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Topics in Higgs Portal Dark Matter

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1 Topics in Higgs Portal Dark Matter
Seungwon Baek (KIAS) Yonsei, March 21, 2013 based on , in collaboration with P. Ko, W.I. Park, E. Senaha

2 Outline Evidences for dark matter Relic density Direct detection
Indirect detection Higgs portal singlet fermionic/vector DM Collider phenomenology (Higgs search) EW precision tests Vacuum stability Perturbativity Conclusions

3 Dark Matter Ordinary matter contribute only 4% of the total energy of the universe The bulk of the universe is made up of dark matter and dark energy

4 Evidences for Dark Matter
Rotation curve The observed stars and galaxies move faster than luminous objects can support. F. Zwicky (1933)

5 Evidences for Dark Matter
The Bullet Cluster Two clusters of galaxies moving away from each other after collision. Clowe, et. al. (2006) Red region (visible)ordinary matter (hot gas) Blue region (invisible)more gravity (dark matter) However, Lee & Komatsu (2010) claims it is incompatible with ΛCDM model

6 Evidences for Dark Matter
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) CMBR is almost perfect black body radiation with T=2.728K Isotropic with anisotropy at the level of 10^(-5) CMB power spectrum shows

7 Dark Matter All the evidences for DM are via gravitational interaction
We do not know the nature of DM If DM is WIMP, it allows the particle physics explanation, direct/indirect detection, and its creation at LHC

8 WIMP miracle

9 Relic density Boltzmann eq. Introduce Y Conservation of entropy
Bertone, et. al Boltzmann eq. Introduce Y Conservation of entropy The Boltzmann eq. becomes

10 Now introduce a variable x:
For heavy WIMP, we can expand Then in terms of

11 Now we can solve the Boltzmann eq.
The current relic density The freeze-out temperature

12 WIMP DM Searches

13 Direct Detection The event # of WIMP-nucleon scattering per unit time, per unit detector mass Jungman, (1996) scattering angle in the CM frame

14 The FF is a Fourier tranf. of the nucleus distribution function:
micrOmegas (2009) Fermi distribution function

15 Effective operators for direct detection
v=10^(-3), q(max)=100MeV Cross section is calculated q=0 limit For SI (spin-independent) cross section (Majorana DM)

16 Effective operators for direct detection
For Dirac DM Scalar DM Vector DM +: WIMP, -: anti-WIMP

17 WIMP-quark scattering

18 Indirect Detection Proportional to DM annihilation rate
Galactic center, Center of Sun(Earth) may be good place to look for DM annihilation signals. Observed flux spectrum of photon (neutrino)

19 Evidences for Dark Matter
Cosmic Ray Searches PAMELA satellite observed striking increase in the positron spectrum



22 Indirect Detection , , If confirmed, it may be a clear signal for 130 GeV DM.

23 Hidden Sector DM and Higgs Portal
One possible WIMP DM scenario is the framework of “Hidden Sector” DM DM may be singlet under the SM gauge grouphidden Hidden sector is generic in SUSY or superstring models

24 Hidden Sector DM and Higgs Portal
The renormalizable Higgs can mediate the interaction between the SM and hidden sector SM HS(DM)

25 DM physics GIM-type cancellation occurs in the DM annihilation and scattering cross section 0 for degenerate Higgs

26 Direct detection XENON100(2012)

27 Direct detection Exclusion plot by XENON100 gX: DM-X coupling
Cancellation is quite effective

28 DM relic density Thermal relic density Singlet Fermionic DM Vector DM

29 DM relic density SFDM VDM P-wave annihilation S-wave annihilation

30 Comparison with the EFT approach
For heavy m2, H2 can be integrated out. And EFT is a good approximation. S. Kanemura 2010, A. Djouadi, 2011, O. Lebedev, H. M. Lee, Y. Mambrini, 2011, L. Lopez-Hororez, Schwetz, Zupan 2012

31 Comparison with the EFT approach
SFDM scenario is ruled out in the EFT We may lose information in DM pheno. A. Djouadi, 2011

32 Comparison with the EFT approach

33 Comparison with the EFT approach

34 Higgs Phenomenology Higgs sector is extendedHiggs phenomenology is different from the SM one SM HS(DM)

35 Higgs Phenomenology Invisible decay of Higgs at tree is allowed
Reduction of Higgs signal strength Hi X

36 Higgs Phenomenology Signal strength (reduction factor)
ri<1. If some ri>1, our scenario is excluded Atlas 2013

37 EW precision tests New contribution to the EW precision obs. Barger, 2008

38 EW precision tests The S,T,U parameters give strong constraints on the mixing angle α

39 EW precision tests

40 Higgs phenomenology It will be difficult to produce the 2nd Higgs at the LHC.

41 Higgs phenomenology

42 Direct detection

43 Direct detection

44 Vacuum stability (EW) Requiring the global min. of the Higgs potential is at the EW vacuua constrains the parameters of the Higgs portal violates this condition


46 Triviality and vacuum stability bound on mH
125GeV The Higgs potential may become unstable before Mpl.

47 Higgs portal model can provide negative contribution to the SM-like Higgs.
Lebedev 2012, J. Elias-Miro, 2012

48 Conclusions DM with Higgs portal
provides cancellation to reduce the direct search bound improves the stability of Higgs potential changes the Higgs search at colliders is constrained by EWPT and the discovery of SM-Higgs boson It will be difficult to produce the 2nd Higgs.

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