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Worksheet: Pages Change of Empire

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1 Worksheet: Pages 32-35 Change of Empire
1. What is a constitution? A set of laws governing the political organization of a state - 2. What is the name of the first constitution in the new British colony? Royal Proclamation

2 3. Following the Royal Proclamation, what is the name of the colony limited to the Vallee St. Laurent? Province of Quebec 4.

3 5. Consult Document 18. What was the consequence of the measure described, combined with other measures taken by the British crown? Native revolt defeated Peace negotiations with the British starting in 1764

4 6. Compare document 43 with document 19
6. Compare document 43 with document 19. Indicate a difference and a similarity with regards to to the governor general’s role. Difference: Under British rule, the governor could appoint the judges Under French rule, the governor was responsible for external affairs Similarity: Commander of the army Holds all the power in the colony/represents the King

5 7. a) Based on document 1, describe the power assigned to the governor
The governor had the power to create a legislative assembly (General assemblies) b) Based on document 2, explain what the king asked of James Murray Establish Anglican/Protestant church in the colony Impose the Protestant religion on the French Built Protestant schools

6 7. c) Did Murray follow the king’s instructions? Explain your answer
He did not follow them completely. For example, he allowed Catholics to practice their religion in the colony, he elected sympathetic British colonists to his council…. 8. Define the concept of assimilation. Assimilation is the process of imposing one’s culture on a person or group of people

7 9. Consult Document 21. Classify the king’s instructions to Governor Murray according to the aspects of society to which they can be associated. - 1 mark Instructions of the King Society Power Territory Culture a) Adopt English as the only language of administration b) Divide the land into townships instead of seigneuries c) Apply British civil and criminal law d) Establish Anglican church e) Encourage constructions of Protestant schools f) Promote British immigration g) Impose the Test Act h) Create legislative assembly as soon as possible i) Prohibit the admission of new Catholic priests in the colony

8 10. What was James Murray seeking to achieve by applying a policy of compromise?
A sense of allegiance to the British crown among Canadiens 11. Identify one characteristic of the Catholic clergy that Governor Murray wanted to exploit. Its strong influence among the Canadiens

9 12. a) What was the consequence of this petition to the king?
Governor Murray was called back to London and replaced by a Governor Guy Carleton b) Did the governor’s policy that was in place as of demonstrate change or a continuity compared to his predecors’s policy? Explain your answer. It demonstrated continuity. Carleton pursued Murray’s policy of compromise as he felt that the province would maintain its French character because of the larger population of Canadiens.

10 13. What constraints did the British authorities impose on the Canadiens under the Royal Proclamation? Canadiens are judged according to British civil and British criminal laws Various assimilation tactics: English language Townships system Anglican church Construction of Protestant school Test Act Prohibiting access of new Catholic priests in the colony

11 14. What concessions did the first British governors grant to Canadiens?
Canadiens could continue practicing Catholic religion, speak French, use French civil laws, occupy certain administrative jobs without complying with the Test Act Postponed the creation of a legislative assembly Appointed Protestants to the Council who were sympathetic to the Canadiens

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