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Teri Tosspon English 10 April-July 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Teri Tosspon English 10 April-July 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teri Tosspon English 10 April-July 2011

2 Today Day 1 Checklist Interviews & Introductions
Turn it in the “Turn In Here” folder by the door once we’ve completed introductions Interviews & Introductions You will present to class

3 Heald College Teri Tosspon M.A., M.A., TESL
English 10 Heald College Teri Tosspon M.A., M.A., TESL

4 Course Description Mechanics of communication,
reading, writing, listening, and speaking. sentence structure, verb-tense agreement, and punctuation strengthens the student’s written and oral communication skills.

5 Student Learning Outcomes
Write paragraphs using various formats (cause and effect, comparison/contrast, persuasion, description, and narration). Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Edit their written sentences and paragraphs. Prepare and give an oral presentation.

6 Instructor Information
Teri Tosspon, M.A (949) (WHY-682-TERI) Office hours: by appointment

7 Textbooks Bundle Scarry, S. & Scarry, J. (2008). The Writer's Workplace: Building College Writing Skills (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Merriam-Webster. (2004). The Merriam-Webster English dictionary. Merrian-Webster Robitaille, J. & Connelly, B. (2003). Writer’s Resources CD-ROM 2.0 ( 2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

8 Grading Policy Exams 30% Projects and Assignments 60%
2-3 graded activities each meeting Projects and Assignments 60% Journals, papers Participation %

9 About Teri Tosspon Raised on a farm in the middle of Nebraska
Education University of Nebraska- Lincoln - Masters Oxford University, England University of California Irvine – Masters/PhD Teaching English as a Second Language - UCI Hobbies? Writing, reading, painting, baking/cooking, running, playing video games, managing websites, editing papers for previous students…

10 Write EVERY due date in your planner TODAY.
Course Schedule See Pg 2-3 of the Syllabus Write EVERY due date in your planner TODAY.

11 Topics to be covered on that day
Course Schedule Homework: due at the next meeting COURSE AT A GLANCE Mtg / 20 · Introductions · Importance of Communication · Course Policies and Syllabus “What is Intelligence” 669 Homework: Chapter 1 “Strategies for the Active Reader” USE READING WORKSHEET-- Journal 1: Reflection/Plans Chapters and readings are in the big book Journals are to be typed whenever possible and turned in at beginning of the next class meeting. Whenever you are assigned an article, use the “Reading Worksheet”

12 Assignments All assignments and due dates are available online.
There is NO EXCUSE to fail to complete your homework You can resubmit work if you get a “not so good” grade. You can submit work via .

13 Attendance If you miss 14 days in a row, you will be dropped. Studies have shown that 85% attendance is minimum for success (A or B). There are graded activities during class period If you need to miss class, call or text TERI TOSSPON (***(949) ***). as soon as you know you are going to be absent (BEFORE CLASS!!!) There are ~10 meetings of this class, each one is 4hrs long. Imagine the class is a 40-hr work week of training. If you miss ONE (1) class period, you’ve missed 1/10th of your training! Can you expect to do the job when you’ve missed 1/10th of your training?

14 Makeup Policy Each student has the opportunity to make up one missed major in-class graded event. You MAY make up one (1) quiz or exam.


16 Blue or White Scrubs for MEDICAL
Layer appropriately- White Only NO Canvas/Fabric Shoes- It’s a hazard! Shoes must be covered- no holes or open toed No Piercings and/or excessive jewelry WHITE shoes- Leather only, must have a defined heel No Piping on Scrubs No Externship Scrubs WHITE Outerwear only!!!! NO HOODS

17 NO HOODS Professional Attire Example

18 NO HOODS Professional Attire Example





23 – your work WILL be checked.
Academic Integrity – your work WILL be checked. If you are caught plagiarizing, you will fail the assignment. You will not be able to make up the credit for the assignment. If you are caught a second time, I will report it to the PDs, and you take the chance of being expelled from Heald college. copying work/ ideas/ projects from any other person/media allowing another person to copy or borrow original work in any form allowing another person to copy answers on a quiz or test or to communicate with another person during a quiz or test representing the work of another team member as one’s own stopping or delaying another student in the completion of any work plagiarism in any form, including failing to give credit to the source of thoughts, words, ideas, or work from any other person, printed material, or web site

24 Tosspon’s Policies The GOLDEN RULE(s)
treat others as you would like to be treated. Respect.

25 Respect Be courteous and respectful of everyone and everything
Be prepared for class and actively participate (This includes completing assignments and having required materials) Raise hand to speak when others are speaking. Electronic devices are not allowed in class unless they are specially needed and approved by the instructor. Food or drinks other than water in a re-sealable water bottle are not allowed. If you need to use the restroom, exit quietly *unless students are presenting* and return quietly.

26 Late Work -10% for each day late. For example if an assignment is due Friday at 9am, and it is not submitted until Monday at 9am, the maximum grade received will be 70%. If you phone/text/ , you will get a 24hr grace period! Late work should be submitted via Work conducted during class that is missed cannot be made up (except in the case of tests, and you can only make up 1).

27 Resubmission of Assignments
Contact the instructor Make corrections Resubmit no later than 1 week

28 Instructor Error On an assignment: Write a note on the assignment in question (“grade missing”) and place it back into the “Turn In Here” folder. On Power Point: If I make an error on a power point, please let me know in a polite way (perhaps at a class break). On a Handout: Circle the error, mark it “?” and put it into the “Turn In Here” folder. Think of it this way, you wouldn’t want Me broadcasting your mistakes to the whole class, I expect the same courtesy.

29 Computer/cell phone Usage
During lectures, presentations, and discussion monitors should be turned off (if in a computer classroom) unless otherwise approved. If you need to take a call during class hours, immediately leave the room. Do not have an outside conversation (voice or text) in the classroom.

30 Helpful Links Heald Portal (check grades here) (go to Assignments, not Grades) Heald Heald CARES assistance program

31 Reading Worksheet

32 Reading Worksheet (RWS)
Turn to pg 669 “What Is Intelligence Anyway” IN groups of 3-4, answer the questions on the handout to the best of your ability Break is at 10:50. If you finish early – go to break and come 11am!

33 RWS “What is Intelligence..” Answers!
Summary: A man thinks he is intelligent because tests tell him so. But his test scores don’t make him special in the military. Then when he needs to take his car to get fixed, his mechanic outsmarts him with a joke! Main idea: There is more than one kind of intelligence Failed to consider? There are some kinds of intelligence that do matter. Specific detail that prove the point: He thought he was smarter than the mechanic, but the mechanic was smarter than him!

34 Diagnostic Essay You will have 45 minutes to complete
Turn in in the “Turn In Here” folder when done

35 Stages of Writing Chapter 1, pg 4

36 Prewriting Journaling Focused Free-Writing Brainstorming Clustering
Outlining Interviews Surveys

37 Focused Freewrite Journaling
Written record of observations Focused Freewrite Writing for a set (predetermined) amount of time. Do it continuously w/out stopping. (example pg 8)

38 Brainstorm Free-associate to create an unorganized list.
Example, pg 9-10

39 Cluster Emphasizing connections among items Example: pg 10

40 Outline Organized and Hierarchical list (ex. pg 11)

41 Vocabulary – Commonly Confused Word Presentations
Handouts: Bring these handouts to EVERY class meeting

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