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Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile
(SR/PNP) Welcome to the “Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile (SR/PNP)” training.
Topics Glossary State Policy Student Registration Window
Definitions: Student Registration (SR) and Personal Needs Profile (PNP) Methods of Data Import SR/PNP File Layout SR/PNP Field Definitions SR/PNP Tips Import Your File to PearsonAccessnext Add Students through the User Interface Check for Understanding Support In this training, recommended for LEA Coordinators and Test Coordinators, we will provide an overview of the PARCC Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile (SR/PNP) File Layout. We will start with how each state uses the SR/PNP file, provide definitions of frequently used terms, and information regarding the student registration window. We will show an example of the file layout and an interactive directory for the SR/PNP Field Definitions, then explain the difference in methods of data import. We will conclude the training with a demonstration of adding the students through the User Interface.
Glossary TAMS Overview for IC Click to go back to: Topics PearsonAccessnext: the administrative website that is utilized for PARCC testing. SR/PNP Import: the process of uploading student registration data in PearsonAccessnext. SR/PNP File: the file containing your student registration data imported to PearsonAccessnext. SR/PNP File Layout: a CSV template that can be utilized for creating your Student Registration File. SR/PNP File Field Definitions: a guide that details the field names and expected values for the student registration file. The following terms will be used throughout this training. The administrative website that is utilized for PARCC testing is named PearsonAccessnext. The name for the process of uploading student registration data in PearsonAccessnext is called SR/PNP Import. The file that is imported into PearsonAccessnext is referred to as the SR/PNP File. In PearsonAccessnext, under Support you will find the SR/PNP File Layout, a template that can be utilized for creating your Student Registration File. You will also find the SR/PNP File Field Definitions, which details the field names and accepted values used by the SR/PNP File.
Student Registration Import – State Policy
Click to go back to: Topics State State Policy Bureau of Indian Education The Bureau of Indian Education will prepare and import the SR/PNP for schools and districts. Once imported, schools and district personnel can go in and make changes as needed in PearsonAccessnext. Maryland Districts/LEAs will prepare and import the SR/PNP File. Districts must coordinate with schools to complete this process and, in some cases, may have schools perform this import. New Jersey For spring testing, the state will complete the initial SR/PNP data import. Students enrolled in districts after the closing of the student registration import window must be registered by the district/school in PearsonAccessnext. For Fall Block testing, districts will be responsible for the initial SR/PNP data import and all subsequent updates. New Mexico The PED will import student biodata into PearsonAccessnext using the 80-day STARS snapshot. DTCs and state charter STCs may edit this data or add additional students up until the time of testing. Districts/LEAs may choose to update students by uploading a revision file instead of editing the prepopulated student information in PearsonAccessnext. This table outlines the state policies regarding the responsibilities associated with the SR/PNP import process for PARCC testing.
Student Registration Window
Click to go back to: Topics Data for all students taking the PARCC tests must be loaded into PearsonAccessnext for each administration. Please check Avocet for the Key Dates document For paper-based testing: If a school misses the deadline to import the SR/PNP File, the school is still required to submit a file. Initial order counts will be derived from the SR/PNP file. Any materials needed after your states SR/PNP import deadline will require an Additional Order. For computer-based testing: If the deadline is not met, the school will not receive the allotted amount of testing manuals for computer-based testing and will need to place an Additional Order for testing manuals. Data for all students taking the PARCC tests must be loaded into PearsonAccessnext for each administration. Please check Avocet for the Key Dates document. For paper-based testing, if a school misses the deadline, they are all still required to submit a file. Initial order counts will be derived from the SR/PNP file. Any materials needed after your states SR/PNP import deadline will require an Additional Order. For computer-based testing, if a school misses the deadline, they are still required to submit a file. The school will not receive the allotted amount of testing materials for computer-based testing and will need to submit an Additional Order for testing manuals.
