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Trade Profile | Store Count, Geographic Spread & Growth | FY2016

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1 Trade Profile | Store Count, Geographic Spread & Growth | FY2016
Report updated: September 2016 Next update: March 2017 Trade Profile | Store Count, Geographic Spread & Growth | FY2016

2 Store Count, Geographical Spread & Growth
Trading Brand / Retail services Position Target Shopper Ranging Modern but no-frill shopping Every day low pricing with lowest price on basic foods LSM 4 – 7 Lower to Middle income consumers Food and limited non-food. Range based on shopper profile Convenience liquor retailer attached to Shoprite stores, but with their own entrances LSM4-7 Full assortment of wine, beer & spirits. Easily accessible and affordable healthcare. Situated in some Shoprite stores. Wide range of pharmaceutical and front of shop health & beauty items Supplier of pharmaceuticals to MediRite, other pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, doctors and vets. Pharmacies Hospitals Clinics DR’s Vets Pharmaceutical products & surgical equipment. A comprehensive range of financial services and products offered at MoneyMarkets in store. South Africa’s leading ticketing company with offerings covering the whole spectrum of leisure activities, LSM 1-7 LSM4-10 Utility payments, bus and airline tickets, basic insurance policies, tickets for major sporting and cultural events, travel packages and money transfers.

3 Store Count, Geographical Spread & Growth Store Numbers
Shoprite had a net opening of 36 new supermarket stores Shoprite remains the largest Shoprite supermarket brand with 49% share Shoprite has 439 stores in South Africa and 138 stores in Non-SA 25 Shoprite LiquorShop stores were opened in FY2016, doubling the store footprint in five years 4 new Shoprite MediRite, +41.7% growth in number of stores over five years Store Numbers by Trading Brand FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 Shoprite 424 453 503 541 577 Shoprite LiquorShop 96 112 135 172 197 Shoprite MediRite 48 54 58 64 68 Net New Stores by Trading Brand FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 Five-year % change Shoprite 15 29 50 38 36 36.4% Shoprite LiquorShop 25 16 23 37 105.2% Shoprite MediRite 7 6 4 41.7% SOURCE: Shoprite Holdings

4 Store Count, Geographical Spread & Growth
Non-South African Shoprite Store Numbers Shoprite now has a total of 138 supermarket stores, 10 Liquorshops and 15 Medirite stores in Non-SA In FY2017, Non-SA will remain a key focus for Shoprite DC capability will also have strategic importance for the increased African store numbers, with 2 DCs planned in Angola of 35,000m2 Zambia and Namibia have the highest representation of Shoprite Supermarkets with 28 and 21 store respectively Nigeria saw the opening of 6 new stores in spite of the extremely demanding import restrictions in the country, compounded by the collapsing oil industry and lack of foreign exchange Zambia saw 4 net new stores and Angola saw 3 in FY2016 Shoprite DRC Shoprite Madagascar Shoprite Zambia

5 Store Count, Geographical Spread & Growth
Non-South African Shoprite Store Numbers cont. Shoprite Supermarket Non-SA Store Numbers FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 Non-SA Shoprite Supermarkets 85 92 103 122 138 Angola 5 7 15 18 Botswana 6 DRC 1 Ghana 2 3 Lesotho 4 Madagascar 8 9 Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Namibia 14 20 21 Nigeria 10 12 Swaziland Tanzania - Uganda Zambia 19 24 28 Zimbabwe SOURCE: Shoprite Holdings

6 Store Count, Geographical Spread & Growth
Planned Store Numbers 54 new Shoprite Supermarkets are planned in FY2017 Store growth in Africa will be focused on resource-rich countries that are experiencing a commodity boom Confirmed new stores to June 2017 Shoprite 54 SOURCE: Shoprite Holdings Shoprite Bridge City

7 Store Count, Geographical Spread & Growth
NOTE: Refer to Shoprite Group Store Count report for further detail

8 Maryla Masojada. |. Head Analyst Tarryn Butler. |
Maryla Masojada | Head Analyst Tarryn Butler | Senior Retail Analyst Carey Leighton | Associate Analyst

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