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Published byNadzieja Kowalczyk Modified over 6 years ago
Evidence for Bs Mixing and measurement of ms at CDF
S. Giagu and CDF Collaboration University of Rome “La Sapienza” INFN Sezione di Roma 1
Outline Introduction Search for Bs-Bs oscillations in CDF
Impact on the overall UT fit Work in progress and Outlook CDF Collaboration, “Measurement of the Bs-Bs Oscillation Frequency” hep-ex/ – accepted by Physical Review Letters S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
B Meson Flavor Oscillations
Neutral B mesons can spontaneously transform in the corresponding antiparticle s, In the SM generated via F=2 2nd order weak interactions, dominated by the exchange of a top quark Mixing involves CKM elements, measuring Δmq constraints the unitarity triangle New exotic particles may run in the loop mixing sensitive to NP Form factors and B-parameters from Lattice calculations are known at ~15% level S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
ms and the side of UT md f2BBB [(1-r)2+h2] circle centered in (r,h)=(1,0) f2BBB known at 15% from LQCD many theoretical uncertainties cancel in the ratio |Vts|/|Vtd| can be determined at ~4% (hep-lat/ ) Experimental challenge: |Vts| >> |Vtd| ms >> md needs to resolve > 2.3 THz oscillations Status of Dms measurements: LEP/SLD/CDF-I: ms > % CL HFAG Average for PDG 2006 D0 Run-II: ms [17,21] 90% CL Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, (2006)
Road map to ms measurement
vertexing (same) side “opposite” side e,,Jet 1 4 3 2 5 Collect as many Bs as possible Tevatron, Trigger (SVT) Extract Signal Bs flavor at decay inferred from decay products Measure proper decay time of the Bs meson L00, per event primary vertex, candidate specific decay time resolution Determine Bs flavor at production (flavor tagging) PID (TOF, dE/dx) Flavor tag quantified by Dilution: D=1-2w, w = mistag probability Measure asymmetry between unmixed and mixed events In practice: perform likelihood fit to expected unmixed and mixed distributions
Event Selection: Fully Hadronic Bs
used in this analysis Bs momentum completely reconstructed Excellent decay time resolution, good S/N Small BR low statistic Good sensitivity at high values of ms Decay mode Events BsDs () 1600 Bs Ds (K* K) 800 Bs Ds (3) 600 Bs Ds3 ( ) 400 Bs Ds3 (K*K) 200 Total 3600 Cleanest decay mode: BsDs[] [KK]
Event Selection: Semileptonic Bs
Ds Mass Missing momentum () Poorer decay time resolution Large BR high statistic Good sensitivity at low values of ms l+Ds Mass 48000 l+Ds candidates, 75% are from Bs decay Minv(l+Ds) helps reject BG BG Sources: Ds + fake lepton from PV Bs,dDsDX (DslnX) cc
Proper decay time reconstruction
RUN EVENT D decay B Lxy p PV Decay CDF [ps] (stat. only) PDG 06 [ps] B0 D-+ 1.508 0.017 1.530 0.009 B- D0- 1.638 0.017 1.638 0.011 Bs Ds() 1.538 0.040 1.466 0.059 Detector length scale and proper treatment of detector/selection biases controlled by performing lifetime measurements
Decay time resolution oscillation period @ ms=18 ps-1
Finite resolution dilutes the amplitude of mixing asymmetry: Sensitivity maximized by making full use of all available information: layer-00, candidate specific primary vertex and decay time resolution Resolution measured in data in large samples of prompt D meson decays D+ combined with prompt tracks to mimic B0-like topologies oscillation period @ ms=18 ps-1 M(lDs) > 3.3 GeV/c first bin of ct 4 sampling per cycle Hadronic decays gives CDF sensitivity at much larger values of ms than previous experiments
Flavor Tagging Performances
Two types of flavor tags used in CDF OST: produce bb pairs: find 2nd b, determine flavor, infer flavor of 1st b calibrated on large samples of B0 ad B+ decays SST: use charge correlation between the b flavor and the leading product of b hadronization performances (D) evaluated in MC, after extensive comparison data VS MC εD2 Hadronic (%) εD2 Semileptonic (%) Muon 0.48 0.06 (stat) 0.62 0.03 (stat) Electron 0.09 0.03 (stat) 0.10 0.01 (stat) JQ/SecVtx 0.30 0.04 (stat) 0.27 0.02 (stat) JQ/Displ’d trk 0.46 0.05 (stat) 0.34 0.02 (stat) JQ/High pT 0.14 0.03 (stat) 0.11 0.01 (stat) Total OST 1.47 0.10 (stat) 1.44 0.04 (stat) SSKT 3.42 0.96 (syst) 4.00 1.12 (syst) Same-side kaon tag increases effective statistics ~4
Likelihood for each event: =
Courtesy of J.Kroll Data fitted with an unbinned likelihood function to the expected unmixed and mixed distributions Procedure checked on B0 by fitting for md for each event: k=sig,bg k k k k k = sig pdg ct [cm] K-factor isolation Sst D pT [GeV/c] (*) H-G.Moser, A.Roussarie, NIM A384 (1997) Amplitude method(*): scan ms space: fix ms fit for A: A consistent with 1 mixing detected at the given ms
