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Achieving Tenure and Promotion

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1 Achieving Tenure and Promotion
University of Oklahoma, Spring 2016 Kyle Harper Senior Vice President and Provost

2 Recruiting and Hiring OU seeks to hire tenure track faculty who understand and enjoy their roles as scholars, teachers, and colleagues; these faculty have responsibilities for teaching, for research/creative activity and for service. Renewable term faculty Research faculty

3 Probationary Period Tenure-track position
Length of the probationary period is noted in your job offer letter. Generally 6 years w/o prior job experience at the rank of Assistant Professor. Evaluation for T/P occurs during the 6th year. Dossier preparation during the summer after the 5th year. JUNE

4 Performance Evaluation During Probationary Period
Annual faculty evaluation (January) for the prior calendar’s year activities- Mini vita prepared by the faculty member and Provost’s form for summarizing evaluation of performance by committee A. Annual progress-towards-tenure letter which reviews your entire probationary period to date prepared by the academic chair/director. Some colleges have three-year review which can include external evaluators.

5 Know the T/P Criteria Faculty Handbook
Reread section 3.2.2, “Academic Responsibility” annually Reread section 3.3, “Faculty Accountability” annually Reread section 3.7, “Faculty Tenure” annually Reread section , “Advancement in Rank” annually College and Department/School Level Guidelines Reread your academic department, school or division’s criteria for achieving tenure and promotion

6 Resources to Assist You During the Probationary Period
Vice Provost for Faculty Development Writing Center Office of Assessement Center for Research Program Development & Enrichment Faculty Mentor Center for Teaching Excellence

7 Special Circumstances
Requests to extend the probationary period for tenure, section (H) of the Faculty Handbook Extenuating Circumstances – Family or personal Child-bearing Seek advice from the unit Director and Dean first before formally requesting an extension.

8 A Note… Academic tenure is not the ultimate goal. It is not a routine award either. It is… A milestone on one’s career path. Confirmation of professional competence and performance. A stamp of approval of one’s contribution to the mission of the university. Next milestone – Promotion to Full Professor Every 5 years – Post-tenure Review (FH 3.7.6)

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