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Organ Procurement Organization Committee Fall 2014

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1 Organ Procurement Organization Committee Fall 2014
Proposal to Reduce the Reporting Requirements for the Deceased Donor Registration (DDR) Form Organ Procurement Organization Committee Fall 2014

2 The Problem Inconsistent data reporting on potential deceased donors that do not proceed to donation Policy: Host OPO must complete deceased donor registration (DDR) for all deceased donors and authorized but not recovered potential deceased donors DDR never intended to be used for non-donors DDR contains basic demographic information and detailed clinical information that only applies to actual donors For several years, the Committee has observed inconsistencies related to data submitted on non-donors. The Committee determined that many OPOs are not filling out the DDR for their non-donors. Current policy states that the host OPO must complete the DDR for all deceased donors and authorized but not recovered potential deceased donors. However, the DDR was never intended to be used for non-donors, especially those ruled out early on in the donation process. The DDR is a comprehensive form that contains basic demographic information as well as detailed clinical information that only applies to an actual donor. Therefore, much of the data that is submitted on non-donors is reported as unknown.

3 Goals of the Proposal Remove policy requirement to complete the DDR for non-donors Current requirement provides minimal information The goal of this proposal is to remove the data reporting requirements for “non-donors” by only requiring the completion of the DDR for actual donors.

4 What Members will Need to Do
Complete the donor feedback form DDR will not be generated if you check the “no organs were transplanted for the purpose of transplantation” box (currently labeled as “referral only”) Requirements for completing Death Notification Registration won’t change Routine monitoring of OPTN members won’t change UNet data subject to OPTN review-members must provide documentation as requested OPOs will still need to complete the donor feedback form. The proposal will change the “Referral only” box to “No organs were transplanted for the purpose of transplantation.” If no organs were recovered for transplantation, the DDR is suspended. Requirements for the completion of the Death Notification Registration remain unchanged. The proposed language will not change the way the OPTN currently routinely monitors members.  And any data entered in UNetSM may be subject to OPTN review, and you must continue to provide documentation if it’s requested.

5 Questions? Sean Van Slyck Committee Chair
Regional representative name (RA will complete) Region X Representative address Robert Hunter Committee Liaison

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