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1.4.6 Recruitment, training and motivating staff

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1 1.4.6 Recruitment, training and motivating staff
Can you solve these proverbs? HTAGT - - - / / / / Clue: a new employee turns up on day one and then not afterwards BCBC / ‘ - / - - / Clue: a firm with a bad reputation might find it hard to get good quality staff Can you use these problems to explain issues relating to people in business? Here today and gone tomorrow Beggars can’t be choosers 1.4.6 Recruitment, training and motivating staff 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

Human Resource Management (HRM) involves using the workforce of the company in the most productive way. One element of HRM is the identification of employee positions and the process of attracting the right calibre of worker to fill these positions (recruitment). When might your school or college need to recruit new staff? Do you know how they recruit new staff? 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

A business will recruit new workers for a variety of reasons: A new or growing business Replacing an employee who has left New skills required in the business Increased workload at the business Covering positions on a temporary basis What is meant by a temporary basis? Why might a firm need to cover a position on a temporary basis? 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

4 RECRUITMENT METHODS Recruitment could be:
internal - appointing an existing employee external – appointing an employee from outside of the business Internal Recruitment External Recruitment Lower recruitment costs Wider pool of workers Greater promotion prospects Fresh ideas Employees know the business More talent to choose from Abilities of workers already known to the business No need to fill vacancy created through internal recruitment 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

5 RECRUITMENT METHODS Recruitment Methods include:
Personal recommendation – personal contacts e.g. friends can act as a reference for new employees as they have an insight into the skills or integrity of a potential new recruit Advertising – smaller firms will advertise locally to reduce costs e.g. Local newspapers or job centres Interviewing – this enables the firm to select the best worker for the job 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

6 Recruitment methods Team task
Use a local newspaper to find 4 different job advertisements. Stick these to a large sheet of paper and label the common features of these adverts. Write next to each advert whether or not internal recruitment might be an option or not for that position and justify your decision. Can you identify the reason for the need to recruit in each case? Select 1 of the 4 jobs. What calibre of person would you be looking for? Write a list of questions you would ask a candidate in an interview for this job. 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

7 Recruitment methods Bibi has decided that she needs to recruit a part time person to replace JD whilst he is at university and is looking to recruit a full time assistant to give her more free time. She also wants to investigate the idea of opening a second store. JD has suggested to Bibi that she meets his sister Carol who is about to start her A-Levels at college and is looking for a part time job. Question time Identify 2 reasons why Bibi needs to recruit new staff. Explain 1 benefit to Bibi of meeting Carol. Explain 1 drawback to Bibi of meeting Carol. Explain an appropriate recruitment method for Bibi to attract a full time employee? 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

8 Interviews An interview is a 2 way process
Both the interviewer and interviewee get to meet, work out if they are right for each other and ask questions What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using interviews as a recruitment method? Would you appoint someone without meeting them? Would you accept a job without meeting the boss? Pepsi Max Job Interview funny commercial Are interviews a good way of finding the right staff? 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

9 Methods of training On-the–job training – where an employee learns in the workplace how to do a job Off-the–job training – any form of education that takes place outside of the workplace Induction training – introductory training for employees new to an organisation Can you identify different situations in your school/college where each type of training might be appropriate 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

10 Recruitment and training: skill or attitude
Skill versus attitude Recruitment and training: skill or attitude Would you choose an applicant based on their skills or their attitude? Can an unskilled worker be trained if they have a good attitude towards their work. In what cases is this true or false? 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

11 REMUNERATION Remuneration is the money paid or benefits given to a worker in return for their services Non-monetary (fringe) benefits include: Private health care Company car Discounts for buying company products Sports facilities Social facilities e.g. company bar 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

Remuneration is the money paid or benefits given to a worker in return for their services Monetary (pay awards) benefits include: Pay – wages and salaries Pension payments – pay given to workers after they have retired. Firms will make contributions to an employee pension plan Bonuses – payments for reaching certain targets Can you explain the difference between a wage and a salary? Which would you prefer to be paid in the future? Why? 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

13 Is it right that a premier league footballer gets paid
REMUNERATION The level of wages/salaries paid to workers will be determined by a number of factors: Level of skills and experience needed for a job The number of people with the required skills A comparison of pay within the region A comparison of pay within the industry The state of the economy Higher demand for workers or a lower supply of workers will lead to higher wages. Discussion time Is it right that a premier league footballer gets paid £ a week? 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

14 How many words began with R?
The whole topic R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Keeping valued workers R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Monetary and non monetary rewards R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Personal suggestion for a new employee Can you think of any others? Recruitment Retaining Remuneration Recommendation Replacing 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

