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Device for Acute Rehabilitation of the Paretic Hand After Stroke

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1 Device for Acute Rehabilitation of the Paretic Hand After Stroke
Team: Carly Brown, Nathan Kleinhans, Lee Linstroth,Sasha Cai Lesher-Perez BME 400 19 Oct 2007 LEe

2 Medical College of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Client: Dr. Michelle Johnson Medical College of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Advisor: Prof. Mitch Tyler Dept of Biomedical Engineering UW-Madison Lee

3 Background Stroke 700,000 affected per year
Typically occurs in people above the age of 65 Can result in Hemiplegia, loss of memory, loss of verbal skills, death Lee: Stroke impedes the flow of blood to the brain resulting in a loss of functioning. If a patient survives a stroke, depending on where the blockage occurs… hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body), loss of memory, loss of verbal skills can occur as a result Stroke is the leading cause of disability in adults in the US. However, the disability can be temporary if rehabilitation occurs after stroke.

4 Rehabilitation Current methods for patients after stroke include:
Constraint-induced movement therapy Electrical stimulation Physical/occupational therapy Robot-aided therapy Constraint-induced movement therapy = constraining non-affected arm… forced to use impaired arm Electrical stimulation = uses electrodes placed over nerves/muscles to innervate them to assist in movement of impaired limb Physical/Occupational therapy = one on one work with therapist… work on compensation exercises for loss of functioning… work on independence Robot-aided = uses mechanical means to assist in loss of movement… incorporates feedback for patient… tracks progress… changes with patient… different settings depending on level of recovery Our client wanted us to develop a robot-aided device for sup/pro of wrist and grasping of hand…

5 Design a portable rehabilitation
Problem Statement Design a portable rehabilitation device, which is automated, universal, comfortable and will assist rehabilitation of supination/pronation as well as finger flexion/extension during the acute phase post-stroke.

6 Our Rehabilitation Robot-aided therapy
Supination/pronation done by the wrist rotator Flexion/extension of fingers done by hand grasping device Systems controlled by microprocessor Systems used together or separate??? Universal for users Nathan

7 Work Accomplished Thus Far
Wrist rotator completed and approved by client New design for hand grasping device Currently remodeling wrist rotator to fit with hand grasping device Programming of microprocessor IRB submitted to client Nathan:

8 Work in Near Future Finalizing full device – incorporating both hand grasping and wrist rotator devices in one system Incorporating microprocessor into system System testing and validation of technical specifications Begin pilot study, once IRB is approved Nathan

9 Testing Objectives Ensure system accuracy and technical specifications
Determine usability with clinicians Observe baseline use and practicality with patients Test for increase of active/passive movements compared to control group Sasha Cai

10 System Testing Determine and set maximal rotation speeds and forces applied within patient use Adjust system programming to varied levels of patient recovery and development Test system on ourselves to assure human-system interface Sasha Cai

11 Clinician Testing Usability test
Ease of setting up patient into device Subjective assessment of system by clinicians ???

12 Patient Testing Began Pilot Study
2-3 patients 10 sessions in addition to regular pt Evaluate grip force and range of motion (active and passive) before and after pilot study Determine whether device provided beneficial results Subjective feedback from patients Tweek system for future comparative study Carly

13 Comparative Study Testing
6-10 patients 8 weeks – 35 sessions Two groups – experimental and control Evaluation pre-, mid-, and post-study Grip force and range of motion (active/passive) Subjective feedback from patients Carly

14 Questions

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