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Introduction to Africa

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1 Introduction to Africa
Map of Africa Activity HSS: Study the Niger River and the relationship of vegetation zones of forest, savannah, and desert to trade in gold, salt, food, and slaves; and the growth of the Ghana and Mali empires.

2 Some Important Vocabulary
Rifts Long, deep valleys formed by the movement of the earth’s crust Sub-Saharan Africa Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Sahel A strip of land that divides the Sahara from wetter areas.

3 More Important Vocabulary
Savannah Open grassland with scattered trees. Rain forests Moist, densely wooded areas.

4 Think for a moment… What do you envision Africa to look like…
Think of three words that you feel might describe Africa… Respond to the following question: What geographic features would you see in Africa? Frame: Three physical features that I might see in Africa are _________, ___________, and _________.

5 Sundown in Africa

6 African Sunset

7 More Photos

8 Rain Forests

9 Go Play in the Waterfall…

10 …Just Kidding… 

11 Look at Your Map…

12 Your Africa Map… Each of you has directions to complete the Africa Map. We will do two examples together. Use the map on the next slide to complete as much of the assignment as you can for the remainder of the period. We will not be using color yet—start with labeling the features of the map. Whatever you do not complete will be homework, DUE TOMORROW.

13 Physical Map of Africa

14 Have a great rest of the day 
Before You Leave… Have a great rest of the day 

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