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Sec 3 – Lesson Objectives

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1 Sec 3 – Lesson Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students would have: engaged in independent research on some suggested topics devised a framework based on the given thesis statements considered relevant issues related to their arguments

2 Sec 3 – Lesson Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students would have: reviewed basic expository and argumentative writing skills reinforced their learning through the written assignment reflected on the learning package as well as the IT exercise

3 Lesson Plan 1 (40 minutes) 1. Log on to the following website at
topicarg.html and select one topic from each category – bioethics, computing issues, constitutional issues, social concerns and education issues – for your independent research

4 Lesson Plan 1 (40 minutes) Select one of the given thesis statements and consider some of the related issues that are listed alongside the thesis. Scan the various sources of information and read those articles that would help expand your thesis statement.

5 Lesson Plan 2 (40 minutes) In your various on-line discussion groups, decide on a topic (based on the thesis statements that individuals have been reading up on in the previous lesson) Once a common topic has been selected, group members can design a framework for their essay.

6 Lesson Plan 2 (40 minutes) The discussion should be carried out via MSN chat, iVLE forum or forum as indicated by your EL teachers. [You may use the following slides to revise the 5-paragraph essay]

7 Sources:

8 Expository / Argumentative Essay Template
Question: ______________________________ A) Introduction In the introduction, the reader should find the main idea of the essay expressed in the thesis sentence. Also in the introduction, the reader should be able to tell what specific points about the main idea will be discussed and in what order they will be developed (forecasting). The introduction should make the reader want to continue reading.]

9 Expository / Argumentative Essay Template
Introductory statement: ________________________ v     Choice of Introduction : ________________________ Ask a question, give information/statistics, cite an example, quotation, opinion, personal experience, imaginary scene, define key terms.

10 Expository / Argumentative Essay Template
Thesis Statement: _____________________________ B) Body Each topic sentence should be a major point of argument, which supports the thesis statement. Primary support sentences are general statements, which support the topic sentence. The secondary support sentences (or concrete illustrations), which support the primary support sentences, provide specific details, quotes, statistics, or real-life examples.

11 Expository / Argumentative Essay Template
(i) First Supporting Idea * Topic sentence _______________________________________ # Main Idea # Elaboration (ii) Second Supporting Idea

12 Expository / Argumentative Essay Template
(iii) Third Supporting Idea * Topic sentence _______________________________________ # Main Idea # Elaboration (iv) Counter argument/ proposals/ solutions/ recommendations

13 Expository / Argumentative Essay Template
C) Conclusion: The concluding paragraph should include a general summary statement, which recaps the thesis, and a wrap-up statement. The wrap-up statement could contain insights of the essay writer, encourage the reader to take action, emphasize the importance of one of the points of argument, or create a solid sense of finality.

14 Expository / Argumentative Essay Template
Type of Conclusion: _________________________ Summary of main points, ask a provocative question, evoke a vivid image, call for action, suggest results or consequences. * Closing statement, which captures thesis: _________________________________________ * Wrap-up statement (consequences and insights)

15 Lesson Plan 3 – Written Assignment
Q. Based on your online discussion, develop the framework that you have drawn up into a full length essay of words. [Make sure that you have used the suggested resources to help you flesh out the essay]

16 A Final Note… Please submit your written assignment through your teacher’s iVLE workbin (or as instructed) Include also a reflection for submission via emb or blog (at your ELTs’ request) reflection could focus on whether the lesson has met its objectives; opinions on the entire lesson package and/or on the IT emergency exercise itself.

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