figurative marks ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Različite vrste žigova (2 od 3)
Brojevi/Slova Oblik proizvoda/3D Slogani “lakše se diše" Numerals: / letters: Ex: B & O Objects/3D: Protection of the shape and packaging of goods (ex. juice bottles) Harder to obtain than design registration (because it must have distinctive character) On the other hand. The trade marks are not limited in time (design 5 x 5 years) and can be renewed over and over again (ex. The Coca Cola bottle still protected after more than 100 years) ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Različite vrste žigova (3 od 3)
Primjer dobro poznatog žiga Ostali i “nove” vrste žigova: zajednički žig, jamstveni žig boja ili kombinacija boja, trodimenzionalni žig, zvučni žigovi mirisni i okusni žig, žig koji se sastoji od pokreta, grafička reprodukcija! Srodno područje: Zaštita oznaka zemljopisnog podrijetla Main rule is that a trade mark only protects the same kind of goods or services. Example: Fox for cars or soap – no conflict. Will be explained more in slide no. 15. Well-known brands enjoy a broader protection than ordinary trade marks. Coca-Cola has very broad protection. Collective marks: A group of owners e.g. a society Sounds: an example is the Lion roar from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer movies Certification marks: Can be used by anyone who shows documentation that his product meets given conditions/standards. An example is the “Pure Wool” mark for textiles. Colours or combinations: An example is Orange for FISKARS scissors in Finland and “green with yellow” for BP in relation to petrol stations. 3-dimensional: Toblerone and the Coca-Cola bottle are examples of shape marks, Could also be design registrations, but TM is better since it is not limited in time. Feel: Could be the rim of a spectacle lens for glasses from Zeiss. Movement marks: Small animations as seen in banners, film sequences such as commercials. Graphic reproduction: … Related area – PGIs (to be explained in details later): Examples are “Parma Ham”, “Champagne”, “Camembert”, “Jersey Royal Potatoes” and “Budějovické pivo” ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Uvjeti za dobar žig Članak 5. Zakona o žigu
(apsolutni razlozi za odbijanje) Žig ne smije biti: nerazlikovan opisan sličan ili istovjetan drugim žigovima Marks must have distinctive character – they must not be descriptive. This is in particular something you have to think about with word marks. Figurative marks: the figurative element meets the requirement of distinctiveness, but there is no exclusive right to the words. A word can change character when used for a long time. Example 1: APPLE – cannot be registered for apples, since it means “apples” but is OK for computers; Example 2: KIDZ– cannot be registered for clothing (could be clothing for children), but OK for fx coffee or tea; Example 3: LUXURY – may describe the quality of the goods; Example 4: DENMARK – (geographical origin) may indicate that the goods are from Denmark Not similar or identical: likelihood of confusion between two marks, if: Marks are identical or similar & goods or services are identical or similar Other rules: Must not be contrary to law, public order or morality. In most countries we would never take “Nigger,” or any other racist term. But concerning religion practice in some countries not very strict - A trade mark must not be misleading ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Razlikovni karakter - vježba
X Pola cijene za odjeću Jaguar za automobile Tetley za čaj Handy za lančanu pilu Razlikovni karakter (objasni zašto) Primjer 1 1: NE (opisuje vrijednost proizvoda/usluge) Primjer 2: DA (jaguar je brza životinja, ali nema veze s automobilima, tek nagovješta sličnost) Primjer 3: DA Example 4: NE (opisuje kvalitetu/svojstvo) X ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Mogućnost zabune Istovjetni žigovi: zaštićeni od istovjetnih i sličnih proizvoda/usluga Slični žigovi: zaštićeni od jednakih proizvoda/usluga na isti način Istovjetni proizvodi/usluge : žigovi ne smiju biti slični Slični proizvodi/usluge : žigovi ne smiju biti istovjetni Napomena: Žigovi s reputacijom imaju širi opseg zaštite Proizvodi/usluge moraju se razlikovati ali mogu biti u istom razredu (administrativni, ne pravni koncept) - Primjer FOX: za automobile; televiziju, sapun. Jednaki žig, 3 različita proizvoda/usluge, mogu koegzistirati jer nema bojazni od zabune. FOX bi se također mogao