Definitions: Student Registration (SR) and Personal Needs Profile (PNP)
Click to go back to: Topics The SR/PNP combines two student data files required to register students for the PARCC assessments and to customize the assessment to the student’s unique accessibility and accommodations requirements. The SR/PNP is used: Before testing During testing After testing The SR/PNP combines two student data files required to register students for the PARCC assessments and to customize the assessment to the student’s unique accessibility and accommodations requirements. The SR/PNP is used before testing activities to assign tests to students. During testing, it can be updated to reflect changes in student demographic or accommodations information. After testing, correct data in this file will assist in processing and reporting activities, too.
Definition: Student Registration
TAMS Overview for IC Click to go back to: Topics Definitions: SR/PNP The Student Registration file contains demographic information, such as student name, birth date, and grade, which is necessary for printing student ID labels (for paper-based testing only), individual score reports, and for aggregating school, district, and state data. Student Registration information is used to place students in sessions and order paper-based testing materials. Ensuring accuracy is important because student test attempts are tied to the information added or imported to the student record. Note: When registering a student, if information is not entered into required fields, a critical warning will be issued. This warning will not prevent the student from testing, but should be resolved before scoring and reporting tasks.* *This does not apply to all states; please check with your state for more information. The Student Registration file contains demographic information, such as student name, birth date, and grade, which is necessary for printing student ID labels, individual score reports, and for aggregating school, district, and state data. Student Registration information is used to place students in sessions and order paper-based testing materials. Ensuring accuracy is important because student test attempts are tied to the information added or imported to the student record. Note: When registering a student, if information is not entered into required fields, a critical warning will be issued. This warning will not prevent the student from testing, but should be resolved before scoring and reporting tasks.* *This does not apply to all states; please check with your state for more information.
Definition: Personal Needs Profile
TAMS Overview for IC Click to go back to: Topics Definitions: SR/PNP The Personal Needs Profile (PNP) is used to gather information regarding a student’s testing condition, materials, or accessibility features and accommodations needed to take a PARCC assessment. Any accessibility feature or accommodation which requires materials to be shipped will be identified and provided via the SR/PNP File import and enrollment process. Paper-Based Computer-Based Large Print Braille with Tactile Graphics Human Reader or Human Signer for English Language Arts/Literacy or Math Kits Paper Test for Online Students Spanish Paper Mathematics Assessments Tactile Graphics Supplement for Assistive Technology - Screen Reader The Personal Needs Profile (PNP) is used to gather information regarding a student’s testing condition, materials, or accessibility features and accommodations needed to take a PARCC assessment. Any accessibility feature or accommodation which requires materials to be shipped will be identified and provided via the Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile File import and enrollment process. Paper-Based Large Print Braille with Tactile Graphics Human Reader or Human Signer for English Language Arts/Literacy or Math Kits Paper Test for Online Students Spanish Paper Mathematics Assessments Computer-Based Tactile Graphics Supplement for Assistive Technology - Screen Reader If a student has a change in his or her accessibility features or accommodation requirements, updates to the SR/PNP recorded before the file import deadline will be included in the automatically-generated Initial Order. Changes made after the import deadline will require an Additional Order.
Methods of Data Input Click to go back to: Topics Data for all students taking the PARCC tests must be loaded into PearsonAccessnext for each administration in one of two ways: SR/PNP File Upload User Interface Both methods use PearsonAccessnext to update the same student data fields; they require understanding of the SR/PNP Field Definitions and File Layout. Note: The User Interface cannot be used to register students who are attending an out-of-district placement. For these students, an SR/PNP file upload will be required. For the purpose of this module, the field definitions are examined and the process of how to create a file are demonstrated. To view how to add students through the PearsonAccessnext User Interface, click here. Data for all students taking the PARCC tests must be loaded into PearsonAccessnext for each administration in one of two ways: SR/PNP File Upload or User Interface Both methods use PearsonAccessnext to update the same fields and require understanding of the SR/PNP Field Definitions and File Layout. Note: The User Interface cannot be used to register students who are attending an out-of-district placement. For these students, an SR/PNP file upload will be required. For the purpose of this module, the field definitions are examined and the process of how to create a file are demonstrated. To view how to add students through the PearsonAccessnext User Interface, click the link on the screen.
