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The Canterbury Tales A Brief Introduction.

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1 The Canterbury Tales A Brief Introduction

2 Who By Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) An English ambassador
Well-traveled Well-educated (Latin, French, English)

3 What? A frame story (set of stories within a larger story)
About a group of 22 pilgrims headed to Canterbury to celebrate the Martyrdom of Thomas a Beckett Staying overnight at an inn and they decide to have a storytelling contest The winner wins free room and board The first great piece of literature written in the English language (Latin versus vernacular)

4 Where? In Southwark, England, at the Tabard Inn.
Between London and Canterbury

5 When In April (the season for pilgrimages) 1300’s

6 Why? Thomas a Beckett (1120-1170) Archbishop of Canterbury
Conflicted with Henry II over the role of the Church in England Henry II ( ) often considered a tyrant, sought control over the Church Thomas a Beckett stands up against Henry and is martyred



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