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SDO/HMI Preliminary Design Review

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Presentation on theme: "SDO/HMI Preliminary Design Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 SDO/HMI Preliminary Design Review
Solar Dynamics Observatory Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager Preliminary Design Review Stanford University and Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory 18-19 November 2003

2 HMI PDR Logistics and Agenda Review
Larry Springer HMI Program Manager

3 Agenda Day 1

4 Agenda Day 2

5 Acronym List (1/4)

6 Acronym List (2/4)

7 Acronym List (3/4)

8 Acronym List (4/4)

9 ITAR Considerations The HMI PDR Package has been reviewed with the LMATC Export Control Director to determine that it is not an ITAR controlled document. It is the opinion of the LMATC Export Control Director that ITAR and the provisos of the HMI TAA prevent us from exporting information about other programs that are regulated by ITAR Therefore the names and acronyms from previous programs covered by ITAR have been replaced by generic references (ie. Program A) THE Review Panel will be provided with a cross reference. Programs like MDI and TRACE which were developed prior to ITAR are not restricted. Because the audience of this review includes non US persons, who are members of the HMI team, it may be necessary to defer the answers to detailed technical questions that would include information considered technical data or defense service by ITAR.

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