SR/PNP File Layout Click to go back to: Topics To begin creating your SR/PNP File, log in to your PearsonAccessnext account. Click on Support. Select Documentation. To begin creating your SR/PNP File, log in to your PearsonAccessnext account. Click on “Support” and locate the following documents: Student Registration File Layout Student Registration File Field Definitions Note: There are several State Use fields that will vary by state. Please ensure you contact your State on what needs to be included in those fields.
SR/PNP File Layout Click to go back to: Topics To prepare your SR/PNP File, use the Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile (SR/PNP) File Field Definitions as your guide. Through this document, you will walk through each field and its purpose. From left to right, you will see the following fields: Column Letter Field Name Required Y/N Field Length Field Definitions Field Notes and Validations Expected Values AF&A Manual Reference To prepare your SR/PNP File, use the Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile (SR/PNP) File Field Definitions as your guide. Through this document, you will walk through each field and its purpose. From left to right, you will see the following fields: Column Letter - This is the letter that appears in the column if you are working in a csv or excel format. Field Name - Provides the name of each element. Required Y/N - This field indicates whether each field is required. Field Length - This outlines the number of characters allowed in each field. Field Definitions - Definitions of the field variables. Field Notes and Validations - These are PARCC-specific definitions and notes. Expected Values - Describes which characters are allowed in the specific field. They may be alphanumeric, special characters, specific abbreviations, etc. AF&A Manual Reference: This field reference where to find information on Accessibility Features & Accommodation requirements.
SR/PNP Field Definitions
Click to go back to: Topics Directory Interaction Click on any basic field definitions on the left side of the screen to read details on the right. You can move between definitions and choose to read only the ones you want or need to read. Use the slider bar to navigate up and down in the text box. When you are finished with this group, click the “Next” arrow on the bottom right side of the screen to advance to the next group of field definitions. Click the Interaction button to edit this interaction
Directory Interaction
SR/PNP File Layout Click to go back to: Topics Directory Interaction This slide shows Student Registration Administration Demographics. Click the Interaction button to edit this interaction
Directory Interaction
This slide shows State Field information. You will leave these fields blank unless you receive other direction from your state. Click the Interaction button to edit this interaction
Directory Interaction
Click to go back to: Topics Directory Interaction This slide shows test registration test level information. Click the Interaction button to edit this interaction
Directory Interaction
Click to go back to: Topics Directory Interaction This slide shows Administration Considerations. Click the Interaction button to edit this interaction
Directory Interaction
Click to go back to: Topics Directory Interaction This slide shows Accessibility Features Identified in Advance. These accessibility features are available to all students, and not limited to students with disabilities or English learners. Click the Interaction button to edit this interaction
Directory Interaction
Click to go back to: Topics Directory Interaction This slide shows Presentation Accommodations for Students with Disabilities with an IEP or 504 Plan. Accommodations from a student’s Personal Needs Profile support presentation accommodations. Click the Interaction button to edit this interaction
Directory Interaction
Click to go back to: Topics Directory Interaction This slide shows Response Accommodations for students with disabilities with an IEP or 504 Plan. Accommodations from a student’s Personal Needs Profile support Response Accommodations. Click the Interaction button to edit this interaction
Directory Interaction
Click to go back to: Topics Directory Interaction This slide shows Accommodations for English Learners (EL). Click the Interaction button to edit this interaction
Directory Interaction
Click to go back to: Topics Directory Interaction This slide shows Other Accessibility Features and Accommodations. Click the Interaction button to edit this interaction
