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Results 3rd Quarter 2009 Harrie Noy, Chief Executive Officer

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1 Results 3rd Quarter 2009 Harrie Noy, Chief Executive Officer
September 17, 2018 Results 3rd Quarter 2009 Harrie Noy, Chief Executive Officer November 11, 2009

2 Q3: Results better than expected
Net income from operations in Q3 12% higher Gross revenue up 10% aided by MP merger Continued growth infrastructure, environment stabilizes, buildings weak Margin remains above 10% due to cost savings Malcolm Pirnie contributes positively to revenues and profits Outlook FY2009 adjusted upward: from slight decline to slight increase in net income from operations Early anticipation on difficult market is yielding results

3 Income Q3 2009 € 18.2 million Gross revenue Net revenue EBITA
September 17, 2018 Income Q € 18.2 million Gross revenue Net revenue EBITA EBITA recurring1) Income2) Ditto per share2,3) 2009 470 318 29.8 32.0 18.2 0.28 2008 427 284 30.3 16.3 0.27 _  _ 10% 12% -2% 6% 4% Currency effect limited (0 – 1%) due to weaker US$ 1) Excluding impact share participation plan Lovinklaan Foundation 2) Net income from operations before amortization and non operational items 3) In 2009 based on 65.6 million shares outstanding (2008: 60.6 million)

4 Income YTD 2009 € 50.8 million Gross revenue Net revenue EBITA
September 17, 2018 Income YTD € 50.8 million Gross revenue Net revenue EBITA EBITA recurring1) Income2) Ditto per share2,3) 2009 1,302 895 86.1 88.3 50.8 0.82 2008 1,254 850 87.2 47.8 0.79 _  _ 4% 5% -1% 1% 6% Currency effect 3 – 4% due to stronger US$ 1) Excluding impact share participation plan Lovinklaan Foundation 2) Net income from operations before amortization and non operational items 3) In 2009 based on 62.1 million shares outstanding (2008: 60.5 million)

5 Important developments
Government investments keep infrastructure market robust Signals of stabilization in environment Two large GRiP® contracts wins Clearly reduced organic net revenue decline Buildings market remains challenging Continued revenue decline in England and at RTKL Strongest organic growth in Netherlands, Poland and France Organic U.S. revenues lower, but less than previous quarters Margin remains > 10%, despite restructuring charges of € 2.3 mio Good contribution from Malcolm Pirnie; many synergy initiatives

6 Organic growth weakened by the recession

7 Organic growth weakened by the recession

8 Q3 recurring EBITA increased
Recurring EBITA Q3 and margin Margin In € millions 12% Q3 recurring EBITA increased 10.7% 10.8% 10.1%* 9.6% 8.0% 6% 0% Increase 69% 43% 36% 17% 1% *) Recurring EBITA

9 Q3 recurring EBITA increased 6%
In € million Q3 recurring EBITA increased 6% 30,3 0% 16% -/-2% -/-8% 32,0 Good performance in Netherlands and U.S. continued Declining profitability in U.K. and RTKL due to recession Q3 restructuring charge € 2.3 million; 09Ytd: € 7.6 million

10 Margin remains high Q1 Q2 Q3 9M 2008 9.9% 10.2% 10.7% 10.3% 2009 9.6%
10.1%* 9.9%* 2009 ex cc’s 9.8% 10.4% 10.3%* 10.2%* Margin: EBITA as % of net revenue *) Recurring EBITA excludes impact share program of Lovinklaan

11 Some financial details
Contribution carbon credits: Q309: € 0.2 million; 9M09: € 0.3 million Q308: € 1.0 million; 9M08: € 2.9 million In Q1 09 book profit on unwinding derivatives of € 7.5 million Financing charges excluding derivatives: Q309: € 3.3 million; 9M09: € 7.0 million Q308: € 5.4 million; 9M08: €12.2 million Lower financing charges: lower interest rates, less working capital, exchange rate gains in 09 versus losses in 08 Tax pressure increased Minority interest lower due to less profit from Brazil (including carbon credits)

