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Rhetorical Terms Challenge

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1 Rhetorical Terms Challenge
To the victors go the spoils! (hehehe that’s an anastrophe)

2 Rules Each group must send up one challenger per question.
You must take turns; one person cannot come up more often than the rest of the group. When you are the challenger, you may not use notes or consult your group. You must write your answer on the board clearly. Peeking at others’ boards or receiving aide from someone in the class will disqualify the challenger. Group members sleeping, working on other things, talking, or shouting out answers/insults/useless trivia will lose their group points.

3 Question 1 “This spaghetti is terrible.”
The above sentence is an example of... Active Voice or Passive Voice

4 Question 2 When Mrs. Mehrens argues that if you don’t do your homework, then you will fail at life, her argument contains which fallacy? Poisoning the Well Red Herring Slippery Slope

5 Question 3 “If you build it, they will come.” This is an example of…
Simple sentence OR Compound sentence Complex sentence Compound-Complex sentence

6 Question 4 “Everyone’s doing it.” This is an example of which fallacy?
Argument from ignorance OR Bandwagon Begging the Question

7 Question 5 What is the term referring to the basic message or meaning conveyed through elements of character and conflict? Theme

8 Question 6 When you ask to go to the mall and your mother answers “have you cleaned your room,” she is guilty of which argumentative fallacy? Non Sequitur OR Ad Hominem Bandwagon

9 Question 7 “The pig ate my sandwich.”
The above sentence is an example of… Active voice OR Passive Voice

10 Question 8 Which argumentative fallacy refers to an attack on a person rather than the issues at hand? Ad Hominem OR Straw Man Non Sequitor

11 Question 9 “Sally sells seashells by the seashore.”
This is an example of what literary term? Alliteration

12 Question 10 “You need to give 150% on your English test.”
This is an example of which literary device? Irony OR Juxtaposition Hyperbole

13 Question 11 Which literary device is a reference that recalls another work, another time in history, another famous person, and so forth. Allusion OR Chiasmus Metaphor

14 Question 12 “I will be here. I will be strong. I’ll face my fears when the night is long.” Those song lyrics are an example of which rhetorical device? Anaphora OR Aphorism Apostrophe

15 Question 13 Which of these is the direct opposite of hyperbole? OR
Chiasmus OR Euphemism Understatement

16 Question 14 “I came, I saw, I conquered.”
This is an example of which rhetorical term? Zeugma OR Tricolon Synecdote

17 Question 15 At the beginning of the Iliad, the speaker addresses his Muse. This is an example of which rhetorical term? Apostrophe OR Metonymy Rhetorical Shift

18 Question 16 The dog, a small creature with tangled brown fur, ran across my carpet with a bark of delight. Which part of the sentence is an appositive? A) The dog B) a small creature with tangled brown fur C) ran across my carpet D) with a bark E) of delight

19 Question 17 When scientists collect data and then draw conclusions from that data, what type of reasoning are they using? Inductive OR Deductive

20 Question 18 “If A is true and B is true then C must be true.”
This is an example of what type of reasoning? Inductive OR Deductive

21 Question 19 This is an example of…
All humans die. Mona is a human. Therefore, Mona will die. This is an example of… Synthesis OR Synecdoche Syllogism

22 Question 20 We know that evolution is false because we did not evolve from monkeys. This is an example of which argumentative fallacy? Red Herring OR Straw Man Poisoning the Well

23 Question 21 Presenting negative information about a person before he/she speaks so as to discredit the person’s argument is what type of argumentative fallacy? Ad Hominem OR Poisoning the Well Cause and Effect

24 Question 22 I know I forgot to deposit the check into the bank yesterday. But, nothing I do pleases you. This is an example of which argumentative fallacy? Begging the Question OR Red Herring Slippery Slope

25 Question 23 Mrs. Mehrens ate all her chocolate in one day.
This is an example of what type of sentence? Simple Sentence OR Compound Sentence Complex Sentence Compound-Complex Sentence