SR/PNP Tips Click to go back to: Topics The SR/PNP File Layout contains fields that may require specific formatting. If you use Microsoft Excel, it is recommended that you save a source file as an Excel spreadsheet prior to each upload attempt. If you encounter an error, make the updates in the source Excel spreadsheet and save, then save again as a .csv or .txt file. To format the birthdate column correctly in Excel: Right click on the column Select custom format Type in yyyy-mm-dd The SR/PNP File Layout contains specific fields that may require specific formatting. If you use Microsoft Excel, it is recommended that you save a source file as an Excel spreadsheet prior to each upload attempt. If you encounter an error, make the updates in the source file spreadsheet and save, then save again as a .csv or .txt file. To format the birthdate column correctly in Excel: Right click on the column Select custom format Type in yyyy – mm – dd
SR/PNP Tips Click to go back to: Topics Do not open csv files or you will lose the formatting. Open the file in Excel using the data tab. To import from text, mark all the fields in Excel as text. Fields "required for testing" will create a critical warning if not completed, but students will be able to test. The critical warning should be resolved before test processing.* Assigning an unavailable accommodation or accessibility feature may cause an error that needs to be corrected before you can save the record. You might not be able to add via the User Interface if the student is registered in another district. Refer to the documentation on Avocet on how to move students between districts. Required fields are marked with an asterisk. *This does not apply to all states; please check with your state for more information Do not open csv files or you will lose the formatting. Open the file in Excel using the data tab. To import from text, mark all the fields in Excel as text. Fields "required for testing" will create a critical warning if not completed, but students will be able to test. The critical warning should be resolved before test processing. Assigning an unavailable accommodation or accessibility feature may cause an error that needs to be corrected before you can save the record. You may not be able to add via the User Interface if the student is registered in another district. Refer to the documentation on Avocet on how to move students between districts. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.
SR/PNP Tips Click to go back to: Topics Commas are not allowed in fields where letters, numbers and special characters are used as expected values. State Fields have a layout determined by and specific to your state. You will need to contact your state for these field definitions. Remember, not all Accessibility Features and Accommodations are available for every test format (paper-based or online) or every test subject (ELA/L or Math). Assigning an unavailable feature or accommodation will create a warning on the student so that you know to correct the assignment. Commas are not allowed in fields where letters, numbers, and special characters are used as expected values. State Fields have a layout determined by and specific to your state. You will need to contact your state for these field definitions. Remember, not all Accessibility Features and Accommodations are available for every test format (paper-based or online) or every test subject (ELA/L or Math). Assigning an unavailable feature or accommodation will create a warning on the student so that you know to correct the assignment.
Import Your File to PearsonAccessnext
Click to go back to: Topics Use the File Import process to upload and register a large number of students. Go to Setup > Import/Export Data and select Import/Export Data from the Select Tasks drop-down. Select Start. In the Type drop-down menu, select Student Registration Import. In the File Layout Type drop-down menu, select the type of file to be imported (.csv or Fixed). Review Options for File Import: New for : User can decide if they would like to auto-create and assign tests to test sessions. DO NOT select the Don’t modify student tests. This option should only be selected when updating existing student demographic data without updating test registration data. Choose File to select the file to import. Once you see the correct .csv file listed, click Process to submit the selected file.
Checking the status of an imported file
Click to go back to: Topics The View File Details screen will appear after selecting Process. This screen will show the processing status. Select the icon to refresh the screen. After the file processes, the View File Details screen will show a Complete message, and the number of Successful Records processed will be indicated. The number of Error Records processed will also be indicated. The View File Details screen will appear after selecting Process. This screen will show the processing status. Select the refresh icon to refresh the screen. After the file processes, the View File Details screen will show a Complete message, and the number of Successful Records processed will be indicated. The number of Error Records processed will also be indicated.
