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Tanzania PowerChain Blockchain enabled energy trading, unlocking micro grids in Africa Martielo Franco Siddharth Agarwal Andrew Seelaus Kota Nagaishi Source:NASA.

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Presentation on theme: "Tanzania PowerChain Blockchain enabled energy trading, unlocking micro grids in Africa Martielo Franco Siddharth Agarwal Andrew Seelaus Kota Nagaishi Source:NASA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tanzania PowerChain Blockchain enabled energy trading, unlocking micro grids in Africa Martielo Franco Siddharth Agarwal Andrew Seelaus Kota Nagaishi Source:NASA Earth Observatory/NOAA NGDC


3 Solar Home Systems Grid Connections

4 $350M in Venture Capital funding DFI from major industry players
Solar Home Systems Grid Connections $350M in Venture Capital funding DFI from major industry players

5 PRODUCTIVE POWER GAP Solar Home Systems Grid Connections
$350M in Venture Capital funding DFI from major industry players

6 Microgrids Current Solutions? PRODUCTIVE POWER GAP Solar Home Systems
Grid Connections Current Solutions? Expanded SHS products Grid Extension PRODUCTIVE POWER GAP Microgrids

7 Microgrid Players Start-ups Multinationals

8 Microgrid Players Start-ups Multinationals No true scale

9 Three Challenges to Scale:
Selling the System Three Challenges to Scale: Standardized Design Funding

10 + = Three Challenges to Scale: Solution Company Profile
Selling the System Three Challenges to Scale: Standardized Design Funding Solution Company Profile Technology and service provider Bundling payment and trading platform, and solar generation system Partnership with solution providers (solar systems) to integrate technologies + = Self-balancing Trading enabled, ad hoc microgrids

11 Business Model: Users (do not pay us directly) Who are our customers?
Be a technology and service provider Bundling payment and trading platform, and solar generation system Partnership with solution providers (solar systems) to integrate technologies Who are our customers? Users (do not pay us directly) Solution Providers (PowerGen, PowerHive, M-Kopa) What we do? Technology provider (embedded into smart meters) Payment and trading management How do we make money? Subscription / transaction Fee over energy traded

12 $ 2 M for 30% of the company What we need What we will do
Tanzania $ 2 M for 30% of the company What we need What we will do Platform development Pilot Program

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