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. Paige Evans, Ed.D., University of Houston

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1 Increasing Preservice Teacher retention through a summer internship program
. Paige Evans, Ed.D., University of Houston Donna Stokes, Ph.D., University of Houston Mariam Manuel, University of Houston Leah McAlister-Shields, Ed.D., University of Houston Funded by NSF Grants ,

2 Presentation Overview
Summer Internship Programs History of Internship and Institute Internship Institute Overview Retention Statistics and Comments Next Steps Overview of presentation 9/17/2018

3 Noyce Grant for Physics and Chemistry
Summer Internship: $2,700 six week internships Freshman and Sophomores Camp Counselors and Teaching Assistants in STEM Camps Physics and Chemistry Research Brief introduction about the Noyce physics and chemistry grant. The summer internship is part of the larger picture of 12k scholarships and the physics by inquiry course. 9/17/2018

4 UH: Learning through Informal and Formal Experiences (UH-LIFE)
Summer Internship: 2017 – 2021 $1,800 four week internships Freshman and Sophomores Camp Counselors and Teaching Assistants in STEM Camps This is part of the UH-LIFE grant which encompasses the following: summer internships, Noyce scholarship program in which students receive 12k scholarships; a collaborative partnership with WCJC – a two year institution where students will transfer after 2 years to UH, and a biochemistry inquiry course that was first offered during the spring 2017 semester. 9/17/2018

5 History of Experience 2013 EMBHSSC Physics and Chemistry Research
STEM Camps 2017 AP Summer Institute 9/17/2018

6 History of Institute 2013-2014 Pre-camp Training: directors 2015
Pre-camp Training: directors and team leaders 2016 Noyce Internship Institute: directors and team leaders 2017 Noyce Internship Institute: directors, team leads, previous interns 9/17/2018

7 Snapshot of Internship Institute
2016 Internship Experience This was made by interns: disregard any errors  9/17/2018

8 A little about the camp….

9 EMBHSSC Funded by a grant through the Harris Foundation and ExxonMobil
Two week residential camp on UH campus Underserved middle school students Increase students’ STEM skills and introduce them to college life Project Based Learning College readiness component

10 Snapshot of week one. This is to show that we start with an icebreaker everyday and it also gives a better look at all of the topics. Link to curriculum: 9/17/2018

11 Snapshot of week two. This is to show that we start with an icebreaker everyday and it also gives a better look at all of the topics. 9/17/2018

12 Internship Institute Topics
Team Building Professionalism Classroom Management Bully Prevention Working with Middle School Students College Career Readiness Growth and Fixed Mindset Let’s do an example of a team building (ice breaker) exercise. These topics lend themselves to working with classrooms/students in general. We will emphasize the Growth and Fixed Mindset and the College and Career Readiness. Additionally, we will emphasize the team building aspect as this is what interns mention the most. 9/17/2018

13 Internship Institute Topics: STEM
Engineering Design Technology: Google SketchUp; Digital Stories What is Facilitation? Brain Building Lesson Planning Project Based Learning Robotics These topics are more STEM focused. 9/17/2018

14 Internship Institute: 2017
Cultural Competency Strand 9/17/2018

15 Retention Statistics Since 2013, 48 interns have participated
44 are still in the program 92% retention 9/17/2018

16 Qualitative Comments “The camp increased my confidence about becoming a teacher. I see myself helping students and enhance their learning abilities through the use of technology” “Participation in a camp prepared me for the difficulty a teacher can experience in managing student/child behavior.” 9/17/2018

17 Next Step: Mixed Methods Study
Impact of Internship Experience on Preservice Teacher Self Efficacy Instructional Strategies Student Engagement Classroom Management 9/17/2018

18 Noyce Professional Development/Mentoring Institute
Next Step: NPDI Noyce Professional Development/Mentoring Institute Interns Scholars Graduates 9/17/2018

19 Questions and Acknowledgments
UTeach national CONFERENCE 2017 We acknowledge two grants from the National Science Foundations, our universities that support us, and Uteach.

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