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An individual’s pattern of thinking, feeling and acting.

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Presentation on theme: "An individual’s pattern of thinking, feeling and acting."— Presentation transcript:

1 An individual’s pattern of thinking, feeling and acting.
Personality An individual’s pattern of thinking, feeling and acting.

2 Freud’s Psychodynamic Approach STRUCTURE
People have basic impulses and urges related to food, water, sex, aggression, love etc. He calls these urges INSTINCTS Personality develops as we struggle to satisfy urges and it is reflected in the way we go about doing so.

3 Id

4 Ego

5 Superego


7 Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality
Fathered by Sigmund Freud. Idea of the ________ (id’s psychic energy) moving to different parts of our body. Stages of Psycho-Sexual Development Oral Anal Phallic Latent Genital Sigmund Freud

8 Oral Stage (0-18 months) Anal Stage (18-36 months)

9 Phallic Stage (3-6 years)
Self stimulation of genitals _________ (males) and __________ (females) is conflict. Traits- Flirting, promiscuity or overly modest, timid

10 Latency and Genital Stages
Genital (puberty - on)

11 Defense Mechanisms The ego has a pretty important job…and that is to protect you from threatening thoughts in our unconscious. One way it protects us is through defense mechanisms.

12 Repression When asked about Jasmine, Brandon may say “Who?, I have not thought about her for awhile.” Why don’t we remember our Oedipus and Electra complexes?

13 Denial Brandon may act like he is still together with Jasmine. He may hang out by her locker and plan dates with her.

14 Displacement Often displaced on less threatening things.
Brandon may take his anger on another kid by bullying.

15 Projection Brandon insists that Jasmine still cares for him.
Things we’re ashamed of, we see in other people

16 Reaction Formation Cootie stage in Freud’s Latent Development.
Brandon claims he hates Jasmine.

17 Regression Brandon begins to sleep with his favorite childhood stuffed animal- Mr. Wiggles.

18 Rationalization Brandon thinks he will find a better girlfriend. “Jasmine was not all that anyway!” I really did want to go to ……..anyway, it was too ……

19 Intellectualization Brandon starts doing a research paper on failed teenage romances. What type of problems or stresses do you think usually result in this defense mechanism?

20 Sublimation Sometimes a healthy defense mechanism.
Brandon angry at break up so starts to learn how to play the guitar and writing songs (or maybe starts to body build).

21 Compensation Eg. Person feels physically inferior may put all effort into schoolwork and become best student Fantasy

22 Criticisms of Freud

23 Carl Jung’s Analytic Psychology
Neo-Freudian approach Emphasized a more general life force Focused toward creativity, growth-oriented conflict resolution, and productive adjustment of basic impulses in light of real-world demands Collective unconscious

24 Neo-Freudians Psychodynamic Theories
Eric Erickson Carl Jung and his concept of the “personal” and “collective” unconscious. Alfred Adler and his ideas of _______ and __________. Adler also talked __________ order and how it played a part in personality.

25 Neo-Freudians Psychodynamic Theories
Karen Horney said Freud sexist with the “penis envy” and there is an actual “womb envy”. Men create things like governments, buildings, companies, armies, because they cannot create life Matina Horner Women have a fear of success Nancy Chodorow Goes into more detail about the Oedipus Complex and thinks women have a harder time reconciling love for father, mother and the relationship between the two!

26 Psychoanalysis Today Couch sitting ____________ is likely to happen.
The idea is to delve into your unconscious. Pull out _____________. Then talk about the _____________.

27 Getting into the Unconscious
Dream Interpretation Free Association (having them just randomly talk to themselves…and then interpreting the conversation).

28 TAT Test Thematic Apperception Test
Their answers reveal the manifest content. They can then discover the Latent Content.

29 Rorschach Inkblot Test
The most widely used projective test

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