Checking the status of an imported file
Click to go back to: Topics If there are errors, they will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. There is an option to download a file with just the records that contained an error in order to resolve these records and import them. There is also an option to view a list of error messages (without the records) If there are errors, they will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. There is an option to download a file with just the records that contained an error in order to resolve these records and import them. There is also an option to view a list of error messages (without the records) Helpful Hint: A file may contain records with or without errors. The records without errors will be imported into PearsonAccessnext. Records with errors will need to be corrected and re-imported into PearsonAccessnext . The initial import file may be reused by leaving the records without errors in the file, and correcting only the records with errors. When re-importing this file, PearsonAccessnext will treat the records without errors as updates, even if no values changed. This will not cause any issues. Helpful Hint: A file may contain records with or without errors. The records without errors will be imported into PearsonAccessnext. Records with errors will need to be corrected and re-imported into PearsonAccessnext . The initial import file may be reused by leaving the records without errors in the file, and correcting only the records with errors. When re-importing this file, PearsonAccessnext will treat the records without errors as updates, even if no values changed. This will not cause any issues.
Add Students through the User Interface
Click to go back to: Topics Note: Make sure to check that you are in the correct Test Administration. Let’s register a student using the User Interface. You would do this if you were adding or editing a small number of students. Reminder: Students with out-of-district placement must be registered through the SR/PNP File Import. Under Setup, select Students. Then, in the taskbar, select Create or Edit Students and press Start. Required fields are marked with red asterisks. They include Organization, State Student Identifier, Last or Surname, First Name, Birthdate, and Sex. For a tool tip or explanation of a field, hover over the “i” button. Pay close attention to the layout for the birthdate: use four digits for the year, dash, two digits for the month, dash, two digits for the day. You will be unable to enter anything into the PARCC Student Identifier as this is generated through PearsonAccessnext. When you have completed all fields, press Create. You can continue to work with this student by selecting the student from the list on the left, or you can add another student by completing details on the right. Let’s select the student we created and confirm details. You’ll notice that the student now has a PARCC Student Identifier. Let’s register the student. Click Add Task and select Registration. Click Add. Confirm student information, then select the Register Students tab. Put a checkmark in the Registered box to unlock options. Grade Level when Assessed and Responsible School Code are both required fields. Select student demographic options. Use your tool tips if you have a question about the field. When you have finished entering information, press save. In this instance, because we did not complete every field, we have generated six Critical Warnings. Critical Warnings do not impede a student’s ability to test, but they must be resolved before processing. Let’s update the registration information and press Save. The student has been successfully registered. Accessibility Features and Accommodations are assigned at the test level. To make the correct test assignment, let’s select Manage Student Tests. Several fields, like Complete and Assigned are used during testing. Student, Test, and Organization are required fields. A student’s test UUID will not appear until registration is complete. The next required field is Test Format. Remember, some Accessibility Features and Accommodations pertain only to paper-based testing, and some only to computer-based testing. Enter the Accessibility Features and Accommodations the student has been assigned. Some of the fields on the Manage Student Test tabs are used during and after testing only. Note: Presentation Accommodations for online tests must be filled in before students are added into test sessions. When you have assigned all of the student’s Accessibility Features and Accommodations, press Create. The student is now registered for this test.
Check for Understanding
Click to go back to: Topics Quiz Click the Quiz button to edit this quiz
Support Contact PARCC Support for assistance with:
Click to go back to: Topics Contact PARCC Support for assistance with: Contact your State or LEA Test Coordinator for assistance with: Navigating PearsonAccessnext Navigating the Training Center Managing Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile (SR/PNP) Data Setting up test units Managing user IDs and passwords Accessing resources Setting up proctor caching Submitting additional orders Inquiring about shipments Testing schedule Testing accommodations Unusual circumstances on test days Violations of test security School emergencies that affect testing Questions about general testing policies Questions about state communications Many resources are available online. During the PARCC test administration, PARCC Support can be reached toll free at Pearson Online Support and Resources are at: Your State or LEA Test Coordinator may also assist you. Please contact them if you need guidance on these topics. Pearson Online Support and Resources: Call Toll Free:
Thank you Thank you Click to go back to: Topics
This concludes the Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile (SR/PNP) training module. Thank you!
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