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World War I 1914-1918.

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1 World War I

2 World War I Main Idea: An assassination, tangled alliances, and brimming nationalism brings the war into total warfare with new technology, revolution, and the question of peace. Key Terms and People: Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, Franz Ferdinand, Central Powers, Allied Powers, trench warfare, total war, genocide, Bolsheviks, Vladimir Lenin, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, Balfour Declaration

3 Causes of World War I 1. Balkan Nationalism and Imperialism

4 Causes of World War I 2. Entangled Alliances
Triple Alliance-Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Triple Entente-France, Russia, Great Britain

5 Causes of World War I 3. Militarism Arms races between nations
Built up to intimidate other nations and protect colonies Russian army had over 1,000,000 Germany and France had 900,000 each

6 Assassination of the Archduke
Franz Ferdinand (and wife) killed by Serbian national Gavrilo Princip (Black Hand) on June 28, 1914. Trip to Sarajevo, Bosnia (Serbian stronghold) During St. Vitus Day Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia the next month. Russia allied with Serbia. Germany (A-H ally) declared war on Russia and then France.

7 Western Front-Germany’s attack on neutral Belgium, drew GB into the war.
Central Powers Allied Powers

8 Conditions on the Front in WWI
Schlieffen Plan Failed, leading to a stalemate. France struggles to fight off Germany. Disaster for Russia in Germany, but bought time for Allied forces. New Weapons Utilized Machine Guns Poison gas (Mustard Gas) Tanks Airplanes (Dog Fighting) Trench Warfare-built first by German’s along Aisne River after defeat at Battle of the Marne “No Man’s Land” Disease and influenza

9 The Home Front and Elsewhere
Total War-all aspect of a country’s society used for war. Propaganda-used to manipulate public opinion Women at War-both combat and non-combat roles. Italy joins Allied Powers in May 1915. Battle of Verdun (2/16-12/16)-400,000 French casualties. Battle of the Somme (6/16)-60,000 British casualties. After 3 years little was gained. Gallipoli Campaign-Ottoman Empire joined Central Powers. Peninsula controlled shipping into Russia. Over 200k casualties. Ottoman eventually falls with a British supported Arab revolt. Armenian Genocide-Christian Armenians were accused of aiding Russia. Ottomans forcibly removed them from Caucasus region. 1.2 million Armenians died. Japan declares war on Germany, capture German colonies. British and French attack German colonies in Africa.


11 The Russian Revolution
At the outbreak of WWI Russia has 6 million soldiers. The war unified the country. Russia was unprepared for war with a poor economy, infrastructure, and equipment. The Czar decided to lead the command himself, and Russia lost a major offensive position. His unpopular wife led the country while Rasputin supposedly had relations with many of the women at court. Many people lose support for the Russian monarchy.

12 The Russian Revolution
Police and soldiers join a protest against conditions in Russia. The Duma refused to disband. Each part of society was against the czar, who abdicated on March 15, (February Revolution) Bolsheviks take over Russia (October Revolution by Red Guard) and begin a socialist system under Vladimir Lenin. They wanted to abolish private property and establish social equality. Lenin ended Russia’s involvement in WWI by giving Central Powers land. Led to outbreak of civil war against White Army and Red Army. Bolsheviks win out in

13 The Soviet Union 1919-Lenin begins the process, further enforced by Stalin, of forced labor and imprisonment for those who oppose his brand of communism. 1922 –Lenin introduces new economic policies to promote food production. When the Russian economy comes back Lenin reunites parts of lost Russian empire, and establishes the Soviet Union (USSR)

14 U.S. Enters the War In May, August, and September of 1915 passenger ships carrying U.S. citizens were sunk by German U-boats. Zimmerman Note-Mexico to attack the U.S. and would get former Mexican territories in the U.S. Would be supported by Germany. Many U.S. citizens now supported the war, wanting to help the Allied Powers. U.S. enters was in April 1917. Germany no longer has to fight Eastern Front, and makes advances in France before U.S. troops show up. U.S. Troops bring fresh boots and hope to Allies.

15 Effects of World War I Treaty of Versailles
-Establishment of League of Nations (no Germany or U.S.) -German reparations (limited military, give up colonies and territory). Germans felt humiliated and bitter. This would affect German policies for years to come. Mandate System –British and French take over former Ottoman territories. Zionism grows. Balfour Declaration (1917) issued—promotes Jewish homeland in Palestine. 8.5 million soldiers killed in battle, 13 million civilians died, 21.2 million wounded. 1918-Influenza pandemic killing nearly 50 million people. European economy devastated, U.S. and Japan flourish. Unrest in colonies—fought for countries but received no benefit.

16 WWI - End of Empires Hapsburg Dynasty (Germany & Austria) Romanov’s
(Russian Czars) Ottoman Empire (Middle East) Family of Czar Nicholas II –last of the Romanov Rulers of Russia

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