Results Likelihood ratio: P-value = 0.2% (>3)
A=1 VS A=0 hypothesis A/A (17.3 ps-1) = 3.7 hep-ex/ – accepted by PRL P-value = 0.2% (>3) small systematic uncertainty dominated by knowledge of the absolute scale of the decay-time measurement Inputs from PDG 06 and ξ= (hep-lat/ ) +0.047 -0.035
Impact on the overall UT Fit
SM fit SM+NP fit CDF measurement CBs = 0.97 ± 0.27 CKM fit (no Δms) (21.5 ± 2.6) ps-1 no angles angles only UTfit Coll.: hep-ph/ and Vincenzo’s talk Similar results from CKMfitter group: and Stephane T’Jampens talk
Work in progress BsDs+-+ (Ds +--)
Collecting new integrated luminosity Squeezing maximum information from the data we already have: CDF Run II Preliminary L=1 fb-1 Systematic use of Neural Networks in signal extraction: use decays modes previously discarded cause high BG more signal in already used modes Use partially reconstructed BsDs*/K and Ds: large BR good momentum resolution Improve Flavor taggers: OST: +15% D2 NN to combine OS taggers OSKT SSKT: ~+10% D2 better use of combined PID and kinematics NBs = 220 BsDs+ (Ds-)
Summary and Outlook CDF finds evidence for flavor oscillations in the Bs sector Probability of a random fluctuation 0.2% Measurement of the mixing frequency with <2% precision Most precise measurement of |Vtd/Vts| An important and precise experimental input for the overall test of the SM and the end of a very long effort to measure ms … but not the end of the CDF B-physics programme
Random Slides S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
Data Sample Typical inst. Luminosity 1032 cm-2 s-1
Bs candidates collected by SVT trigger TTT: two displaced tracks L+SVT: lepton + displaced track(s) used in this analysis PV d0 = impact parameter Decay Vertex Typical inst. Luminosity cm-2 s-1 ~1.4 fb-1 collected by CDF ~1 fb-1 (good runs) used in this analysis S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
Other results on ms LEP, SLD, CDF-I Recent from D0 collaboration
1st direct single experiment upper bound ms [17,21] 90% CL Null hypothesis probability: 5% ms > % CL HFAG Average for PDG 2006 D0 Coll.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, (2006) S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
Example of Specific Trigger for B Physics
Level 1 - 2 XFT tracks with pT > 1.5 GeV - opposite charge - < 135o - |pT1| + |pT2| > 5.5 GeV PV d0 = impact parameter Decay Vertex Level 2 - confirm L1 requirements - both XFT tracks - SVT 2<15 - 120 m< |d0| <1mm - 2o < < 90o - Decay length Lxy > 200m Level 3 - confirm L2 with COT & SVX “offline” quality track reco. S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
Semileptonics: Correction for Missing Momentum
Reconstructed quantity Correction Factor (MC) Decay Time oscillation period @ ms=18 ps-1 S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
PID K Separartion Power Combined PID: TOF + dE/dx
S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
Systematic Uncertainties
Hadronic Semileptonic related to absolute value of amplitude, relevant only when setting limits cancel in A/A, folded in in confidence calculation for observation systematic uncertainties are very small compared to statistical S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
Incertezze sistematiche su ms
systematic uncertainties from fit model evaluated on toy Monte Carlo have negligible impact only relevant systematic: knowledge of lifetime scale Syst. Unc All other syst. < 0.01ps-1 SVX Alignment 0.04 ps-1 Track Fit Bias 0.05 ps-1 PV bias from tagging 0.02 ps-1 Total 0.07 ps-1 All relevant systematic uncertainties are common between hadronic and semileptonic samples S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
Amplitude Scan: Hadronic decays
data period 1 data period 2 data periodo 3 S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
Amplitude Scan: Semileptonic decays
data period 1 data period 2 data period 3 S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
Parameterization of the tagging decision
Exploit peculiarity of each tagger to minimize mistag probability example: soft muon tag from b decay jet axis ptrel from c decay S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
SSKT Calibration Dilution measured in high statistic samples of light B meson decays and compared with the results of simulation Dominant source of systematic uncertainty: Data/MC agreement ~O(14%) S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
Negative log likelihood ratio
S.Giagu - ICHEP 2006, Moscow
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