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By Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt Ltd

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Presentation on theme: "By Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt Ltd"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt Ltd
Train the Trainer By Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt Ltd Guidance to Trainers: Train the trainers training programs shall be planned only for 6 to 8 participants for 2 or more days depending upon the subject for which it is planned. These slides contain trainer specific guidance. Subject specific part shall be covered extra depending upon requirement or may be left to participants for preparation. Each participant requires individual attention. Before begining, verify that you have all necessary items: Your PowerPoint Laptop or desktop computer or any other intrument to run PowerPoint Projector Projector screen or white wall White Board White Board marker pens (make sure they are not permanent marker pens) in alteast three colors: black, green, red. Optional: A2 or A1 paper sheet holder Fine Marker pens for paper sheet in alteast three colors: black, green, red. Today, we will develop ourselves as a good trainer. A trainer is supposed to develop required competence in the participants through transfer the knowledge, exercises, group discussions and other means. It is about going down to the level of participant and gradually coming up with him/her to a higher level we want him/her at, to meet organizational objectives. Let us begin with Introduction of participants

2 Introduce Yourself with some little known facts about you
Introduction Ice Breakers can be an effective way of starting a training session or team- building event. As interactive and often fun sessions run before the main proceedings, they help people get to know each other and buy into the purpose of the event. We will see details on ice breakers later. Introduce Yourself with some little known facts about you

3 Today’s Agenda 1. Why We Need Training 2. Why Train the Trainers
3. Teaching or Training 4. Trainer Potential 5. Training Ability and Skills 6. Training Process 7. Practice Sessions 8. Discussion on Practice Sessions 9. Examination Today's agenda... Why we need training Why train the trainers Qualities of Trainer Teaching or Training Training Process Practice Sessions everyone one make a presentation on the given topic one hour time will be given for preparation..... Discussion on Practice Sessions.... we will discuss positive and negative qualities one each trainer... Objective will be to overcome negative aspects and adopt positive qualities of others. Exam Session.. Exam on today’s subject with practical presentations, each one of you have to make a presentation.... same as practice session but this will decide if you could be trainer.

4 1. Why We Need Training 1.1 To bring change in Skills
change in procedures change in process change in organizational structure Why we need training To bring change in Skills Skill change may be required due to ... Change in procedures.... for example the purchase procedure is changed. Products are now divided into groups/classes and everyone needs to be made aware of new procedure for various products. Change in process ... for example production control parameter is changed. Production people, who are directly or indirectly affected, need to be made aware of. Change in organizational structure ... changes in responsibility and authority.... This creates demand for training... (ask participant to add ... involve them).

5 1. Why We Need Training 1.2 To update knowledge
... technology ... process ... organization 1.3 To strengthen decision making 1.4 To bring change in Attitude Behavior Ethics / values Why we need training To update or strengthen knowledge Knowledge relating to technology ... process ... organization To strengthen decision making ability To bring change in attitude .... Change in behavior.... inculcating ethics and values ....

6 1. Why We Need Training 1.5 To meet organizational Goals
Overall purpose Long term vision Company ethics / values Objectives and targets Organizational changes We also need training to meet organizational goals and objectives These goals and objectives may come from overall purpose of the organization, its long term vision or for that matter change in long term vision Making new employees aware of company's ethics and values Each organization has its own character ... employees perform best when organization’s character and their character match, when organization’s vision match with employee’s vision. Training is also required for objectives and targets or when there is change in organizational structure

7 We recruited a trainee engineer to attend all training programs
How do you manage training programs of your principal and vendors? Display question and take answer from all participants before displaying answer …. Note: In corporate environment with multiple location operation, training officer find themselves under huge pressure to depute engineers for attending trainings planned by vendors, customers or in-house corporate training centre. Discuss …

8 Question and Answer Session
Ask Participants to ask questions Give them some time If possible ask few participants if they have any doubt Reply politely After responding all queries and move to next slide To ask question, please raise your hand

9 2. Why Train the Trainers 2.1 Create internal resources to meet need
Outsourcing training process could be costly, well! It is costly So organizations should create internal resources of trainers. One person cannot train all, even if given unlimited time, as change has to come simultaneously at various levels and across the organization. A team can bring the change in a planned manner, in planned time frame. One can create five trainers, who can train 25 each and within very short time a team of 125 people is ready (or should I say 131; )

10 2. Why Train the Trainers Myth Buster Myth Fact
Any person with subject knowledge can do training During training you just need to speak A person may have good subject knowledge but he/she may not be able to take training Training is a planned activity designed for a specific objective Some people believe that a subject expert can take training but that's not true. Training is a special type of skill which requires trainer to overcome public speaking phobia, make his presentation or speech in such a way that even a lowest skilled person among the participants can understand him/her well. Training is a planned activity, which starts from accessing the skill level of participants and adopt accordingly. It should change as the discussion in the room is going on.... We will see this part later in "Training Process"

11 3. Teaching or Training Difference Teaching Training Giving Knowledge
Theoretical Passive Participation Watch Me Try it Yourself Sharing Knowledge Real-life or Practical Active Participation Lets do it together Try and improve it further Teaching is like instructing ... do this ... do that ... while training is participative learning. Teaching is more theoretical while training is more practical. The difference given here are very broad, today participative learning approach is adopted even in primary schools. And here we are talking about professional trainings, dealing with adults. At every age, childhood or adulthood, humans does not like being taught, so be careful, do not sound like a teacher.

12 Question and Answer Session
Ask Participants to ask questions Give them some time If possible ask few participants if they have any doubt Reply politely After responding all queries and move to next slide To ask question, please raise your hand

13 Please visit for complete download

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