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D.4 Finite State Diagram for the Multi-cycle processor

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1 D.4 Finite State Diagram for the Multi-cycle processor
Add State 10; State 11 State transitions for addi: S0 S1S10S11S0

2 The Multicycle Datapath with Control Signals
PCWriteCond PCWrite PCSource IorD ALUOp MemRead Control ALUSrcB MemWrite ALUSrcA MemtoReg RegWrite IRWrite RegDst PC[31-28] Instr[31-26] Shift left 2 28 Instr[25-0] 2 1 Address Memory PC Read Addr 1 A IR Read Data 1 Register File 1 1 zero Read Addr 2 Read Data (Instr. or Data) ALUout ALU Write Addr Write Data 1 Read Data 2 B MDR 1 Write Data 4 1 2 Instr[15-0] Sign Extend Shift left 2 3 32 ALU control Instr[5-0]

3 To implement addi, two extra states are added, state 10 and state 11
State 10: performing Rs + immediate ; Control Signals at State 10: ALUSrcA=1; ALUSrcB=10; ALUop=10 State 11: write the ALU output to Rt Control signals at State 11: MemtoReg=0; RegDst=0; RegWrite=1 Need One product term to implement from State1 to State10 when Opcode is addi Two product terms for S10 and S11

4 Add Three Product terms here S10; S11; S1 and with Opcode of addi 001000 Product terms in PLA s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6s7 s8 s9

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