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CHEM 127: Chemistry and Climate 1/3/12

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Presentation on theme: "CHEM 127: Chemistry and Climate 1/3/12"— Presentation transcript:

1 CHEM 127: Chemistry and Climate 1/3/12
O. Introductory Stuff - Business: Syllabus etc. - Informal Survey - Some initial observations consideraitons

2 A quick survey … Is the global climate changing ? a) yes b) no c) IDK
2) If “yes”, are humans the cause ? a) yes b) no c) IDK 3) How do you know?

3 Q#1: Average Global Temperature is Increasing

4 Sea level up - snow & ice melting…
What else is going on? Sea level up - snow & ice melting… IPCC, AR4, WG1, 2007 NOAA, CMDL, 2009

5 News Item: http://news. blogs. cnn

6 Svante Arrhenius: Global Warming Hypothesis
Q#2: Could it be us? Svante Arrhenius: Global Warming Hypothesis (Philosophical Magazine ) “Increased Levels of CO2 [and other greenhouse gases] will lead to an increase in global temperature” “Other GHG’s” include: H2O, CH4, N2O, and Halocarbons …. (Stay tuned)

7 Are CO2 levels increasing?
C.D. Keeling and T.P. Whorf (October 2004).

8 Do human CO2 sources rival nature ?
Natural CO2 emissions: Terrestrial Biosphere: Pg/year Marine Biosphere: Pg/year Anthropogenic CO2 emissions: Fossil Fuels: 6.0 Pg/yr* (1.5 US!) Deforestation: 1.5 Pg/yr * (this is low – it is more like 7.0 now)

9 —> CO2 - ~35% increase —> CH4 - more than 2x!
Greenhouse gas concentrations: the last 10,000 years —> CO ~35% increase —> CH more than 2x! —> N2O - ~20% increase Halocarbons —> ∞ increase

Are these observations related? … BUT DOES THIS PROOVE ANYTHING? Nature v. 412, p (2 August 2001)

11 Considerations (now that things ain’t so simple):
Scientific: What is Scientific Proof? What Experiment can we do? 2) Ethical: Do we have the right to double the 4th most abundant gas in the atmosphere? 3) Economic: Are there solutions that will preserve a reasonable standard of living? 4) Media Bias: Who do you trust? What information is credible ? (Peer Review is the standard in science …)

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