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N- number the paragraphs ….3….4…. W– walk through the questions

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Presentation on theme: "N- number the paragraphs ….3….4…. W– walk through the questions"— Presentation transcript:

1 N- number the paragraphs 1....2….3….4…. W– walk through the questions
UNWRAP the text like a detective looking for clues! U- underline the title N- number the paragraphs ….3….4…. W– walk through the questions R- read then reread the passage and questions A- answer the questions P- prove your answers by boxing them in the text. UNWRAP the Text like a Detective looking for clues! U- underline the title N- number the paragraphs ….3….4…. W– walk through the questions R- read then reread the passage and questions A- answer the questions P- prove your answers by boxing them in the text. UNWRAP the Text like a Detective looking for clues! U- underline the title N- number the paragraphs ….3….4…. W– walk through the questions R- read then reread the passage and questions A- answer the questions P- prove your answers by boxing them in the text.

2 OMG – shocking part OMG – shocking part OMG – shocking part
How to use sticky notes like a detective! ____ - topic sentence / main idea - important details ? - I’m confused C - connection LOL - funny part W - wondering OMG – shocking part E - evidence - favorite part - box answers How to use sticky notes like a detective! ____ - topic sentence / main idea - important details ? - I’m confused C - connection LOL - funny part W - wondering OMG – shocking part E - evidence - favorite part - box answers How to use sticky notes like a detective! ____ - topic sentence / main idea - important details ? - I’m confused C - connection LOL - funny part W - wondering OMG – shocking part E - evidence - favorite part - box answers

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