12 Net income from operations and EPS Q3ytd 2009
In € millions Net income from operations and EPS Q3ytd 2009 0.79 0.82 0.71 0.55 0.34 Earnings per share (in €)

13 Strong focus on cash Working capital reduced to 15.1% of gross revenues (2008: 16.3%) Cash flow from operating activities (Q3ytd): 2009: € 61.7 million 2008: - € 17.0 million Improvement: +€ 78.7 million Net debt to EBITDA: Year end 2008: 1,3 (bank covenants) End of Q3 09: 1,4 (at end of quarter)

14 Infrastructure continues growth (Q3ytd)
(..) organic growth

15 Development of cross country highways in Poland
Infrastructure 9M 2009: +17% organic: +9%; acquisitions: 10%; currency: -1% Organic increase net revenue 5% High subcontracting in Brazilian energy projects Acquisitions: water activities Malcolm Pirnie, to be included in separate business line in 2010 U.S. local government market under pressure In Europe strong growth in Netherlands, Poland, Belgium and France South America: slowing of private investments

16 Environment 9M 2009: 0% organic: -13%; acquisitions: +7%; currency: +6%
Acquisitions: LFR, SET, environmental activities Malcolm Pirnie Organic net revenue decline only 4%, due to less subcontracting In the quarter organic net revenue only 1% lower, pointing to stabilization in environmental activities Two large GRiP® wins totaling $170 million In Europe growth: mainly government work Brazil less work for industrial clients Chile sees growth in mining related work Measuring carbon footprint for the city of Gent in Belgium

17 Buildings 9M 2009: -10% organic -13%; acquisitions: 0%; currency: +3%
Designed and delivered the Shell new Technology Center in Amsterdam Buildings 9M 2009: -10% organic -13%; acquisitions: 0%; currency: +3% Net revenue declined organically 15% Growth facility management: more subcontracting In Q3 revenue decline sharpened due to growth in Q3-2008 Real estate market depressed globally ARCADIS most affected in U.K. and RTKL In Belgium pressure on industrial services Growth in U.S. project management for education and government buildings

18 Outlook

19 Outlook per segment Infrastructure – robust due to government programs
Long term investments in NL, Poland, France, Belgium, incl. design-build U.S. stimulus package expected to have impact as of 2010 Demand water services growing due to climate change Growth in South America weakening, but Olympics Brazil offers chances Environment – healthy foundation from regulation and sustainability Signs of stabilization in U.S. market GRiP® contracts indicate clients use downturn to refocus on core business Selected as prime contractor for U.S. Air Force $ 3 billion global program Advanced technologies, vendor reduction, outsourcing: more market share New themes generating work are energy efficiency and CO2 reduction Buildings – take opportunities through focus In U.K. and RTKL, markets remain challenging, no short term recovery RTKL partially compensates through commercial work Asia (China) and ME U.S. healthcare discussion delays hospitals Focus on non-commercial sectors that benefit from stimulus money Facility management remains growth market

20 Outlook 2009 ARCADIS Building Global Leadership
Backlog stable versus end 2008 Good order intake across the board; less cancellations Stimulus programs good for all three business lines Capacity adjustments cause revenue decline in coming quarters Priority is margin preservation through cost savings and client focus This year no contribution from sale energy projects (2008: € 2.2 million) Outlook adjusted upward to a slight increase (0 – 5%) of net income from operations (barring unforeseen circumstances) ARCADIS Building Global Leadership

21 Shell Technology Center designed by ARCADIS

22 Key characteristics Main global research centre for Shell
Measures 80,000 square meters in floor space Houses 1,200 researchers and associated staff Contains offices, laboratories, testing rooms and halls, storage, restaurants, meeting facilities, parking High quality, sustainable, flexible, safe and low in maintenance Open structure to make interaction and discussion easier ARCADIS provided design, engineering, project management










32 Imagine the result

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