koristiti za računala, ali ne za motorkotače ili za rezervne djelove za automobile (osim istog proizvođača) Dobro poznati žig: Primjer PUMA (sport, obuća, odjeća) => šira zaštita (druge cipele & odjeća, možda i torbe, te sportska opremat?) Malo je tako poznatih žigova, žigova s reputacijom, koji mogu zaustaviti novi žig bez obzira na vrstu proizvoda/usluga (primjeri: Coca-Cola, Rolls Royce) ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Odnosi se na sljedeća obilježja žiga: Vizualnost (kako je pisan i njegov izgled) Auditivnost Semantičnost (konceptualnost) Written Looks (figurative marks) Phonetic (the way it sounds) Conceptual similarity Example from Danish Board of Appeal: ROCKET =/= POCKET (written similar, sounds similar, BUT two different meanings) Judgement will always be of trade marks as a whole – general impression ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Sličnost/Istovjetnost - primjeri
Cool/Kool Vizualno (kako je napisan) Vizualno (izgled) Auditivno Konceptualno Basket / Buskit For You / 4 U The two trade marks give the same overall impression, even though different when analysed Star / Stern ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Vježba 4. Riverland Timberland 2. Zymlin Xymelin 3. Eurica Erika 5.
Sličnost? Tekstualni žigovi: Primjer 1: NE Primjer 2: DA (zvuče vrlo slično, napisano na sličan način, nema značenja) Primjer 3: NE (jedno je žensko ime) Figurativni žigovi: Primjer: DA (vizualna sličnost) Primjer: NE (vjerojatno bi bili slični kada nebi bilo teksta JORAN) ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Različiti stupanj zaštite žiga
Kolika se sličnost među žigovima tolerira? Jaki žig omogućuje širu zaštitu Slabi žig pruža užu zaštitu Važno: Kreirati jaki i originalni žig A strong mark is a very distinctive brand. Strong trademarks and well-known marks => wider protection (can prohibit marks that have “some” similarity). Ex1: Coca-cola. Ex2: HARIBO. Ex3: LEGO A weak trade mark is a low distinctive brand. Weak trademarks (ex. the word STAR or BRAVO or commonly used symbols e.g. stars or simple geometrical figures are not strong distinctive marks => other marks can be similar “to a certain point” before there is a risk of confusion ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Primjeri – Jaki/slabi žigovi
DERMATECH PRINCE Degrees of protection from STRONG to WEAK: Samsung (fantasy word) Juventus (figurative and word is not descriptive, but only suggestive) Prince (distinctive – the word does have a meaning) Dermatech (suggestive and distinctive – but weak since DERMA = skin / TECH = technology) BP (only two letters) Circle (very weak – may have no real distinctive character) SAMSUNG BP ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Dobar popis proizvoda i usluga
Važno je napraviti dobar popis proizvoda i usluga Zaštita pokriva SAMO proizvode i usluge za koje je zatražena registracija Razmišljajte 5 godina unaprijed Sistem klasifikacije Poput knjižničkog sistema 45 razreda 1-34: goods, services. In principle all existing goods and services. More examples class 16: books, paper, etc./ class 25: clothing, footwear, headwear/ class 24: bed linen etc./ class 9: computer software /class 42: computer programming Important to make correct list of goods and services: Protection covers ONLY what the mark has been registered for (Ex: producer of telephones has mark registered for telecommunication => not very good protection). Think strategically: The first 5 years there is no requirement of use Therefore - Example: A trade mark you want to use for T-shirts, may as well register for ex shoes or maybe accessories in 18 => Strategic advantage for 5 years ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Međunarodna zaštita Područje zaštite žiga:
Nacionalni ured – stječe se nacionalna zaštita EU sustav: OHIM – stječe se zaštita na području 27 država članica Međunarodni sustav: Madridski sistem – države članice On the need of expanding the trademark for abroad markets – see below under strategic considerations. Priority: If you want to expand your TM registration to cover other countries, it is possible to get priority from your first filing up to 6 months National applications = national protection in different countries. Problem: different languages, and expensive EU: One application covers all of EU. System can be used by countries outside of European Union BUT: If it does not meet requirements in ONE country, it is refused for the whole area International system: Must have a national basis application or registration Then it’s like a menu card: you pick what you want (one or more countries) Strategic considerations: If only your own and neighboring countries are needed, then maybe EU or international mark is not necessary ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