26 Question 24 Rhetorical Question
When the author writes a question whose answer is assumed – usually designed to force the reader to respond in a predetermined manner – what rhetorical tool are they using? Rhetorical Question

27 Question 25 She certainly was beautiful, the way a cow is beautiful standing in the beautiful radiance of a moonlit night. This sentence uses which rhetorical device? Polysyndeton OR Pun Repetition

28 Question 26 Which term is another word for a claim? Allusion OR
Epistrophe Premise

29 Question 27 After school I have to grade essays, and fix dinner, and do the laundry, and feed the dogs, and go to the store, and eat some chocolate. This sentence uses which rhetorical device? Anadiplosis OR Epanalepsis Polysyndeton

30 Question 28 Mrs. Mehrens was defeated at chess by her husband.
This is an example of… Active Voice Passive Voice

31 Question 29 When the author appeals to the readers’ emotions, they are appealing to… Pathos OR Ethos Logos

32 Question 30 “We will fight them on the beaches, and fight them in the hills, and fight them in the forests, and in the villages of the dell.” This is an example of what rhetorical strategy? Paradox OR Parallel Syntax Oxymoron

33 Question 31 God exists because the Bible says so. The Bible is inspired. Therefore, we know that God exists. This is an example of which argumentative fallacy? Non Sequitur OR Begging the Question Bandwagon

34 Question 32 There are no aliens because we’ve never seen them
This is an example of which argumentative fallacy? Argument from Ignorance OR False Dilemma Straw Man

35 Question 33 You either did knock the glass over or you did not. Which is it? This is an example of which argumentative fallacy? Begging the Question OR Cause and Effect False Dilemma

36 Question 34 If you watch the game, they will lose.
This is an example of which argumentative fallacy? Cause and Effect OR Begging the Question Non Sequitur

37 Question 35 Brian’s car ran the light, scraped another car, jumped the curb, crashed into a tree. This is an example of which rhetorical term? Anastrophe OR Antithesis Asyndeton

38 Question 36 Very troubled you are. Polysyndeton OR Juxtaposition
This is an example of which rhetorical term? Polysyndeton OR Juxtaposition Anastrophe

39 Question 37 Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. This is an example of which rhetorical term? Chiasmus OR Epistrophe Ellipsis

40 Question 38 Because I failed my English test, I am going to fail the class for the semester and I am not getting credit for English II. This is what type of sentence? Simple OR Compound Complex Compound-Complex

41 Question 39 If you irritate the dragon, it will spit fire at you and fly away. What type of sentence is this? Simple OR Compound Complex Compound-Complex

42 Question 40 Melissa studied very hard for her English test, and she made an A. What type of sentence is this? Simple OR Compound Complex Compound-Complex

43 Question 41 If the author is appealing to the readers’ logic, then the author is appealing to… Pathos OR Ethos Logos

44 Question 42 When you look up a word in the dictionary, you are looking for its… Connotation OR Denotation

45 Question 43 A regional speech pattern (the way people talk in different parts of the country/world) is called what? Dialect

46 Question 44 Common sense is not so common.
This is an example of what rhetorical term? Diction OR Epanalepsis Epistrophe

47 Question 45 This government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from this earth. This contains an example of what rhetorical term? Epistrophe OR Jargon Malapropism

48 Question 46 Using the phrase “kicking the bucket” instead of the word “dying” is an example of what rhetorical term? Euphemism OR Fallacy Metaphor

49 Question 47 I can’t believe you just did that!
This is an example of what type of sentence? Declarative OR Exclamatory Imperative Interrogative

50 Question 48 Thinking is hard.
In this sentence, the word “thinking” is being used as a… Appositive OR Predicate Gerund

51 Question 49 Go to the store and get me some milk.
This is example of what type of sentence? Declarative OR Exclamatory Imperative Interrogative

52 Question 50 The mariner’s cultivated vulgarity was alarming to sailors more comfortable with the bubbly heaviness of their captain. This sentence contains which rhetorical term? Metonymy OR Onomatopoeia Oxymoron

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