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Respiratory System Lab Chapter 13

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1 Respiratory System Lab Chapter 13
Bio 1108 Week 3

2 Respiratory Lab Anatomy & Physiology
The List: Nostrils Nasal cavity Pharynx Epiglottis Hyoid bone Larnyx ‘voce box’ Thyroid cartilage ’Adam’s apple’ Trachea Tracheal cartilages Primary bronchi Lungs diaphragm Trachea slide: Tracheal lumen-air Hyaline cartilage Lung slide: Bronchioles Alveoli Simple squamous epithelium Blood vessel Respiratory zone versus conducting zone Mechanics of Inspiration versus expiration Tidal volume versus Vital Capacity Gas Exchange: Pulmonary versus systemic circuits External versus Internal respiration

3 Respiratory Pathway Inhaled air: Enters the nostrils
Circulates in the nasal cavity Passes through the pharynx Enters and passes through the larynx to the Trachea Then the trachea bifurcates into Two primary bronchi attached to the Lungs The Bronchi continue to divide until They dead end at the alveolus. out in

4 Nasal cavity Pharynx Epiglottis Larynx Trachea Left Bronchus Lung Diaphragm

5 1 2 The List: Hyoid bone Larnyx ‘voce box’ Thyroid cartilage ’Adam’s apple’ Trachea Tracheal cartilages Primary bronchi Lungs diaphragm 3 5 4 6 7 8

6 The List: Hyoid bone Larnyx ‘voce box’ Thyroid cartilage ’Adam’s apple’ Trachea Tracheal cartilages 1 3 2 4 5

7 The List: Trachea Tracheal cartilages Primary bronchi Lungs 2 1 4 3

8 1 The List: Trachea Tracheal cartilages Primary bronchi Lungs diaphragm 2 3 4 5

9 The List: Primary bronchi Lungs 2 1

10 Diaphragm

11 Nasal cavity Epiglottis Pharynx Larynx Trachea


13 Nostrils Nasal cavity Pharynx Epiglottis Hyoid bone Larnyx ‘voce box’ Thyroid cartilage ’Adam’s apple’ 2 1 3 5 4 7


15 Hyoid bone Hyoid bone Epiglottis Thyroid cartilage Thyroid cartilage Tracheal cartilage Tracheal cartilage Posterior view Trachea Primary bronchus

16 Hyoid bone Thyroid cartilage “Adam’s apple” Tracheal cartilage




20 Epiglottis Hyoid bone Hyoid bone Thyroid cartilage Thyroid cartilage Tracheal cartilage Tracheal cartilage Anterior view Posterior view Trachea Primary bronchus







27 Bronchiole Alvelous

28 Simple squamous epithelium
Alveolus Lumen of the Alveolus Blood vessel

29 Inspiration

30 Expiration

31 Spirographic Record and Vital Capacity
Tidal volume is quiet breathing: You are doing it now! Vital Capacity is breathing during a sprint

32 Gas Exchange: Pulmonary versus systemic circuits

33 Gas Exchange at the Alveoli & Tissue

34 Respiratory Lab Anatomy & Physiology
The List: Nostrils Nasal cavity Pharynx Epiglottis Hyoid bone Larnyx ‘voce box’ Thyroid cartilage ’Adam’s apple’ Trachea Tracheal cartilages Primary bronchi Lungs diaphragm Trachea slide: Tracheal lumen-air Hyaline cartilage Lung slide: Bronchioles Alveoli Simple squamous epithelium Blood vessel Respiratory zone versus conducting zone Mechanics of Inspiration versus expiration Tidal volume versus Vital Capacity Gas Exchange: Pulmonary versus systemic circuits External versus Internal respiration

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