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TEXTBOOK EXCHANGE! Stage Left: Buying Stage Right: Selling

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Presentation on theme: "TEXTBOOK EXCHANGE! Stage Left: Buying Stage Right: Selling"— Presentation transcript:

1 TEXTBOOK EXCHANGE! Stage Left: Buying Stage Right: Selling
Be sure to include: First Name.# Class you have/want the book for

2 January GB Meeting \ @BMES_OSU
Paid members please help yourself to some delicious Cane’s!! \ @BMES_OSU Hitchcock /18/ :00pm

3 If you still need your shirt

4 Becoming a Member Still interested in joining?
Contact an officer after the meeting or via

5 Kaplan & Princeton Review
1 Kaplan Course Scholarship per year MCAT, LSAT, GMAT, GRE, PCAT, DAT and OAT In Person, Live Online & Self-Paced (excludes Private Tutoring) 10% discount for all members, 25% discount to officers off Kaplan In Person, Live Online or Self-Paced, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, DAT, OAT, PCAT course All members access to Kaplan event series: digital study guide free practice test sample classes nationally hosted info sessions

6 Industry Visits: Spring 2018
Take a tour of nearby BME companies! Battelle Optimus Prosthetics Percuvision Chromacare Fill our When2Meet

7 BioOhio Career Fairs 1/24  Southwest Ohio Networking Social
4-6pm, 7668 Wooster Pike, Cincinnati 2/8  Southwest Ohio Career Fair 2-5pm, 6000 Mason-Montogmery Road, Mason 2/9  Central Ohio Career Fair 2-5pm, 380 Granville Street, Gahanna


9 Dr. Ortiz-Rosario’s Resume Workshop
1/25, 6pm Hi031 He’ll be going over his resume template, going over tips, and answering any questions you may have This is specific to BME students, and will teach you how to overcome a lot of the issues BMEs have

10 Medical Visits Surgery has begun shadowing
Single day shadowing experiences See the info packet for more info on how to apply (non-competitive) Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine Info Session Research and shadowing opportunities Formal application will be discussed at info session

11 Volunteering Physician’s Free Clinic Metro Early College High School
Volunteer-run clinic for those that can’t afford healthcare Looking for volunteers but particularly drivers! Qinwan Rabbani at Metro Early College High School STEM prep school walkable from Bevis Looking for tutors, scheduling is flexible!

12 BMES GroupMe! Mentorship/Social GroupMe
Hold weekly meetups, some with free stuff Check and Remind for link!

13 Mentorship Updates This week’s leaders: The Bioengineering Pros, The Enginerds, and the Sparkly Unicorns! January’s Challenge: Packet of Brain Teasers and Puzzles the completed packet to by February 1st Looking Ahead February’s Challenge: Making mentorship T-shirts Start thinking of cool designs for your shirts!- Design Event on February 13th Teams will be grouped into families-one design per family Voting for winning design: March 1st You will only get a shirt if you attend the voting event or tell an officer ahead of time if you cannot make it

14 Complementary Minors Hear from upperclassmen about possible minors for BME students. The event will be held on February 6th at 6pm in Enarson 222. We are still looking for upperclass students with minors who would like to share their experience If you are interested in helping out, An RSVP will sent out in the next weekly

15 Forefront of BME Fun, stand-alone event where we discuss cutting-edge advancements in BME today you may not be aware of Healthy dose of videos Coursework you can take in Engineering and otherwise to prepare yourself for a career in these areas Thursday, February 8th at 6pm in Hitchcock 031 Pairs well with Complimentary Minors event the same week

16 Skiing, Boarding, Tubing Social
Mad River Mountain: Fri., 2/2 6:00pm-late Come shred with BMES! We are organizing rides. Outline: Leave at 6pm from OSU  IHOP  Mad River College Night Specials $ hour tubing pass $20 - all night lift ticket $15 - ski/board rentals RSVP:

17 Donatos Social Fri 1/26. 6pm Live Music Free Pizza
Bartender for those with valid ID

18 Elections Will take place during the Feb. GB Meeting
Wed., 2/15 at 6:00pm  Hitchcock 035 Self-nominations: due by Fri., 2/12 your name and desired position to Up to 3 positions Once you are selected, ineligible for others

19 BMES Officer Recruitment Meeting
Sunday, January 21, 5:00pm-6:00pm Enarson 222 This is a great opportunity to learn about being an officer in BMES. We’ll discuss the responsibilities of each position, as well as the benefits.

20 Election Process Candidates must give a speech between 1-2 minutes
Describe why you are qualified and how you will serve BMES Competing candidates must leave room when speech is being given Election for position takes place immediately after all candidates have given speeches Voting is “heads down, hands up”

21 Every Officer Should… Represent themselves well as a student and BMES officer Hold themselves to a high standard academically and ethically Work with other officers over the summer to lay the framework for the year Keep in mind that the goal of ALL positions is service to the collective interests of BME here at Ohio State – a title means nothing without service Be willing to commit the time necessary to meet – and exceed – the basic responsibilities of their position Work with other officers productively and cooperatively

22 Positions Executive Positions President(s) 2 Vice Presidents Internal
External Treasurer Secretary Officer Positions 2 Events Chairs Social Events Professional Events Projects Manager Marketing 2 E-Council Representatives

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