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Art Therapy: A Practice That Changes The Lives Of Individuals

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Presentation on theme: "Art Therapy: A Practice That Changes The Lives Of Individuals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Therapy: A Practice That Changes The Lives Of Individuals
Isabella Terry

2 Have you ever found yourself doodling on the margins of your paper in the middle of a test, meeting or class?

3 Benefits of Doodling According to psychological studies, doodling in the middle of stressful times, such as a test taking session or an important meeting, can: Boost creativity Relieve stress Help you remember certain things Improve your focus

4 What is Art Therapy? According to the American Art Therapy Association, art therapy is “a mental health profession in which clients, facilitated by the art therapist, use art media, the creative process, and the resulting artwork to explore their feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, manage behavior and addictions, develop social skills, improve reality orientation, reduce anxiety, and increase self-esteem”.

5 Thesis Statement Art therapy benefits individuals in a positive and healing way because it helps them cope with traumatic experiences, it releases stress, and it provides patients with an outlet to express themselves. I have chosen this topic because I strongly believe that art therapy is beneficial to society and to the people suffering with traumatic experiences.

6 A Few Key Facts.. There are many different forms of art that can be made to internally heal the patient and extract their feelings and emotions on. Examples of these forms include: Paintings Sculptures Portraits Jewelry-making Drawings Etc. Using art as a therapeutic method dates back to as early as the 1940s. Margaret Naumburg was one of the first to consider and use art making as a form of psychotherapy.

7 This art piece was created by a 9/11 survivor that was traumatized by the tragic event. He created this piece to help cope with his experiences in an art therapy session.

8 A Few Key Facts.. Art Therapy can be used in multiple different circumstances for a wide variety of people. Some examples of circumstances in which people suffer and use art therapy for include: Diseases and disorders (Cancer, PTSD, OCD, ADD, etc.) Abuse Stress Tragedies (Deaths in the family, traumatic events) Body image Bullying Etc.

9 My Own Art Therapy Example
As one of my products, I have created a jewelry piece to personally show you how I use art to extract my feelings and emotions out into something tangible. My Own Art Therapy Example


11 My Service Learning Experience
For my service learning experience, I have conducted a lesson plan and I have given a survey to Parkside Elementary School art students. I have taught a lesson to elementary art classes to see how adolescents of different age groups respond to the thoughts of art therapy and in what form they use it. I have asked them the same question I have asked you in the beginning of this presentation. My Service Learning Experience



14 My Art Therapy Survey What grade are you in? How old are you?
Do you feel happy when you do art? What is your favorite color? What word do you think of when you think about that color? Have you ever doodled? How does doodling make you feel? What is your favorite thing to do in your art class?

15 Survey Statistics

16 Thank You For Viewing My Presentation!
Do you have any questions?

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