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Emergency Solutions Grant Program

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1 Emergency Solutions Grant Program
Technical Assistance Workshop-January 9, 2018 Katherine Thoeni/CA-506 Continuum of Care Representative in conjunction with the city of Salinas as administrative entity for esg funds

2 Please note: This technical assistance presentation is related to state and federal ESG funds as provided by HCD. It is not to be confused with ESG Entitlement funding. Confused yet? Here’s another one. All amounts and dates subject to change based upon information provided by HCD. The AE reserves the right to modify awards to meet compliance requirements as mandated by HCD.

3 ESG Redesign Key Highlights
Over the past few years, State ESG Program redesigned. In the redesign, ESG funding activities are based in one of two formulas. 1. Service Areas that do not contain a city or county that receives ESG directly from HUD (Entitlement) 2. CoC Allocation for Service Areas that contain a city or county that receives ESG directly from HUD. Continuum of Care CA-506 (Monterey and San Benito Counties) fall into redesign category #2.

4 ESG Redesign Key Highlights
In order to participate in category #2, the CoC must have an approved Administrative Entity (AE). AE must be part of City or County government. The City of Salinas has been approved as the Administrative Entity. The City of Salinas is partnering with the designated CoC Coordinator (Coalition of Homeless Service Providers) to carry out ESG related activities.

5 ESG Redesign Key Changes
HCD has redesigned ESG to somewhat mirror the HUD Continuum of Care Competition process. No longer two separate funding pools (Monterey and San Benito Counties). Local funding availability is now allocated by Continuum of Care. This means that one funding amount is available for both counties. Applicants no longer submit proposals to HCD directly. Proposals will be submitted to the Administrative Entity. Funding decisions will be made at the local level via an objective priority rank/review process. AE will process financial components directly. Reporting no longer submitted to HCD directly. Reporting to be submitted to AE. Project monitoring to be conducted via the AE in conjunction with the CoC.

6 One More Big Redesign Change
In past years, State ESG funding could not be used to serve residents residing in an entitlement community. This meant that State ESG funding could not be used to serve City of Salinas residents. ESG redesign has now changed. “Through the use of Coordinated Entry and other means, all funded activities must be available to Non-Entitled Areas of the Service Area………….Funded activities may also serve households located in ESG Entitlement Areas.” This means State ESG funding can be used to serve City of Salinas residents.

7 Questions? Questions about main ESG redesign and changes before we go on?

8 Eligible Applicants Applicants seeking funding must either be a private non- profit organization or a unit of local government proposing to provide ESG-eligible activities within Continuum of Care CA-506 (Monterey and San Benito Counties)

9 Funding Available Approx. $525,722 available for local distribution **estimate only at this point. Subject to change with additional information from HCD Contract length will be for a 12 month period A minimum of 40 percent ($210,288) of allocated funding must be used to support Rapid-Rehousing activities.

10 Eligible Activities Rapid Rehousing
Emergency Shelter, except for additions, renovations, conversion & major rehabilitation costs. Street Outreach HMIS Homeless Prevention in conjunction with RR and/or ES Approved Indirect

11 Rapid Re-Housing ESG funds may be used to provide housing relocation & stabilization services and short or medium-term rental assistance as necessary to help a homeless individual or family move as quickly as possible into permanent housing and achieve stability in that housing. RR activities must meet all of the HUD requirements specified at 24 CFR Also see 25 CCR 8408. RR activity can use up to a total of 10% of grant funds for Street Outreach or Homeless Prevention activities as long as it is in conjunction with their core activities.

12 Important note about rapid rehousing
25 CCR Section prohibits subpopulation targeting with ESG funds in RR and HP programs, except for special advance waiver from HCD. CA-506 does not meet conditions for an advanced HCD waiver This means that RR and HP funds cannot be targeted to a separate homeless population such as Veterans, Youth, Disabled, etc. Programs must provide these services to all qualified homeless persons. Does that make sense? Questions about this?