15 End 5 Minute Test Identify 2 causes of a need to recruit
State 2 advantages of internal recruitment State 2 advantages of external recruitment State 2 methods of recruitment What is meant by remuneration? End 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

16 Can you make a link between these 3 pictures?
MOTIVATION? What is the difference between motivation and movement? What motivates you to do a piece of homework or class work? What forces you to do a piece of homework or class work? Is there a difference? 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

17 Motivating staff Motivation can be defined as the reasons why a person does something Businesses will try to motivate workers to meet targets that will benefit the business Motivated staff are vital to the success of a small business Are different people motivated by different things? What might motivate someone in each of the following jobs? Nursery nurse Solicitor Shop assistant Charity worker Musician

18 30 Second Challenge Write a list of all the things that could help motivate you in a part time job. Starting NOW End 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

19 Benefits to the Business of a Motivated Staff
Greater commitment from the workforce Increased quantity of output Improved quality of work A happier workforce Lower levels of absenteeism Less disputes in the workplace Higher profits Hidden camera - angry shop assistant Is there a direct relationship between motivation and customer service? 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

20 Methods of Motivation used by Small Businesses
We can distinguish between non-financial and financial methods at a small business Method Benefit Disadvantage Training Improved skills of the workforce Costs in terms of time and money Greater Responsibility Sense of achievement Mistakes may be made – costly in a small firm Financial Rewards e.g. Bonus, commission Makes employees work harder Cost; Demotivated staff if targets not met 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

21 Motivated staff Rick runs a fish and chip shop on the sea front at Scarborough. Competition is tough but so is recruitment. Rick has found in recent years that staff only stay on average 3 months before leaving. He provides staff with a smart uniform, pays for taxis home if they work late and believes that he provides a friendly working atmosphere. He is thinking about offering higher wages than his competitors to try and improve motivation. Question time What is meant by the term ‘recruitment’? What is meant by the term ‘motivation’? Explain 2 benefits to Rick of having motivated staff. Do you think that offering higher wages is the best way for Rick to motivate his staff? Justify your answer. 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

22 Motivation and you Add 2 more factors of your choice to the final 2 rows Rank each factor in terms of importance to you, 1 being most important, now, in 5 years, in 10 years Does your ranking change? Why? Factors Now 5 years 10 years Training Praise Money Responsibility Recognition Team work Challenge Achievement Social factors 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

23 Protecting staff through legislation
Legislation – laws passed mainly through Acts of Parliament There are a number of laws that have been enacted in order to protect the rights of the workforce These will have a significant effect on small businesses Equal pay Say what you see! 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

24 Equal Pay and Minimum Wage Laws
Equal Pay Act Men and women must be paid the same pay for the same job. National Minimum Wage Act Firms must pay at least a minimum wage per hour for a job. Do you know what the rates are? 16-17 year olds 18-21 year olds 22 and over Is the minimum wage high enough to ensure an acceptable standard of living? 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

25 Equal Pay and Minimum Wage Laws
These laws impact on a small business because: Wage costs will be higher Or less jobs will be offered! Small businesses could be taken to court for ignoring them The reputation of the firm may suffer if they fail to comply 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

26 Discrimination Equal Pay Act 1970 – it is unlawful to discriminate between men and women in terms of pay and working conditions Sex Discrimination Act 1975 – it is unlawful to discriminate because of a person’s gender or marital status Disability Discrimination Act it is unlawful to discriminate because of a person’s disability. Reasonable adjustments should be made to accommodate disabled people in the workplace e.g. New buildings have lifts Age Discrimination Act 2006 – it is unlawful to discriminate because of a person’s age. Race Relations Act 1976 – it is unlawful to discriminate because of race, colour, nationality, ethnicity or religious beliefs The Age Discrimination Act is the most recent of these acts. How does it protect workers against discrimination? Do you agree that it protects the young as well as the old?

27 Discrimination These laws impact on a small business because:
Increased costs may arise Advertising of jobs needs to target all sections of society The best person should be selected for the post advertised Is it right to positively advertise for under represented groups within a job? What other jobs, traditionally seen as male, do we now see more equally split between genders? 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation

28 MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which two of the following might be the most effective methods of motivation for employees at a small business? Select two answers □ A Provision of low level jobs throughout the day □ B Training to improve skills □ C Giving greater responsibility □ D Increasing hours worked □ E Provision of clean toilets 1. B 2. C 1.4.6 Recruitment, Training and Motivation 28

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