EU žig – žig Zajednice Pokriva cijelu Europsku uniju – 27 država članica Prijava u OHIM-ov ured u Alicanteu (moguća e-prijava ) (ili nacionalni ured) Naknade i troškovi (mogu se pronaći na OHIM-ovoj internetskoj adresi: One application => 27 countries (unitary character) - Administration at OHIM (Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market) in Alicante, Spain Since 1996 (rather new, but very soon became a great success) Article 8 of the Community Trade Mark Regulation (Relative Grounds for Refusal) Fees: Filing 900 euro / e-filing 750 euro (for 3 classes). 150 euro for each class exceeding 3. Registration 850 euro (3 classes). 150 euro for each class exceeding 3. Renewal fee 1500 euro / e-renewal 1350 euro. 400 euro for each class exceeding 3. Rather difficult application procedure => often necessary to have a professional consultant representing you. Principle: apply in any language. But: must choose between 5 languages for further correspondence, so file in own language and choose 2nd language ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Ispitivanje žigova u EU
Princip “sve ili ništa”: Razlikovni karakter Prigovor Pretraga na sličnost baza podataka (ne obvezuje) Article 8 of the Community Trade Mark Regulation 8.1(a) Identical mark and identical goods/services… 8.1(b) Identity/similarity - likelihood of confusion… 8.2(a) Earlier rights – registered marks… 8.2(b) Earlier rights – pending applications… 8.2(c) Earlier rights – well known marks… 8.3 Filing without consent of proprietor… 8.4(a) Opposition by non-registered right owner… 8.4(b) Right to prohibit… 8.5 Detrimental to mark – no similarity of G&S… Drawbacks: Examination of distinctiveness is done for all of EU – 20 languages: All or nothing principle: if the mark is descriptive in ONE language / if it does not meet requirements in ONE country, it is refused for the whole of EU Important to think about, if you only operate on a few markets Ex: if you want Northern and Eastern European countries, but the word has a meaning in Spanish => it is refused In the same way, opposition in 1 country may lead to the refusal of the mark. OHIM makes the examination Quality of searches for identical or similar trade marks vary. Some countries do not search and as a result of that you risk to infringe somebody’s trade mark without knowing it. ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Međunarodna registracija
Madrid (više objašnjenja kasnije) Nacionalna prijava npr. u Australiji, Americi Priznanje prava prvenstva iz nacionalne prijave unutar 6 mjeseci Madrid: old system, still under development, very popular. Centralized system, through which you can apply in different national countries Can only be used by member states, but most industrialized countries members – USA, Japan etc. Must have a national basis application or registration Like a menu card: you pick what you want (one or more countries). International application is sent via National Office to WIPO (UN body), from where applications are sent out to designated countries Also possible to subsequently designate other countries In contrast to the EU mark: If it is refused in one country, this does not influence the other countries. You get the countries, where your TM passes through The link between EU-trademark and Madrid Protocol systems: Use EU registration as basis for MP/designate all of EU in MP application ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
MEĐUNARODNA PRIJAVA ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011 Example:
5. Basis application or registration number 7. The mark 11. Designated countries: China, Japan, Russian Federation, USA Advantages: Meet your opponents on your home ground (use national registration as a ”test”). If EU-application => the battle (opposition case) will take place in Alicante in a different language Possible to have subsequent designations ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
