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Mythological Allusions

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1 Mythological Allusions
Myths and Legends

2 They’re everywhere! Allusions to mythology are in our everyday language. Increase vocabulary by studying myths. Understand where words and phrases come from.

3 Phrases Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts
Caught Between Scylla & Charybdis Dog as Man's Best Friend Food of the Gods Herculean Effort Hot as Hades Hounds of Hell Midas Touch Pandora's Box Trojan Horse To Harp on Someone Song of the Siren Phrases

4 Look at the following words:
Insomnia/Somnambulism Cyclical/ Bicycle/ Optical Mentor Tantalize Titanic Volcano Muse Chaos Olympian Lethargy Hydra-Headed These are all allusions to mythology!

5 Insomnia: the inability to sleep and Somnambulatory: the act of sleepwalking– from Somnus, the Greek god of sleep Cyclical/ Bicycle/ Optical: from cyclopes in Greek Mythology Mentor: a wise and loyal adviser; in The Iliad and The Odyssey—a wise old man who gives advice to Greeks Tantalize: to tease or entice; from King Tantalus who had excessive pride and was condemned to live just out of reach of delicious fruits and plentiful river. Titanic: colossal, monumental; from the Titans, the offspring of Cronus and Rhea

6 Volcano: an opening/ rupture in the earth’s surface; from Vulcan, the Roman god of fire
Muse: inspiration; from the nine muses who were goddess of art, literature and science. Chaos: disorder; from the nothingness at the beginning of Greek mythology Olympian: superior; named after the 12 gods who resided on Mount Olympus Lethargy: abnormal drowsiness; after Lethe, a river in the Underworld that caused drinkers to forget their past Hydra-Headed: hard to bring under control; from the nine-headed serpent Hercules defeated.

7 There are even more… MORPHEUS (Greek God of Dreams)
HYPNOS (Greek God of Sleep) LUNA (Roman Goddess of Moon) SOL (Roman God of Sun) TERRA (Roman Mother Earth) POLYHYMNIA (Muse of Music) HYGEIA (Greek Goddess of Health) FORTUNA (Roman Goddess of Luck)

8 And more… Use the handout titled “Words from the Gods” to discover more allusions to mythology in our everyday language. You may need to use a dictionary.

9 Atlas Chronological (Cronus) Geography (Gaea) Martial (Mars) Atrophy (Atropos) Cereal (Ceres) Arachnid (Arachne) Phobia (Phobos) Panic (Pan) Pandemonium (Pan) Pantheist (Pan) Syringe (Syrinx) Plutonium (Pluto) Lethal (River Lethe) Cloth (Clotho) Erotic (Eros) Odyssey (Odysseus) Junoesque (Juno) Herculean (Hercules) Mercurial (Mercury) Jovian (Jove) Orpheum (Orpheus)

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