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Job Placement of Psychology Majors 2012

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1 Job Placement of Psychology Majors 2012
Albert W.L. Chau Dean of Student Affairs 2018/9/17 Talk to Psychology Students

2 Graduate Employment Survey
Conducted in Dec 12 – March 13 75 (out of 80 majors) responded

3 Talk to Psychology Students
Employment Situation Psychology HKU Overall* 2012 2011 No. % No. of respondents 75 100% 96 2782 2878 Employed 52 69% 80 83% 2195 79% 2321 81% Unemployed seeking F/T job 1 1.3% 0.0% 9 0.3% 8 Further Studies 22 29% 16 17% 549 20% 517 18% Emigrated/Returned to home country 2 0.1% 4 Not seeking F/T job 27 1.0% 28 2018/9/17 Talk to Psychology Students

4 Postgraduate Diploma / Certificate
Further Studies Field of Study M.Phil. Taught Master Postgraduate Diploma / Certificate Arts - 1 Business Administration/Management Education 5 Medical Science Science Social Sciences 2 4 Social Work 3 11 6 2018/9/17 Talk to Psychology Students

5 Time to Secure Employment
% of new graduates who have secured employment 2012 2011 May or before 24% 35% June 39% 53% July 49% 68% August 71% 82% September 80% 90% October 95% 93% November 97% December 100% January 98% February 2018/9/17 Talk to Psychology Students

6 Talk to Psychology Students
Employment Sectors Sector  % of graduates 2012 2011 Commerce & Industry 42% 33% Educational Institutions 26% 29% Community, Social & Personal Services Civil Service 7.0% 12% 2018/9/17 Talk to Psychology Students

7 Basic Salary & Gross Income
Psychology HKU Average* 2012 2011 Mean $12,973 $13,105 $18,662 $17,650 $13,142 $13,541 $19,598 $18,350 Median  $12,000 $15,000 $12,260 $15,833 2018/9/17 Talk to Psychology Students

8 Talk to Psychology Students
Employers Sector Job Titles Government - Police Inspector - Executive Officer - Patient Care Assistant Education Assistant Teacher/Teacher Teaching Assistant/Research Assistant Student Guidance Assistant Graduate Master Community, Social and Personal Services Trainer / Graduate Intern Youth Services Officer Child Development Trainer Programme Assistant/Coordinator Mental Health Education Officer Assistant Therapist Project Officer 2018/9/17 Talk to Psychology Students

9 Talk to Psychology Students
Employers Commerce and Industry Marketing and Retail Executive Communication Assistant Account Executive/Account Manager Sales and Merchandising Assistant General Banking Officer Management Trainee Human Resources Officer Marketing Executive/Assistant 2018/9/17 Talk to Psychology Students

10 Thank you very much

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