13 Emergency Shelter ESG funds may be used for costs of providing essential services and shelter operations. A facility which does not require occupants to sign leases or occupancy agreements. While renovation, major rehabilitation, or conversion are not eligible, maintenance activities or minor repairs are an eligible use of State ESG funds. Up to 10 percent of requested funds may be used for Street Outreach or Homeless Prevention in conjunction with core activity.

14 Emergency Shelter Day Shelter: A day shelter must meet the criteria in the ES definition and will compete as an ES. The primary purpose of a day shelter must be to provide temporary shelter for persons experiencing homelessness. Facilities such as multi- purpose centers or stand- alone soup kitchens do not quality as ES. Day shelters must target people who are sleeping on the streets, or in ES. Clients must be permitted to stay at the day shelter during all hours it is open for shelter.

15 Emergency Shelter Reference
For additional information, see: 24 CFR and 25CCR 8408.

16 Street Outreach ESG funds may be used for Street Outreach activities which include the costs of providing essential services necessary to reach out to unsheltered homeless people, connecting them with ES, housing or critical services. Eligible activities include engagement, case management, emergency health and mental health services, While SO is an eligible stand- alone activity, it is preferred that SO activities are delivered in conjunction with RR or ES.

17 Street Outreach References
For additional information, see: 24 CFR

18 Homeless Prevention HP activities are not eligible as a stand-alone activity. However, HP may be proposed in conjunction with ES (exp. To facilitate shelter diversion) or with RR (exp. Preventing homelessness of a previously assisted household.) Maximum 10% in HP allowed in conjunction with ES or RR. For additional information, see: 24. CFR )

19 Homeless Management Information System
ESG can pay for activities associated with contributing data associated with RR, ES, SO, and HP activities. In no case can costs exceed 10% of the total amount requested per application. For additional information, see: 24 CFR 25 CCR 8408 ESG recipients must participate in HMIS Remember, there is a cost for HMIS so you should ask for the 10%)

20 Indirect Proposals may include a request for indirect costs not to exceed 10%.

21 Minimum Proposal Amount
The minimum proposal amount is $50,000. No maximum, but note: AE looking to provide a broad level of service across the entire CoC. Reminder: Minimum 40% of total CoC allocation must be used for Rapid Re-Housing. The AE reserves the right to modify funding amounts to ensure compliance with HDC regulations

22 Core Practices Applicants must actively participate in ESG Core Practices. ~Active Participation in Coordinated Entry Active Participation in HMIS, including meetings and trainings ~Housing First ~Progressive Engagement These are important, make sure you totally understand what they mean. Questions about this? Now is the time to ask.

23 Required Match Dollar for Dollar Match requirement.
Match may be obtained by any source, including any federal source other than the ESG program, as well as State, local and private sources. Plan for dollar to dollar match..It might be waived for the general fund dollars, but plan for 100% match just to be sure!!

24 Reporting Quarterly reports to be submitted to the AE.
Reports to be submitted through City Data Services. Programs should have the capacity and expertise to properly prepare and submit accurate reporting information

25 Billing ESG is a cost reimbursable grant program.
Billing activities conducted on a quarterly basis. Billing submitted to AE through City Data Services

26 Application Availability
ESG Application will be available at City Data Services by close of business today. User Name: SAL2018 Password: SAL2018 Make sure you write this information down today because you will need it to access the application.

27 General Application Components
Applicant Contact Information Funding Categories Program Description Standards to Determine Project Eligibility Relationship to Existing Programs Performance Measures Organizational Capacity and Experience Budget Requested Attachments

28 ESG Calendar 1/9/18-Mandatory Workshop 1/23/18-Applications Due
1/19-HCD Announces Awards 4/19-Standard Agreements Issued NOTE: HCD timelines are estimates and subject to change (you can almost count on it)

29 Questions? Questions that arise after the technical assistance session should be directed to: Anastacia Wyatt City of Salinas us

30 Questions About City Data Services
The following person should be contacted if you are having difficulty submitting application to CDS. Steve

31 This PowerPoint Can Be Obtained at:
The Coalition of Homeless Services Providers Website: Click on the “CoC Funding” section and you will see “ESG Funding”

32 Thank You This concludes the technical assistance session.
Thank you for your interest in the State and Federal Emergency Solutions Grant Program. Have a great day!

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