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Suicide Prevention Training

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1 Suicide Prevention Training
Douglas County School System 2015

2 House Bill 198- Jason Flatt Act
On May 5, 2015 Governor Deal signed HB 198 – Jason Flatt Act into law. The new law requires teachers, counselors, and other certified public school personnel to have annual suicide prevention training.

3 Suicide Statistics

4 What do the numbers say? Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people between the ages of 10 and 24 One of every 3 youth suicides in Georgia are completed with a firearm owned by a family member Every year in Georgia there are youth hospitalized overnight for a suicide attempt

5 There are as many as youth who attempt for every completion (Georgia over 10,000 when including emergency room visits and unreported attempts) According to the Georgia Office of Child Fatality Review: “Although rates vary somewhat by geographic location, within a typical high school classroom, it is likely that 3 students (1 male and 2 females) have made a suicide attempt in the past year.”

6 Suicide ideation and attempts do not occur in isolation
Often there is an association with: undiagnosed mental illness, such as depression alcohol or substance abuse victimization by peers feelings of hopelessness history of trauma or abuse loss of a relationship

7 2014 Georgia Student Health Survey
10% of students reported that they have harmed themselves on purpose in the past 12 months. 9% of students reported to have seriously considered suicide during the past 12 months. 5% of students reported that they have attempted suicide within the last year.

8 School Climate Schools should ensure that they maintain a positive and safe school climate. Fostering a feeling of connectedness between the students and the school, providing an opportunity for students to become involved in school activities, and ensuring an overall safe environment for all students are essential components of a safe and positive school climate. Many activities designed to prevent violence, bullying, and the abuse of alcohol and other drugs may also reduce suicide risk among students. Programs that improve school climate and promote connectedness help reduce risk of suicide, violence, bullying, and substance abuse.

9 School Climate Schools should set high expectations on all staff and students to behave respectfully and kindly to one another. In a positive school climate, all students are respected, supported, and feel comfortable approaching an adult when confronted with problems. Importantly, bullying among students should be taken very seriously, as research has shown that students who feel victimized by other students or staff have an elevated risk of suicidal ideations and behaviors.

10 Low Self-Esteem; Poor Self-Concept
Warning Signs Low Self-Esteem; Poor Self-Concept May make self-critical remarks like, “I’m no good or I’m just a burden.” Considers self a failure; guilty of some wrong. Says, “I can never do anything right.” A series of crisis events may have happened, which leads to feelings of helplessness.

11 Shame, Humiliation, or Embarrassment
Loss of face among peers is a critical problem for youth to cope with. They may think that others dislike him/her or are talking about him/her.

12 Listlessness, Tension, or Irritability
May react impulsively or be upset about seemingly small events; quick anger. Overt Sadness and Depression May often appear sad and depressed or show signs of tension and extreme anxiety.

13 Neglect of Personal Appearance
Formerly well-groomed person may become apathetic about personal appearance and hygiene. Isolation and Social Withdrawal Withdrawal from friends, family, and activities formerly enjoyed. May stay in room listening to music with depressing or suicidal themes that intensify mood.

14 Uncharacteristic Decline in Academic Performance
May suddenly appear disinterested in school or in future goals. May make remarks like, “Don’t bother to grade my final, I won’t be around,” or “It’s just not worth it.” An unusual decline in grades may be an indication that something is troubling a student. Difficulty in Concentrating; Persistent Boredom Difficulty in completing tasks or in following through on assignments. May be consistently unable to keep mind on tasks at hand. May appear to think and act very slowly. Simple, everyday decisions may become difficult.

15 Preoccupation with Fatalistic or Morbid Thought
Excessive thoughts about death or suicide, which may show up in written assignments, drawings, choice of music, literature, or other activities.

16 Other Warning Signs Include
Loss of interest in usual activities Withdrawal from friends and family members Acting out behaviors and running away Alcohol and drug use Preoccupation with death and dying Increased physical complaints frequently associated with emotional distress, such as stomachaches, headaches, and fatigue Loss of interest in school or schoolwork Feelings of boredom Difficulty concentrating Feelings of wanting to die Lack of response to praise

17 Referral If you have any concerns regarding a student, immediately refer the student to the counselors.

18 Procedural Guidelines for Support Services – Suicidal Threats and Gestures (Revised 11/7/ 2013)
Counselor will consult with student and provide a standard line of questioning. Administrator will search student and property. School Social Worker and School Psychologist can be consulted/involved at any point. Counselor or Administrator will inform SRO if there is a credible threat. (PK-5 call 911) and a plan of action will be determined. Emergency contacts: Mobile crisis team DFCS Wellstar Douglas Behavioral Health Emergency Room Tanner/Willowbrooke appts M-F S-Su crisis line 24/7 assessment team 24/7 Law Enforcement 911 The student needs to go home with parent/guardian or remain supervised the remainder of the day. Counselor makes referral to the School Social Worker. The student will be supervised by the Counselor/Social Worker/Psychologist/ or Administrator until released into custody of his/her parent/guardian. Any talk or threat of suicide, student will be referred to Counselor and an Administrator immediately. School personnel will have a face to face conference with parent/guardian and encourage a Mental Health Assessment. Any or all of the following can be discussed: a. Let the parent call now to make an appointment b. Ask parent to provide documentation of an assessment before student returns to school. c. Contact DFCS if documentation isn’t provided. If parent/guardian refuses or is unable to come to school, proceed with either or both of the following: a. Call the Mobile Crisis Team for an assessment, Parents must be present for the assessment. b. Call DFCS and/or the SRO

19 Your Role as Certified Staff
Build positive relations with students. Do your part to contribute to a positive school climate. If you see, hear or read something, say something— refer the student to the counselor immediately. Please do not wait until the end of the day. Take all threats of suicide or signs of suicide seriously.

20 (This is documentation that you participated in our training today)
Next Steps Questions?? Make sure you signed in (This is documentation that you participated in our training today) Make-up sessions will be held AM PM THANK YOU!

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