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Introduction Workshop

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1 Introduction Workshop
Read the introduction paragraph out loud twice Create a T chart with 2 columns What’s good? What needs to be fixed? As a group, rewrite the introduction paragraph so that it becomes a 4 on the rubric. Share the new and improved introduction with the class.

2 What’s good? What needs to be fixed?

3 A role model is someone that believes in themselves, that never gives up, that’s nice, kind brave. And most of these are like Madame C.J. Walker and Mrs. Annie Johnson.

4 Way back in the day people need a good role model
Way back in the day people need a good role model. Some good traits of a good role model are trustworthy, determination, and a nice kind loving person. But both of these women named Madame C.J. Walker and Annie Johnson both have these traits.

5 There are many kinds of role models
There are many kinds of role models. Role models are people that set good examples for someone. Examples of role models are Annie Johnson and Madame C.K. Walker. The traits of a role model are people that do something bold or outgoing. Another trait is having courage or being generous.

6 Madame C.J. Walker and Annie Johnson are role models because both of these women that made themselves successful by working hard. Here are three reasons both Madame C.J. Walker and Annie Johnson are both role models. They both made themselves successful, both helped others, and finally both came from a low background.

7 After reading these stories “New Directions” by Maya Angelou and “Breaking new ground” by Derek T. Dingle, it is evident that Madame C.J. Walker and Annie Johnson were great role models because they were determined, effect us even in modern times, and were successful at what they did.

8 A role model is determined, dedicated, and a leader
A role model is determined, dedicated, and a leader. A role model is determined.

9 A role model is a person that takes responsibility for his or her actions, that also other people look up to.

10 A role model is someone you look up to and respect
A role model is someone you look up to and respect. I’m sure everyone had someone they considered as their role model. But do you really know what a role model is?

11 Imagine, you have a favorite grandmother who always shows you important new life skills to make it in the real world so you don’t end up jobless and homeless. This is exactly who Annie Johnson and C.J. Walker were. Annie and Walker were role models because they both started with nothing, had barely any way to get income, but proved themselves worthy role models by making it in the world and exceeding.

12 Be a role model. These two women Annie Johnson and Madame C. J
Be a role model! These two women Annie Johnson and Madame C.J. Walker inspire me to be a role model.

13 Inspiration. It’s almost a necessity in our lives
Inspiration. It’s almost a necessity in our lives. We all have people we look up to, whether it’s your favorite football player catching the last minute touchdown. It could be an actor winning an Oscar. What do they have in common? They’re role models. So what makes a role model?

14 There are many types of role models but there is something different about Annie Johnson and Madame C.J. Walker.

15 Madame C.J. Walker and Annie Johnson were the definition of role models. Madame C.J. Walker and Annie Johnson were both sales people. Madame C.J. Walker sold hair and scalp treatments, Annie Johnson sold meat pies. They were both black.

16 Annie Johnson and Madame C. J. Walker both wanted to be role models
Annie Johnson and Madame C.J. Walker both wanted to be role models. A role model is when someone is very courteous to others and wants to give back to people. Let me explain about these two passages.

17 People who go through a very hard time in life yet never let it break them down, are determined to accomplish their goals, and never give up no matter how hard the task. Those are the kind of people that should be role models. Instead of looking up to these kinds of people, everyone seems to look up to celebrities or people on social media that are fake and famous for all the wrong reasons. Role models should be more than a good body and a pretty face, it should be about the inside of the person and how what they do makes you want to be a better person like them.

18 Superheroes or celebrities is what is usually thought of when someone asks what a role model is. However, role models do not have to pertain to just those standards. Role models can characterize something more simple, such as Annie Johnson from the story “New Directions” by Maya Angelou, or like Madame CJ Walker in the article “Breaking new ground” by Derek T. Dingle. Both people show characteristics of a role model which includes taking control of their lives, determination, and perseverance.

19 Role models create their own path to greatness
Role models create their own path to greatness. Most paths lead to different directions, but they always intersect on the same road. Both Annie Johnson and Madame C.J. Walker display the traits commonly attributed to a role model because both women meticulously carved their path to success from nothing.

20 “Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone
“Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone.” A role model is someone who inspires you to do things and someone that you look up to. If they set their mind for something, they will fulfill that wish even if they know they most likely will fail. Maya Angelou and Madame C.J. Walker both show strong characteristics of what it means to be a role model. They both did what they had to even though they were most likely to fail.

21 On the sheet of scrap paper…
Do you think your PFO score is accurate? Why/why not? Do you think your EE score is accurate? Why/why not? Do you think your C score is accurate? Why/why not? What do you need to work on most? Do you have any questions?

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