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Transition to kindergarten

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Presentation on theme: "Transition to kindergarten"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition to kindergarten
Scaled Leadership Region Meeting central Region Transition to kindergarten #KinderRocksNEnrolls

2 Vision and Goals Establish M-DCPS as a first choice in the community for early childhood education Facilitate successful Transition to Kindergarten in M-DCPS Increase kindergarten enrollment in M-DCPS

3 Kindergarten Enrollment

4 Transition to Kindergarten
Current Practices Transition to Kindergarten Class Size Pre-K 2:20 Kindergarten 1:18 + Best Practices Current Practices Welcome Kindergarten Rocks ‘N’ ENROLLS Campaign Toolkit/Why Kindergarten Flyer Orientation Day August Culture Pre-K/Kindergarten Calendar of Activities Pre-K/K Counter Customer Service Specialists Varies Curriculum Developmentally Appropriate Practices-Differentiated Instruction Push Down Curriculum Pre-K/K Alignment Parental Engagement Identify Available Support Staff(Counselor, Media Specialist, FIS etc…. Parent Academy-Early Childhood Workshop Kinder Parent Orientation PowerPoint TTK Ambassadors target low enrolled schools Enrollment Timeline Earlier Enrollment Period (Feb/March) Never turn a parent away May Transition to Kindergarten through Summer

5 Transition to Kindergarten Ambassadors Program
Visitations with school administrators Visitations with private providers across the District Conduct Transition to Kindergarten Technical Assistance Sessions by Region Conduct Parent Transition to Kindergarten Orientation Meetings for families in private centers based on M-DCPS school enrollment Know your assigned Ambassador! to discuss Pre-K, K and 3rd grade assessment data and provide contact information on private providers feeding into school to initiate partnership with M-DCPS and provide information to promote Transition to Kindergarten efforts to help bridge communication between M-DCPS and Private providers and facilitate early education content for administrators and directors

6 Transition to Kindergarten Title I Principal Data Form

7 Reflecting on Transition to Kindergarten School Site Needs
Low Enrollment Readiness of Students Performance Gaps between Pre-K and 3rd Grade

8 2017-2018 Transition to Kindergarten Campaign

9 Kindergarten Rocks ‘N’ ENROLLS
Briefing February 8, 2018 Kindergarten Rocks ‘N’ ENROLLS Campaign beginning February 20-March 16, 2018 Four weeks of Transition to Kindergarten activities Begin enrolling kindergarten students for Continue TTK efforts throughout the year

10 Kindergarten Rocks ‘N’ ENROLLS Campaign
Weeks Dates School Events Week 1 Feb. 20- Feb. 23 Kindergarten Rocks ‘N’ ENROLLS Promotional Activities Week 2 Feb. 26-March 2 School Based Pre-K Visit to Kindergarten Week 3 March 5- March 9 Neighboring Private Providers/Head Start Visit Kindergarten Week 4 March 12-March 16 ParentOrientations, Tours/Registration

11 Kindergarten Rocks ‘N’ ENROLLS Toolkit
Weekly Briefing forthcoming Kindergarten Rocks ‘N’ ENROLLS Weekly Activity Guide Suggested Activities Promotional Strategies Sample Connect ED Messages Sample Social Media Posts (Twitter/Facebook) Sample School Marquee Message School Resources in English, Spanish, Creole School Flyer Why Kindergarten in M-DCPS Registration Checklist Kindergarten Parent Questionnaire

12 Kindergarten Rocks ‘N’ ENROLLS Sample PowerPoint
PowerPoint Attachment in Briefing To be used during Parent Orientation (Week 4) Customize to meet school individual needs Include school specific information to promote program Include kindergarten teachers and support staff during parent orientations/prekindergarten events

13 Kindergarten Rocks ‘N’ ENROLLS Head Start Programs
Briefing February 8, 2018 Head Start Performance Standards Coordinate M-DCPS Head Start Transition to Kindergarten efforts with Family Involvement Specialists(FIS) and Social Workers Coordinate Delegate Agency Head Start Transition to Kindergarten efforts with TTK Ambassadors Continue TTK efforts throughout the year

14 Prek SPED Transitions Transition meetings led by Pre-K SPED Staffing Specialists students with evaluations completed meetings with advocates only. School LEAs and PreK teachers conduct all other transition meetings. PreK SPED staffing specialists are training all teachers on how to conduct these transition meetings. All students are eligible to apply for the VPK lottery. Principals should alert the PreK SPED Office if a SPED student is selected in the lottery and final placement will be determined as according to the IEP.

15 Transition to Kindergarten Ambassadors
Dulce Blacher Carmen Medrano Collette Combs Arcola Lake Elementary Broadmoor Elementary Citrus Grove Elementary Coral Terrace Elementary Earlington Heights Elementary Jesse J. McCrary Elementary Kensington Park Elementary Shenandoah Elementary Silver Bluff Elementary Auburndale Elementary Flagami Elementary Frederick Douglass Elementary Miami Park Elementary Orchard Villa Elementary Phillis Wheatley Elementary Riverside Elementary Edison Park K-8 Everglades K-g Morningside K-8 Kelsey L. Pharr Elementary Miami Shores Elementary Poinciana Park Elementary Benjamin Franklin K-8 Charles R. Drew K-8 Rosa Maso Audrey Prieto Patty Salim Eneida Hartner Elementary Henty E. Reeves Elementary Henry M. Flagler Elementary Hialeah Elementary Holmes Elementary Kinloch Park Elementary Lakeview Elementary Lenora B. Smith Elementary Lorah Park Elementary Melrose Elementary Paul L. Dunbar K-8 Agenoria S. Paschal Elementary Comstock Elementary Frances S. Tucker Elementary Maya Angelou Elementary Phyllis R. Miller Elementary Santa Clara Elementary Shadowlawn Elementary Tousaint L’overture Elementary Van E. Blanton Elementary Dr. Henry Mack K-8 M.A. Milam K-8 Banyan Elementary Charles R. Hadley Elementary Coral Park Elementary E.W.F. Stirrup Elementary Emerson Elementary Fairlawn Elementary Rockway Elementary Seminole Elementary

16 Early Childhood Enrollment

17 Prekindergarten Enrollment

18 Prekindergarten Enrollment
Briefing ID#: Title I and Fee-Supported schools of the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Program Lottery/Registration Procedures VPK lottery date is Friday, February 23, 2018 NEW! In-boundary/out-of-boundary Lottery Consult slot allocation attachment Filling SPED Inclusion classrooms with 3 and 4- year-olds Head Start Students with Disabilities After lottery, refer parents on waiting list to neighboring schools with openings across programs

19 Contact Us Department of Early Childhood Programs
Marisol Diaz, Administrative Director VPK (Title I and Fee-Supported) Dina Westberg, District Supervisor VPK/Transition to Kindergarten Judy Palenzuela, District Coordinator Head Start/Early Head Start Dr. Lourdes Linares, Executive Director Patricia Ortega, District Supervisor Pre-K SPED Dr. Ann Marie Sasseville, Executive Director Dr. Josee Gregoire, Instructional Supervisor

20 Transition to Kindergarten Ambassadors
Cristina Alicot Dulce Blacher Collette Combs Rosa Maso Carmen Medrano Audrey Prieto Patty Salim

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