This final part will make a short introduction to the Madrid Agreement and Protocol. ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Uvod Madridski sustav za međunarodnu registraciju žigova (Madridski sustav) utemeljen 1891 obuhvaća Madridski sporazum (1891) i Madridski protokol (1989) Dva međunarodna ugovora koja su paralelna i samostalna, te se države mogu odlučiti za jedan od njih ili za oba Upravljano od strane Svjetske organizacije za intelektualno vlasništvo (WIPO) smještene u Genevi, Švicarskoj The system of international registration of marks is governed by two treaties: the Madrid Agreement, concluded in 1891 and revised at Brussels (1900), Washington (1911), The Hague (1925), London (1934), Nice (1957), and Stockholm (1967), and amended in 1979, and the Protocol relating to that Agreement, which was concluded in 1989, with the aim of rendering the Madrid system more flexible and more compatible with the domestic legislation of certain countries which had not been able to accede to the Agreement. ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Opis Slobodno za sve države koje su potpisnice Pariške konvencije
Slobodno za međuvladine organizacije koje imaju vlastite urede za zaštitu žigova Sustav omogućuje zaštitu žiga u mnogim zemljama, osiguravajući međunarodnu registraciju u državama članicama Madridske unije koje je podnositelj prijave odabrao Any State which is a party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property may become a party to the Agreement or the Protocol or both. In addition, an intergovernmental organization may become a party to the Protocol (but not the Agreement) where the following conditions are fulfilled: at least one of the Member States of the organization is a party to the Paris Convention and the organization maintains a regional office for the purposes of registering marks with effect in the territory of the organization. ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Tko može profitirati? Osnovna prijava/registracija: međunarodna prijava može biti podnijeta nakon što je žig prijavljen/registriran u nacionalnom uredu za žigove (odnosi se na ured podrijetla). Fizička ili pravna osoba mora biti povezana sa državom ugovornicom kako bi mogla koristit nacionalni žig kao osnovu za prijavu/registraciju. Međunarodna prijava mora biti proslijeđena Međunarodnom uredu (WIPO) preko ureda podrijetla. The connection of the applicant to the Contracting Party is through establishment, domicile or nationality. However, where all the designations are effected under the Protocol (see below) the international application may be based on a mere application for registration filed with the Office of origin. ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Prednost Sustav međunarodne zaštite žigova ima slijedeće glavne prednosti za vlasnike žigova Pojednostavljen postupak: Madridski sustav nudi vlasniku žiga mogućnost zaštite žiga u različitim zemljama podnošenjem samo jedne prijave preko nacionalnog ili regionalnog ureda za žigove The objectives of the system are two-fold: Firstly, it facilitates the obtaining of protection for marks (trademarks and service marks). The registration of a mark in the International Register produces, in the Contracting Parties designated by the applicant, the effects described in paragraph 28, below. Further Contracting Parties may be designated subsequently. Secondly, since an international registration is equivalent to a bundle of national registrations, the subsequent management of that protection is made much easier. There is only one registration to renew, and changes such as a change in ownership or in the name or address of the holder, or a limitation of the list of goods and services, can be recorded in the International Register through a single simple procedural step. On the other hand, if it is desired to transfer the registration for only some of the designated Contracting Parties, or for only some of the goods or services, or to limit the list of goods and services with respect to only some of the designated Contracting Parties, the system is flexible enough to accommodate this. ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
Zadnje napomene WIPO objavljuje vodič (upute) za međunarodnu registraciju žigova putem Madridskog sporazuma i Madridskog protokola na službenoj stranici ( Ako razmišljate o međunarodnoj registraciji možete naći sve potrebne informacije na WIPO-vom internetskom portalu. Zastupnik za žigove može pružiti savjet prijavitelju o mogućnostima koje su mu na raspolaganju vezano uz zaštitu žiga bilo da se radi o nacionalnoj ili međunarodnoj prijavi. ip4inno Osijek, prosinac 2011
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